For doing so, the element terminals will need some more functionality, as described in an earlier topic:
It would be good, while considering an update of these terminals, to think about the following:

Each terminal basically has to have the following fields:
1) Element code (inherited from the element). (e.g. 101K1 or 51F2 etc.)
2) Terminal code (exclusive for this junction-point of the element) (e.g. A1 or A2, or 14 etc.)
3) Location (inherited from the element) (e.g. +Field)
4) Installation (Future) (e.g. =IN1)

This will make it possible to easily find the exact connected element and junction-point for each connection. It might open the way to make custom symbols, by placing a shape (assigned as element-box). Herein terminals can be placed, witch automatically inherit the location, installation an element code from the element-box.

As shown in the attached screenshot, the element-box (1U3) has 4 separate terminals placed on (or possibly within) the rectangle. These will inherit the 1U3 code. They have a junction-connection with the numbers 1 to 4. Location and installation fields are empty in this example, so they will automatically be the same as the standard location and installation of the whole page.


(2 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Probably a good option for version 0.8?


(9 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Thank you for making this style available. I've used it and made some changes in it to make in even more fit for me personally. I have some question though. Is it possible to change the sheet background in this css way. There are two options available (background color white/gray). I would like to change the gray option to show a black background with white grid dots.
Or even more interesting, to change all symbols in the sheet to e.g. yellow, all connections to white, all terminals to green etc.

Super! Thank you.

To me it seems that it has to do with the alignment. When it is set LEFT there is no problem, but when set CENTERED of RIGHT it goes wrong. The Position-X of the copied field has changed.
Interesting to me is, when I change the Alignment of a certain text, nor the Position-values change, nor the text moves. I would expect that the Position-X and Position-Y make op the reference point, from witch the alignment takes place. Now it works in some other way, but the element loses this information when copied. Maybe it is best to make the Position-X and Y the reference point of the alignment. This would probably solve the problem.

Some of the element texts move when copied, as shown in the attached file.
First the upper line is made and the texts are set (show Label, Voltage / Protocol, Function)
Hereafter the complete row is copied. When linked, the texts have been replaced.
Each line is a copy of the line above.
It seams like a little bug.


(13 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

When scaling the page so, that the symbols look a bit smaller when printed out on a A4, the dashed lines look almost like solid lines. Is there a way to reset the scale of dashed lines?

See following topic:

Thank you for your reactions.

The option with the reference arrows is a nice temporary option, but I have one problem with it. I use references for a lot of connections with the following type (%F-%c), eg. 312-3. Since there are more references at one page the column number is needed.
For the Folio references though I would like to have only page numbers. I found a way to change them in the project settings, but then all the references change. Is there an option available to set the reference type to (%F) for these references only?

Instead of using the Folio Id I often use folio numbers with defined ranges.

001 - Title page
002...005 - Index pages
051...090 - Main Current
101...199 - Control current
301...399 - PLC
501...599 - Material lists
701...799 - Terminal lists
This leaves a lot of gaps between the page ranges. Afterwards it is more easy to put in some new parts.

The problem is, when printed out, it is hard to see if there misses any page. That is why I'd like to add in the title block a cell with "previous page" and "next page". Is there a possibility to do so, or will there be some option available in the future?


(13 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

When using 50px of 70px per column or row, the middle of the row is nicely centered on the grid. I didn't find an optimal number of columns to fit nicely on a A4 paper. It would be nice to have an option to be able to fix the middle of columns always on the grid. To make this possible the first and last column might be adjusted separately, with fixing the grid on the middle of the first column with the standard column width. Only the first and last column won't be on the grid.
I would like some other options here as well, like setting the starting column number (e.g. to 0) or to make the columns increasing over the pages (1-st page column 0-9, 2-nd page column 10-19 etc.)
For now I use the next settings to come close to A4:

Cols   21 x 50px
Rows  10 x 70px


(17 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Thank you for this good new option. Wonderful. When using it I found a little bug when changing text size. See attachment.

I was wondering if there is another option available for master slave element then contacts (NO, NC or CO). I am trying to make a Digital input card and Digital output card with the inputs/outputs in referred tot the card. Is there some way to remove the "Cross"-symbol or "Contacts" and just get the references. Is there an option to control them by using the dynamic text fields?


(11 replies, posted in Scripts)

I found a nice explanation video of making cable's. I tried to do the same, but didn't succeed. How can I do this?


(17 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

And in the element editor


(17 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

I really like this alignment option and the dynamical texts, but it would be nice to have some more option. To be able to set an alignment in the fields in symbols (in the element editor), to use this option for single texts and to have the ability to chose the reference point of the text field.
A nice option might also be an option for line space.

Not so often, but sometimes the system suddenly stops working and has to be closed. This means some work is last, depending on the last moment I saved the project. I think it would be a nice option, on opening the project, the content of the project to be copied to a recovery file. The changes in the project are saved in here on a regular basis (options: 1 min, 2 min, 5 min etc.). When the project is saved and closed normally, the recovery file will be deleted. When the system crashes, the recovery file may be used to recover the latest changes.

I hope someone someday will add this function. It will be useful for many scripts to determine the exact origin.
Another option might be to assign to the terminal if it has a preferred connection-type (dashed, dash-dot e.g. or with other width)
Standard it will be assigned like "as-folio"-preferences. Some symbols may use preferred connections. These will have preference above the standard type. When two terminals with preferred connections that defer are connected, a pop-up will let the user chose between both (or Upper preferred on Lower or the other way around)
This option might be useful for wire symbols.


(11 replies, posted in Scripts)

The next step will be to pre-arrange cable's. These can be chosen by using the "Article number" field. When running the script, the core-numbers-/colors will be entered in to each core.
There may be a check if all core's are used or if some core's are double used.


(11 replies, posted in Scripts)

And here is the script

run by:


(11 replies, posted in Scripts)

Here is the example file


(11 replies, posted in Scripts)

I made a script with help of the "qet_tb_1.0.2.alpha"-script to auto-number cables.

A cable is made up of a "terminal-label"-element which is placed in front of some core-elements. (The standard "Wire of cable" or "Wiring" elements can be used or any self made symbol starting with "wire_" or "cable_" in the .elmt filename.
The cable-name from the "cable label"-element is by the script automaticly copied into the next cores, as long as they are on the same level and until they are stoped by a new "cable label" element or by a cable_referenct element or a cable-termination symbol.
These last symbols are self-made. You can find them in the sample project I'll post.
Cores that are drawn separately can be coupled by using cable-reference symbols.

The project I'll post has all kind of different information in the cable-cores. After running the script, all the core's get the right cable information.


(17 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Picture 3


(17 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Picture 2


(17 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Thank you for your quick reply.

I do have another question about the dynamic texts. It is about the alignment. When I place a label left from the symbol, I would like to see the text aligned Right. I can chose it in my group, but it doesn't seem to work (see pictures)