Du meintest folgende Symbole?
Auf den Seiten der Hersteller gibt es
Datenblätter mit den Schaltzeichen.


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ … 2polig.png


(12 replies, posted in Elements)


I publishied a GitHub Repository with QElectroTech Circuit Symbols.

Best Regards

RedBaron -> on QelectroTech Forum
TPD-Andy -> cad.de Forum Moderator

https://github.com/TPD-Andy/QElectroTec … ltzeichen-


I publishied a GitHub Repository with QElectroTech Circuit Symbols.

https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 132#p18132

Best Regards

RedBaron -> on QelectroTech Forum
TPD-Andy -> cad.de Forum Moderator

alberts wrote:

vielen Dank für die Anleitung.

Die Bilder sind aber leider nicht zu sehen? oder ist das nur bei mir?


Die Bilder wurden noch nicht eingefügt.


(3 replies, posted in Import)

@ Scorpio810
La conversion de PDF en DXF doit-elle être effectuée avec le programme de génération ?
Ou existe-t-il un autre moyen de le rendre disponible pour QElectroTech ?

@ Scorpio810
Should the conversion from PDF to DXF be done with the generating program?
Or is there another way to make it available for QElectroTech?

As a supplementary note: Your
procedure refers to Microsoft Windows.

In Linux, it must be installed in the home directory.

On all operating systems, the user account must have appropriate read and write permissions to the Terminal Generator directory and the
file must be executable.

@ q.e.d.
Why is the function provided for this purpose a workaround?


What kind of HMI do you need?
Maybe it's available as 3D Step or 2D DXF from the Manufacturers Download Area or Product Page.

If you need help to convert it to the desired file format don't hesitate to ask for help, I'll try to help and what's possible.

Best Regards


Interresanter und informativer Beitrag.
Hast du während des speichern etwas "anders"
gemacht, z.B. aus einem anderen Projekt kopiert? Zeigt QElectroTech 0.8 Stable
auch dieses Verhalten?

Kannst du mit Version 0.8 oder 0.7 die Dateien öffnen um die darstellung zu prüfen?

Besteht das Problem mit der Schriftgröße auch mit den mitgelieferten Plänen aus QElectroTech?

@OCLC: Thank you very much nomicons/+1

Ich habe versucht den Vorgang auf Windows 10 und Linux Mint 20.2 mit QET 0.8 nachzustellen.
In Windows ist die Schrift MS Shell DLG 2 9 Punkt voreingestellt
und in Linux Sans Serif 9 Punkt.

Mit vorhandenen und neuen Textfeldern bleibt die größe auf beiden Betriebssystemen gleich, auch das verändern
der Spracheinstellungen zu Englisch zeigt keine Veränderung.


Hast du die Version 0.9 dev getestet?

Same Problem as described in this Thread:
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 318#p15318
Since QElectroTech is a non-commercial project and is created and supported by volunteers
such problems can exist.
For this reason I have created my own user collection which I am still adding to.

You can use the contact provided by me with little effort.
with the required actuation type.

In the last post by Scorpio810
you can see on the screenshot different
actuations for switches.

The operation of the Element Editor can be found in the documentation linked by Joshua.

On YouTube there is this tutorial
for creating elements in the
Element Editor.

Maybe that Element should help:Normally open contact 2 pole.
It is attached as elmt-File.

@ Scorpio, @ Joshua:

La version 0.9 Dev résout le problème.

Version 0.9 Dev solves the problem.

Hast du die Werte in der Lancer Qet.bat geändert, wenn du die Windowsversion verwendest?


Besteht das Problem auch mit neu erstellten Elementen?


Thanks for the detailed explanation about the elements
and terminal blocks.

Is it also an error when QElectroTECH crashes after overwriting
several old elements if the active project is not saved immediately afterwards? I am using version 0.8 stable on Windows 10 x64 and Linux Mint 20.2 x64 on various machines with Intel and AMD CPUs.
I can provide exact details upon request.


Merci beaucoup pour l'explication détaillée des éléments.
et les borniers.

Est-ce également une erreur si QElectroTECH se plante après avoir écrasé plusieurs anciens éléments ?
les anciens éléments si le projet actif n'est pas sauvegardé immédiatement après ? J'utilise la version 0.8 stable sous Windows 10 x64 et Linux Mint 20.2 x64 sur différents ordinateurs avec des processeurs Intel et AMD.
Je peux fournir des détails exacts sur demande.

