32 read position mouse cursor

by Re-searcher

38 removing orientation for element.

by De-Backer ( Pages 1 2 )

41 terminal names

by De-Backer

42 add documentation of functions patch files

by De-Backer ( Pages 1 2 3 )

44 Resizing of border line of software

by De-Backer ( Pages 1 2 3 )

46 github

by Aleksandr

47 What about QML?

by damianCaceres

48 Mod version name

by De-Backer

49 The development model

by De-Backer

52 deprecated fix patch files

by De-Backer ( Pages 1 2 )

54 Move pages simultaneously

by david.marimon

55 feature set xref slave position

by stromie ( Pages 1 2 )

56 Symbols visualization

by andrea70ds

58 erreur , error

by Re-searcher

59 Diff ?

by Re-searcher