Topic: a new idea.....

Hi Gentleman....
can I propose the possibility to insert the option to change the clear theme with a dark one? and always if it is possible to regulate the intensity?
it would be something interesting .....

Re: a new idea.....

Hi, like this? … 1861#p1861

En clair: il appliquera le fichier "style.css" qui sera trouvé dans le dossier personnel de Qet, s'il existe.
Un exemple est fourni dans le répertoire: example/styles il suffit de le copier dans votre dossier personnel Qet.

Sous Windows:
Avec l'installateur c'est  c:\utilisateurs\ton nom\AppData\Roaming\qet
Avec la ReadyToUse dans le répertoire conf/
Sous Debian et autres distributions gnu/linux c'est dans /home/user/.qet 
soit ~\.qet

Post's attachments

Attachment icon style.css 13.63 kb, 357 downloads since 2019-04-08 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: a new idea.....

Hi!I added this file, but nothing has changed with me (I really want a dark theme. Am I doing something wrong?

Re: a new idea.....

Hi, where you added this file?

On Win10 with installer is :


After launch QET and in settings disable "Use system color"

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: a new idea.....

all is good! I dont disable system color) Thanks!

Re: a new idea.....

good style ...but i prefer this in yuor previous topic … 97&p=2
it's possible to have?

Re: a new idea.....

You have source on this URL, copy css code in your style.css ans save, after enable "Use system color" and disable again to apply new theme.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: a new idea.....

thanks so much

Re: a new idea.....

Thank you for making this style available. I've used it and made some changes in it to make in even more fit for me personally. I have some question though. Is it possible to change the sheet background in this css way. There are two options available (background color white/gray). I would like to change the gray option to show a black background with white grid dots.
Or even more interesting, to change all symbols in the sheet to e.g. yellow, all connections to white, all terminals to green etc.

Re: a new idea.....

I don't remember, it goes back far enough in time...

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."