Topic: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

I am using QElectroTech V 0.70-RC1 r5859 on my Mac (10.13.6) and I can't see left and right arrows to scroll page tabs.
At the top-right of the window there is the "add page" button only.
In Linux version, arrows are visible and working.


Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Hi Giovanni,

yes,it not appear on macOS, but you could use page up page down key, and enable touchpad gestures on config.

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Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Thank you scorpio810.
I am using an iMac, and there is not touchpad.
Using page up-down it works. It changes the page shown.
But since the tabs don't scroll and those on the rightmost side are hidden, I can't see the number of page the where I am working to.

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

I switched off my Apple wireless mouse and I attached a standard generic USB mouse.
When the pointer is on the page the scroll wheel acts as zoom.
When the pointer in on the tabs nothing happens (neither with Alt, control CMD keys).

Is there anyone else running QET on Mac?

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

In version "qelectrotech 0.80-DEV r6006" for Mac as in previuous release it is also not visible the "add page" button on the right side of the bar.
Resizing the side window, the button appears, but it is still impossible scroll page tabs.
It is pretty impossible to work with documents with 15 pages or more.


Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Seem's like this : … -for-mac/5

Maybe add for macOS  style ("macintosh, or  fusion") in code.
See : A truncated tab bar shown in the Fusion widget style.

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Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Yes, it is my case.
Yes, Safari hasn't left-right arrows, but if I put the mouse over and scroll left-right, tabs scroll left-right.

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

So, referring to that link "It's not a bug it's a platform guideline", in my opinion, that is a guideline badly applied by QT, so it is a bug, sSince the behaviour is different from Safari and it does not do the job.

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Firefox has arrows instead.
I attach screenshots of both browsers for reference.

(sorry but I had to split the message)

10 (edited by bgio 2019-08-27 19:45:06)

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile


Post's attachments

Safari tabs 2019-08-27 alle 19.16.49.jpg, 31.32 kb, 1245 x 87
Safari tabs 2019-08-27 alle 19.16.49.jpg 31.32 kb, 398 downloads since 2019-08-27 

11 (edited by bgio 2019-08-27 19:47:05)

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

(It's very hard to use this forum)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Firefox tabs 2019-08-27 alle 19.18.51.jpg 59.27 kb, 154 downloads since 2019-08-27 

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

If you have Qt 5 installed or know a liitle C++/Qt you can try to add Fusion style for macOS in qetapp.cpp

Like this :

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

    Autodetec Windows style

    @param Windows style


#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && defined(Q_OS_WINCE)

if defined(Q_OS_WIN)

            if ((QSysInfo::WindowsVersion >= QSysInfo::WV_VISTA

                && QSysInfo::WindowsVersion < QSysInfo::WV_NT_based))

                style = QLatin1String("WindowsVista");

            else if ((QSysInfo::WindowsVersion >= QSysInfo::WV_XP

                && QSysInfo::WindowsVersion < QSysInfo::WV_NT_based))

                style = QLatin1String("WindowsXP");


                style = QLatin1String("Windows"); // default styles for Windows


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Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

I could try it.
Have I to download QeT sources and modify/compile with QTcreator, right?

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Sorry, it can't compile:
:-1: error: Unknown module(s) in QT: KWidgetsAddons KCoreAddons

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

I use for  KWidgetsAddons KCoreAddons libs.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew tap kde-mac/kde
brew install kde-mac/kde/kf5-karchive
brew install kde-mac/kde/kf5-kwidgetsaddons
brew install kde-mac/kde/kf5-kcoreaddons

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Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

  Unfortunately, we have no one who is familiar with the macos environment as well as C ++ / Qt to help us improve the software on this platform.

We do what we can with our Linux virtual machines. and not time..nomicons/sad   

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Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

No way.
I can't compile it. Aways the same error in QTcreator: Unknown module(s) in QT: KWidgetsAddons KCoreAddons
I have installed library by brew as you suggested and also read lots of web pages, but I have obtained nothing more than that error.
And the libraries installed by brew .dylib are on my disc.
I think it is a path issue with libs and headers.
How do you compile QeT? Do you use QtCreator and qmake?

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

If I remember well, I use Qt 5 framework libs provided by Brew and now only Command_Line_Tools_macOS_10.13_for_Xcode_10.1.dmg I compile it with qmake -spec macx-clang and make -j16
See script on misc directory on GIT.

Look the full log issue here, that can help you :

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Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

QTcreator: Unknown module(s) in QT: KWidgetsAddons KCoreAddons :

You can try to copy your libs KF5 *.pri  on /usr/local/opt/qt5/mkspecs/modules/  like :

cp /usr/local/opt/kf5-kwidgetsaddons/mkspecs/modules/qt_KWidgetsAddons.pri  /usr/local/opt/qt5/mkspecs/modules/


"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Thank you
You were almost there.
Ok to copy, and I have done, but also rename copied files:
mv qt_KWidgetsAddons.pri qt_lib_KWidgetsAddons.pri
mv qt_KCoreAddons.pri qt_lib_KCoreAddons.pri

Now, running script, it is compiling, or at least it is doing something,

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Compile finished without error?
If ok, you have the bunde dmg located in packaging/mac-osx/ directory. on GIT is not up to date (it is still based on the old SVN trunk). I have not yet pushed the new adaptation for GIT.

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Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Compile works, but I had to make a mac-osx folder since the script doesn't create any.
There are some errors at the end, syntax errors in the script, but at the moment I don't care since the application is build and working. So the script is working.
But there are many problems on inserting the chnage of style in the code.
If I run QeT from console using:
 ./qelectrotech -style fusion
It run in fusion-style and the tab-bar has arrows and tabs scroll left and right using keyboard arrows too (not with mouse scroll)
But when I try to insert a change of style in the code I obtain only errors.
Firstly I write:
 style = QLatin1String("Fusion");
but "style" results undefined (maybe is it defined in some Windows related include?)
Then I write:
but it also give me errors

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

I have already tried that and now I retried.

sources/qetapp.cpp:1236:4: error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations
   style = QLatin1String("Fusion");
1 warning and 1 error generated.
make: *** [release/qetapp.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

A question: the Windows related lines that you have suggested (   #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && defined(Q_OS_WINCE   ... and below), are working?

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Fixed ! … ed69f515de

Try new dmg bundle qelectrotech-0.80-DEV_r6007.dmg
Strange that Qt did not apply himself the style defined on this platform by Qt upstream. 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Impossible to scroll page tabs (left-right) on Mac and how to compile

Thank you.
The program in the new bundle works well.

What have you done to fix it?