1 (edited by b.w.v.leeuwen 2018-04-23 12:07:45)

Topic: Improvement of QET terminals in Element Editor

A feature that might improve the QET for making all kind of connection descriptions like Terminal diagrams, Wiring lists etc. will be the possibility to add text to the QET-terminals within symbols.

Here follows an example of what I mean (see picture):

For now all connections are addressed to -Q1. The separate terminals within -Q1 have an ID in the XML but it isn't possible to add information to them. The texts for the connections (1/L1, 3/L2, 5/L3, 2/T1, 4/T2 and 6/T3) is just plain text. It is not connected to the terminal and thus unusable for getting information about the exact wire connection.

It would be very nice in some future day to have the possibility to add label and description information to each terminal inside a symbol. This would make it possible to derive information about the exact connection and later define them in terminal diagrams, wiring schedules etc. like -Q1:1/L1

In the XML it might look like this (added RED parts of element-xml):

            <element y="180" orientation="0" prefix="Q" type="embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/200_fuses&amp;protective_gears/12_magneto_thermal_circuit_breakers/dis_mag_term_3f-1.elmt" freezeLabel="false" x="200" uuid="{3648bd06-62de-42ca-82ae-51fe2dcf01b3}">
                    <terminal y="-36" orientation="0" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="0" x="-20" name="_"/>
                    <terminal y="-36" orientation="0" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="1" x="0" name="_"/>
                    <terminal y="-36" orientation="0" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="2" x="20" name="_"/>
                    <terminal y="36" orientation="2" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="3" x="20" name="_"/>
                    <terminal y="36" orientation="2" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="4" x="0" name="_"/>
                    <terminal y="36" orientation="2" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="5" x="-20" name="_"/>
                    <terminalInformation id="0" name="label" show="1">1</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="0" name="description" show="0">L1</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="1" name="label" show="1">3</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="1" name="description" show="0">L2</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="2" name="label" show="1">5</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="2" name="description" show="0">L3</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="3" name="label" show="1">2</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="3" name="description" show="0">T1</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="4" name="label" show="1">4</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="4" name="description" show="0">T2</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="5" name="label" show="1">6</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="5" name="description" show="0">T3</elementInformation>

                    <elementInformation name="label" show="1">-Q1</elementInformation>
                    <dynamic_elmt_text y="-10.5" font_size="9" text_width="-1" frame="false" rotation="0" x="50" text_from="ElementInfo" uuid="{f3e8a6b2-2fb4-46f4-bee4-f0b5d741267e}">
            <dynamic_elmt_text y="0.5" font_size="7" text_width="-1" frame="false" rotation="0" x="10" text_from="TermianlInfo" uuid="{....}" id="0">
            <dynamic_elmt_text y="0.5" font_size="7" text_width="-1" frame="false" rotation="0" x="15" text_from="TermianlInfo" uuid="{....}" id="0">


Post's attachments

pic1.png, 50.3 kb, 1280 x 1024
pic1.png 50.3 kb, 423 downloads since 2018-04-23 

Re: Improvement of QET terminals in Element Editor

This was added in the past but not finished by cfdev, but now I don't know if Joshua removed this work, or not.

cfdev 2013-11-14 09:55:22 wrote:

Numéro ajouté à la class terminal... je vais ajouter surement le nom des que j'ai 2 min


"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Improvement of QET terminals in Element Editor

No, I don't remove it.
But it's just a draft of the feature.
Only some few lines of code, which do nothing.

Développeur QElectroTech

4 (edited by Re-searcher 2018-05-01 09:29:50)

Re: Improvement of QET terminals in Element Editor

This is in the elements editor
When I right click with the mouse on the terminal a menu opens.
Unfortunately, it is not here to input the text.
In the information widget , the text input and the text x and y coördinates are also not there.
Can this be added?
Is this done,then I think that the problem is solved.

Post's attachments

QET-element2.png, 71.66 kb, 1008 x 630
QET-element2.png 71.66 kb, 401 downloads since 2018-05-01 

I am an pre-retired industrial developer technician and born in 1960

5 (edited by b.w.v.leeuwen 2018-09-13 08:09:33)

Re: Improvement of QET terminals in Element Editor

I hope someone someday will add this function. It will be useful for many scripts to determine the exact origin.
Another option might be to assign to the terminal if it has a preferred connection-type (dashed, dash-dot e.g. or with other width)
Standard it will be assigned like "as-folio"-preferences. Some symbols may use preferred connections. These will have preference above the standard type. When two terminals with preferred connections that defer are connected, a pop-up will let the user chose between both (or Upper preferred on Lower or the other way around)
This option might be useful for wire symbols.

