Much better!

Merci beaucoup, Laurent!


(13 replies, posted in Code)

About the not updated language files:

Does anybody know how to solve this error?

Starte externes Werkzeug "/usr/lib/qt6/bin/lupdate /home/ich/Projekte/c_c++/QET/"
WARNING: Could not find qmake spec 'default'.

"/usr/lib/qt6/bin/lupdate" mit Fehler beendet

Hallo Laurent!

Würdest Du bitte den Untertitel diese Forums ein wenig ändern?

Im Englischen heißt es "complaint",  im Deutschen sagen wir dazu: "Beschwerde"

Die geänderte Unterschrift wäre also diese:

Gespräche über die QElectroTech Software: Anfragen zur Hilfe, Austausch von Bauteilen und Ratschlägen, Danksagungen und Beschwerden, Verbesserungen und Vorschläge, usw.


en Francais:

Pourrais-tu modifier un peu le sous-titre de ce forum ?

En anglais, il s'agit de "complaint", en allemand, nous disons "Beschwerde".

La signature modifiée serait donc celle-ci :

Salut Laurent!

See the other Thread:  nomicons/smile

Best regards


(13 replies, posted in Code)

Salut Laurent,
Hallo alle anderen!

Der Wunsch nach einer zweiten Benutzer-Sammlung und Joshuas Bemerkung im Thread, dass die Implementierung gar nicht so schwer sein sollte, hat mich dazu veranlasst, eine virtuelle Debian-Maschine aufzusetzen und darauf alles zu installieren, was benötigt wird, um ein QT-Projekt zu erstellen bzw. zu übersetzen.
Das alleine war schon "hakelig", es hat aber dann doch geklappt, die QET-Quellen in qtcreator zu laden und zu compilieren.
Dann habe ich angefangen, die Dateien zu suchen, wo mit den Sammlungen gearbeitet wird und habe an allen Stellen, die ich gefunden habe, eine "Firmen-Sammlung" eingebaut.

Das funktioniert aus meiner Sicht schon sehr gut!

An ein paar Stellen benötige ich aber Hilfe von QT- und QET-Spezialisten:

  • Im Einstellungs-Dialog wird der ausgewählte Pfad der Firmen-Sammlung nicht sofort übernommen, sodaß es nötig ist, QET neu zu starten, um die Änderung zu übernehmen. Es reicht nicht aus, die Sammlungen neu zu laden.

  • Die Sprach-Dateien werden nicht aktualisiert, sodass im Moment nur die im Quellcode vorhandenen Vorgabe-Texte für die Firmen-Sammlung im Programm erscheinen. (Dies scheint ein Problem mit Einstellungen von QT-Creator oder QT-Linguist zu sein.)

Im Anhang findet ihr die diff-Datei, die zusätzlich erstellten Icons und eine qtcreator-ProjektDatei im XML-Format.

Es wäre schön, wenn sich jemand finden würde, der mit mir die letzten paar Schritte bis zu einer vollständig funktionierenden Lösung gehen würde! 


EDIT (2x): Ein Punkt von der Liste ist gestrichen: Löschen funktioniert! DIFF ersetzt.


Le désir d'une deuxième collection d'utilisateurs et la remarque de Joshua dans le fil que l'implémentation ne devrait pas être si difficile que ça m'ont poussé à mettre en place une machine virtuelle Debian et à y installer tout ce qui est nécessaire pour créer ou compiler un projet QT.

Rien que ça, c'était déjà "hardcore", mais j'ai quand même réussi à charger les sources de QET dans qtcreator et à les compiler.

Ensuite, j'ai commencé à chercher les fichiers où l'on travaille avec les collections et j'ai intégré une "collection d'entreprise" à tous les endroits que j'ai trouvés.

De mon point de vue, cela fonctionne déjà très bien !

Mais à certains endroits, j'ai besoin de l'aide de spécialistes QT et QET :

  • Dans la boîte de dialogue des paramètres, le chemin sélectionné pour la collection d'entreprises n'est pas immédiatement pris en compte, de sorte qu'il est nécessaire de redémarrer QET pour appliquer la modification. Il ne suffit pas de recharger les collections.

  • Les fichiers de langue ne sont pas mis à jour, de sorte que pour le moment, seuls les textes par défaut présents dans le code source pour la collection d'entreprise apparaissent dans le programme. (Cela semble être un problème avec les réglages de QT-Creator ou QT-Linguist).