QElectroTech V 0.80c+87c957a06d79751d3
Compilation : GCC 9.3.0
Built with Qt 5.15.2 - Date : Feb 21 2021 : 10:29:35
Run with Qt 5.15.2 using 4 thread(s)
RAM Total : 7889 MB
RAM Available : 1882 MB
GPU : VideoProcessor Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
GPU RAM : RAM Total : AdapterRAM 1073741824 B
OS : winnt - x86_64 - Version : Windows 10 Version 2009 - Kernel : 10.0.19043
*** Qt screens ***
( 1 : 1920 x 1080 )
( 2 : 1920 x 1080 )

QElectroTech V 0.80c+87c957a06d79751d3
Compilation : GCC 9.3.0
Built with Qt 5.15.2 - Date : Feb 21 2021 : 10:30:58
Run with Qt 5.15.2 using 24 thread(s)
RAM Total : 65447 MB
RAM Available : 60533 MB
GPU : VideoProcessor AMD FirePro SDI (0x67C7)
GPU RAM : RAM Total : AdapterRAM 4293918720 B
OS : winnt - x86_64 - Version : Windows 10 Version 2009 - Kernel : 10.0.19043
*** Qt screens ***
( 1 : 3440 x 1440 )

QElectroTech V 0.80+664537c17
Compilation : GCC 8.3.0
Built with Qt 5.11.3 - Date : Feb 21 2021 : 10:38:55
Run with Qt 5.11.3 using 24 thread(s)
CPU : model name : AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor
RAM Total : 64291 MB
RAM Available : 61440 MB
GPU : Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Ellesmere [Radeon Pro WX 5100]
OS : linux - x86_64 - Version : Linux Mint 20.2 - Kernel : 5.11.0-34-generic
*** Qt screens ***
( 1 : 3440 x 1440 )

I would be interested in
what exactly happened there.
Is the terminal block stored in the user collection or in the project collection?

Many greetings

Je serais intéressé de savoir
ce qui s'est passé exactement là-bas.
Le bornier est-il stocké dans la collection de l'utilisateur ou dans la collection du projet ?

Beaucoup de salutations

Donc la question est de savoir si on peu interchanger les 2 borniers sans supprimer le cablage exixtant....

Pour autant que je sache, il n'est pas possible actuellement de remplacer des éléments sans reconnecter les fils.
Peut-être que le Scorpion peut dire quelque chose à ce sujet.

As far as I know, it is not currently possible to replace elements without reconnecting the wires.
Perhaps Scorpio can say something about this.

@ VAG:
Voulez-vous dire la partie bleue de l'élément avec le texte "Moteur" ou l'élément entier ?

Les entrées rouges de la collection peuvent être supprimées à l'aide de la fonction
Projet > Projet de nettoyage.

On English:
Do you mean the blue colored part of the element with the text "Moteur" or the whole element?

The red entries in the collection can be removed with the function
Project > Clean up project.

Open the new terminal block in the element editor and then select the desired collection with "save as", then select the old terminal block in the file dialog and save the new terminal block with the name of the old one.

Many greetings

Hast du in MS Windows versucht die Schriftgröße zu ändern damit die Darstellung passt?
Oder ist auf einem der Rechner eine HiDPI oder sonstige Skalierungsfunktion des jeweiligen Betriebssystem aktiviert?

Regarding to the use of sym-links in Windows:

On Linux systems such a scenario can be achieved by using symbolic links, but on Win? Some say there are symlinks on win but I haven't seen any! Additionally the creation of symbolic links is often forbidden by company IT...

https://blogs.windows.com/windowsdevelo … indows-10/

How to use Symlinks

Symlinks are created either using the mklink command or the CreateSymbolicLink API


    There is no change in how to call mklink.  For users who have Developer Mode enabled, the mklink command will now successfully create a symlink if the user is not running as an administrator.


    To enable the new behavior when using the CreateSymbolicLink API, there is an additional dwFlags option you will need to set:

Value     Meaning

0x2     Specify this flag to allow creation of symbolic links when the process is not elevated

Example Use

In the example below:

    A subfolder folder called “animals” containing three files (cat.txt, dog.txt, and fish.txt)
    (green) The mklink command is executed to create a symlink called “pet.txt” pointing at the “animalsdog.txt” file
    (blue) When the contents of the current folder are listed, the symlink can be seen (yellow)
    (purple) When contents of pet.txt are queried, the content of the referenced file (“dog.txt”) is displayed

Another user collection would definitely have its advantages.