2 Sticky: Linux compile with Qt online versions

by scorpio810

6 Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

by De-Backer ( Pages 1 2 3 4 )

8 EN : Video's programming

by Re-searcher

10 Rework of documentation to build Qelectrotech from source

by Integrated-Circuit ( Pages 1 2 )

13 Second User-Collection

by plc-user

14 Software translation

by paulomt9b

17 uuid of terminals

by Greg

18 Sporadic crash & notes

by tiz.meneghe

21 tuxfamily git and OpenSSH

by De-Backer

24 project name in Collectie

by De-Backer

26 Cmake

by De-Backer

27 [tests] test code C++

by De-Backer

28 proposal of operation

by De-Backer