En annexe, vous trouverez le fichier diff, les icônes supplémentaires créées et un fichier de projet qtcreator au format XML.

Ce serait bien s'il y avait quelqu'un pour faire les dernières étapes avec moi jusqu'à une solution qui fonctionne complètement ! 

EDIT (2x) : Un élément de la liste a été supprimé : Supprimer fonctionne ! DIFF remplacé.


The idea of a second user collection and Joshua's comment in the thread that the implementation shouldn't be that difficult prompted me to set up a virtual Debian machine and install everything needed to create or compile a QT project.
That alone was "tricky", but I managed to load the QET sources into qtcreator and compile them.
Then I started looking for the files where the collections are used and added a "company collection" in all the places I found.

In my opinion, this already works very well!

However, I need help from QT and QET specialists in a few places:

  • In the settings dialogue, the selected path of the company collection is not applied immediately, so that it is necessary to restart QET to apply the change. It is not sufficient to reload the collections.

  • The language files are not updated, so at the moment only the default texts for the company collection in the source code appear in the programme. (This seems to be a problem with the settings of QT-Creator or QT-Linguist).

Attached you will find the diff file, the additionally created icons and a qtcreator project file in XML format.

It would be great if someone could be found who would take the last few steps with me to a fully functioning solution!

EDIT (2x): One item from the list has been deleted: Delete works! DIFF replaced.

Why not create a subdirectory for drafts there?

Some time ago I already suggested implementing a second user collection (, but the limited number of developers for QET unfortunately prevents this.
That was meant for another reason, but could be useful here, too.


(1 replies, posted in Code)

Hello paulomt9b,

a possible explanation:
Not all texts in QET may be translated to your language, so QET falls back to the "Standard"-language in that place.

At that point you can help to improve QET:
Translate the "missing" texts to your language.
We would be happy if we could take over your texts!  nomicons/smile

If you don't know if your question was asked before in this forum: Use Forum-Search.
In this case "language" would be the "magic word"! nomicons/wink

Hello rvamerongen,

you noticed, that you can have a User-Collection?

I created a User-Collection where I have a Sub-Folder for elements "in development" (see attachments).
Each with a separate "qet_directory"-file with a QET-name for the Sub-Folders...
This would be the place for your "templates".


(7 replies, posted in FR : Aide, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Salut Jerome,

Bitte beachte:
der Element-Editor führt manchmal "ein Eigenleben" - auch in der aktuellen Version.

Manchmal kommt es vor, dass beim Speichern die Position des zuletzt bearbeiteten Teils verschoben wird oder die Z-Positionen durcheinandergewürfelt werden.

Deswegen habe ich es mir angewöhnt, nach dem Speichern des Bauteils im Element-Editor, das Teil noch einmal neu in den Element-Editor zu laden, um zu sehen, ob beim Speichern alles gut gegangen ist.


Please note:
The element editor sometimes has a "life of its own" - even in the current version.

Sometimes, when saving, the position of the last edited part is moved or the Z positions are jumbled up.

That's why I've got into the habit of reloading the part into the element editor after saving it in the element editor to see if everything went well when saving.


Veuillez noter que :
l'éditeur d'éléments a parfois une "vie propre" - même dans la version actuelle.

Il arrive parfois que lors de l'enregistrement, la position de la dernière pièce traitée soit déplacée ou que les positions Z soient mélangées.

C'est pourquoi j'ai pris l'habitude, après avoir enregistré la pièce dans l'éditeur d'éléments, de charger à nouveau la pièce dans l'éditeur d'éléments pour voir si tout s'est bien passé lors de l'enregistrement.

Hello rvamerongen,

as far as I know photoshop can only handle pixel-graphic.
QET and Inkscape work with and produce Vector-Graphics.

If you have a pixel-graphic you have to work with "potrace" or the vectorising-features of inkscape to "trace" the graphic and thus create a vector graphic. In German Version of Inkscape: import a Bitmap to current file, click the image to mark it and then "Menü" -> "Pfad" -> "Bitmap nachzeichnen..." opens a tab where some parameters for tracing can be set.

When vectorised, converted to dxf, converted to QET-Element there is still much work to do, when you want to produce a fine-looking Element that only contains the necessary and visible parts. In the accu.elmt you attached earlier there are some polygons included that "blow up" the file-size but cannot be seen in the element because they are hidden behind the black rects! When I delete the invisible polygons, the file-size is reduced to less than half to 4.3kByte. When I adjust the English name of the element the file-size even reduces to 4.1kB...