Re: Improvement of QET terminals in Element Editor


Est-il possible de continuer à travailler sur les éléments de connexion (terminal)
alors ils ont un nom.
Une liste de terminaux et de listes de câbles peut alors être créée.
Le programme Uncalcalde fonctionne mieux.
Ensuite, Nuri, Galexis et d’autres personnes seront plus satisfaits.
Ils sont les sponsors de ce projet.


I am an pre-retired industrial developer technician and born in 1960

7 (edited by Nuri 2019-04-15 13:34:29)

Re: Improvement of QET terminals in Element Editor

Re-searcher wrote:

Ils sont les sponsors de ce projet.

Restons modestes nomicons/grin
Toi aussi Erik, tu peux devenir "sponsor".
Voir ici : https://www.leetchi.com/c/qelectroteck

Est-il possible de continuer à travailler sur les éléments de connexion

Je pense que c'est pas l'envie qui manque à Joshua, plutôt le temps... nomicons/sad

Re: Improvement of QET terminals in Element Editor

Nuri wrote:

Je pense que c'est pas l'envie qui manque à Joshua, plutôt le temps... nomicons/sad

Malheureusement je confirme.
J'ai bien l'envie et les idées, mais le temps...

Développeur QElectroTech

Re: Improvement of QET terminals in Element Editor

b.w.v.leeuwen wrote:

A feature that might improve the QET for making all kind of connection descriptions like Terminal diagrams, Wiring lists etc. will be the possibility to add text to the QET-terminals within symbols.

Here follows an example of what I mean (see picture):

For now all connections are addressed to -Q1. The separate terminals within -Q1 have an ID in the XML but it isn't possible to add information to them. The texts for the connections (1/L1, 3/L2, 5/L3, 2/T1, 4/T2 and 6/T3) is just plain text. It is not connected to the terminal and thus unusable for getting information about the exact wire connection.

It would be very nice in some future day to have the possibility to add label and description information to each terminal inside a symbol. This would make it possible to derive information about the exact connection and later define them in terminal diagrams, wiring schedules etc. like -Q1:1/L1

In the XML it might look like this (added RED parts of element-xml):

            <element y="180" orientation="0" prefix="Q" type="embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/200_fuses&amp;protective_gears/12_magneto_thermal_circuit_breakers/dis_mag_term_3f-1.elmt" freezeLabel="false" x="200" uuid="{3648bd06-62de-42ca-82ae-51fe2dcf01b3}">
                    <terminal y="-36" orientation="0" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="0" x="-20" name="_"/>
                    <terminal y="-36" orientation="0" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="1" x="0" name="_"/>
                    <terminal y="-36" orientation="0" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="2" x="20" name="_"/>
                    <terminal y="36" orientation="2" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="3" x="20" name="_"/>
                    <terminal y="36" orientation="2" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="4" x="0" name="_"/>
                    <terminal y="36" orientation="2" number="_" nameHidden="0" id="5" x="-20" name="_"/>
                    <terminalInformation id="0" name="label" show="1">1</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="0" name="description" show="0">L1</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="1" name="label" show="1">3</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="1" name="description" show="0">L2</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="2" name="label" show="1">5</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="2" name="description" show="0">L3</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="3" name="label" show="1">2</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="3" name="description" show="0">T1</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="4" name="label" show="1">4</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="4" name="description" show="0">T2</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="5" name="label" show="1">6</elementInformation>
                    <terminalInformation id="5" name="description" show="0">T3</elementInformation>

                    <elementInformation name="label" show="1">-Q1</elementInformation>
                    <dynamic_elmt_text y="-10.5" font_size="9" text_width="-1" frame="false" rotation="0" x="50" text_from="ElementInfo" uuid="{f3e8a6b2-2fb4-46f4-bee4-f0b5d741267e}">
            <dynamic_elmt_text y="0.5" font_size="7" text_width="-1" frame="false" rotation="0" x="10" text_from="TermianlInfo" uuid="{....}" id="0">
            <dynamic_elmt_text y="0.5" font_size="7" text_width="-1" frame="false" rotation="0" x="15" text_from="TermianlInfo" uuid="{....}" id="0">


Well, i will vote for this idea if there is a chance. It's been 1,5 years since the first post..