But as I said in an earlier post:
For such simple Elements like the accu it would be much faster to draw it "from scratch" or you create yourself a template where for example a rect and some translations are included you'll be even faster in future!

EDIT: Of course I mean simple Elements can be drawn only with QET-Element-Editor!

I hope I haven't scared you off with these explanations!

Best regards,

Hello rvamerongen,

your SVG cannot be converted to DXF because most of it is an integrated Bitmap!

There is only one rect as outline of the Battery and the six smaller white rects is one big path.
You can even see that when you open SVG in a Text-Editor (see attachment).

If you open your SVG in Inkscape and look at the "Ebenen und Objekte"-Tab (opened with via Menu) you'll see what's inside your SVG: Most of it is a Bitmap that cannot be converted by any DXF-converter.

You can even see that when you open SVG in a Text-Editor (see attachment).

Such "simple" Symbols can be drawn very quick and easy with QET's Element-Editor:
Only rects that can be duplicated by <Ctrl>-C <Ctrl>-V


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

Salut Laurent!

Thank you for your feedback!

I'll put the missing includes to the sources!

As already said:
I do not get any errors on Debian, ReactOS or Win10 ... strange.


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

Salut Laurent!

I don't get this error on my Debian Unstable.
Maybe there's something missing in helpers.cpp?

Try to add
"#include <string>" or
"#include <sstream>"
at line 30 in helpers.cpp


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

Salut Laurent !

Je suis heureux d'apprendre que tu es de retour et que tu es sur la voie de la guérison !

Une première version est désormais disponible sur, qui tient compte des sauts de ligne pour les éléments "text". De mon point de vue, c'est déjà bien utilisable !

Mais ce qui n'est définitivement pas possible, c'est que le format SVG ne le supporte pas : Le formatage de texte à l'aide d'espaces !

Sans compter qu'il n'est pas de bon ton de formater un texte avec des espaces, plusieurs espaces sont supprimés par le visualiseur SVG (comme en HTML) !

Merci de tester la nouvelle version et de donner votre avis sur les résultats : Je ne peux pas vérifier seul tous les éléments QET (plus de 8000) individuellement ! Seule votre participation permettra d'améliorer le programme !


"Das war Französisch" ... vom Online-Übersetzer

Hallo zusammen!

Auf gibt es nun eine erste Version, die bei "text"-Elementen die Zeilenunbrüche beachtet. Aus meiner Sicht ist das schon gut brauchbar!

Was aber definitiv nicht geht, weil das SVG-Format das nicht unterstützt: Formatieren von Text mit Hilfe von Leerzeichen!
Mal ganz davon abgesehen, dass es kein guter Stil ist, Text mit Leerzeichen zu formatieren, werden mehrere Leerzeichen (wie bei HTML auch) vom SVG-Betrachter unterdrückt!

Bitte testet die neue Version und gebt Rückmeldung zu den Ergebnissen: Ich kann nicht allein alle QET-Elemente (mehr als 8000) einzeln überprüfen! Nur durch eure Mitwirkung kann das Programm besser werden!


und nun noch auf Englisch:

Hello everybody!

There is a first version on that recognises line breaks for "text" elements. From my point of view, this is already very useful!

But what definitely doesn't work because the SVG format doesn't support it: Formatting text using spaces!
Quite apart from the fact that it is not good style to format text with spaces, multiple spaces (as with HTML) are suppressed by the SVG viewer!

Please test the new version and give feedback on the results: I cannot check all QET elements (more than 8000) individually! The software can only improve with your cooperation!

Best regards


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

Line-Endings for SVG-Output are implemented now!  nomicons/smile
Additionally: Line-widths and the dotted and dashed lines were slightly "adjusted".

On you find a new pre-release.

In the attachment you see an example: SVG on the left; QET-Element-Editor on the right.
The blue rects in the background show the positions of x-values of the lines and the distances "length1" and "length2" of the Line-Endings.
For me the lines left/right look very similar!

We get closer to a first "non-beta" release.
The next great step will be texts with line-breaks. More on this: later.

Best regards


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

Hello Erik,

as Joshua also explained in this Post ( … 180#p19180) (see above):

In QET we have the CheckBox "closed" for a Polygon. Then the Start- and End-Points of are connected.
In SVG there is no such attribute: There is "Polyline" for "open" and "Polygon" for "closed".

The Element you mentioned has some "open" polygons so that's why a "Polyline" must be used for SVG.

Can you explain, why you think "Polyline" may be wrong or "not good"?

If you think the "kink" in the dashed line is not properly recognizable, then I must refer you to the creator of this element: The drawing is not correct!

These kinks in the dashed lines represent a kind of "notch" for the actuation, which (since I have been working in electrical engineering) is shown with a solid line. Only the notch, not the rest of the mechanical connection of the switching elements! In the attachment you find a screenshot from "Eaton Schaltungsbuch 2023" PDF-Page 485 ( … sbuch.html)

Have we found a volunteer here who wants to fix this error in the elements, Erik?  nomicons/wink


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

Hello Erik, (and all others!)

on you'll find a new version of QET_ElementScaler in which the handling of line-width and line-style for SVG-output is re-worked.

Here you see an example in the picture (top: SVG, bottom: Element-Editor) and in Element- and SVG-file.
Additionally your example with the re-worked styles is also attached.

I guess I found a quite usable solution...

Please test the new version with your "favorite" elements!
Thanks in advance! 

Best regards


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

Hello Erik,

Thanks for Testing, Erik!  nomicons/smile
The line you are talking about is a dashed polyline and the "missing" part you mention is just a gap in this line.
If you open the SVG-file with a text-editor and change the stroke-dasharray="10,5" to perhaps "7,3" you'll find other parts of the same polyline "missing".

Maybe we need different dash-to-gap-ratio for different line-widths?  nomicons/ermm
Any suggestions?

I'm sure there's much more fine-tuning to be done...


(5 replies, posted in Elements)

I still can't see what exactly goes wrong!

The DXF-to-Element-converter has nothing to do with the Python terminal plug-in or the TerminalBlock-Generator. These are different applications.

If you have an element-file from DXF-converter that you can edit with QET-Element-Editor, the converter works!

The qet_tb_generator is not necessary to use when converting a dxf to elmt.

Please use the forum-search to find hints on where to download the DXF-converter and how to use it.
Maybe you'll find out that this would be the better place to ask about importing dxf to elmt:

claudioro_roberto wrote:

Good afternoon,

I'm using version 0.9 of QElectroTech ...

Please create a new topic in the suitable forum-area for a new topic!

And do not post the same question in more than one sub-forum.

Hello brutaldeth,

if I understand you correctly, you are looking for a battery charge monitor.

Here is the QElectroTech forum, which is all about drawing electrical schematics...

Best regards


(5 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello claudioro_roberto,

"does not work" or "I can't" is not meaningful enough for us to provide any assistance!

Please be more specific with your question.
Questions and answers regarding QET belong in this forum.
Otherwise other users will not be able to benefit from the discussion!

Best regards


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

Hello Erik,

Thanks for your hints, but I already use the principle of how it should work with the line ends for the terminals.

If you look at the screenshot, you might realise why I'm still hesitating to implement anything: I want it to look at least similar to QET!

The lines in the image all have the same X values for start and end. The actual lines as you see them have different lengths depending on which line-ending is chosen.

Of course, I could also make the lines in the SVG the same length and place the ends over them. But then you can see the line shining through at ends without filling! In the screenshot you see a yellow rectangle behind the lines.

The complexity doesn't get any less if we think of four possible line widths, for which the "real" line length must then of course be adapted to the line width, the line-endings and the values for length...


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

Salut Laurent!

I'll keep my fingers crossed and wish you all the best!
Health is one of our most valuable goods!

In the meantime I'll try to find out some more things, to implement Line-Markers, etc...

Best regards


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

Hello everybody!

I decided to cancel the project "QET_Element2SVG"!  nomicons/sad

Instead I added SVG-Output-Support to QET_ElementScaler! nomicons/smile

In this context the order of commandline-parameters for QET_ElementScaler had to be adjusted!
So please:
Read the Readme and the scripts and batches provided on the github-page:

In the Release-Section there are binaries for Debian GNU Linux (unstable), ReactOS (32bit) and Win10 (64bit) available, but you should be able to compile the sources on other platforms.

The software is re-written in great parts and may contain errors!

Test the software and report errors, inconsistencies, or simply praise! nomicons/angel

Best regards