Topic: Swedish translation

Hello QElectroTech team, I've been working on a Swedish translation for some time but never gotten around to actually share it until now.

I've created a fork at … rce-mirror with a branch "lang_sv" for it. I don't have much experience in code collaboration earlier, just been coding privately for fun from time to time so still trying to get a grasp on forks with github. If this is interesting, do you want me to create a pull request for this, or handle it another way?

Some background on me as I pop up from nowhere, I'm drawing electrical diagrams for a living at a company constructing control cabinets for elevators. I'm using Elprocad at work but in the process of switching to Zuken E3, and have been using EPlan for a couple of years earlier. I've found QET earlier and played around with it as I find it an interesting project, and have considered using it for work, but it's not quite there yet. But that's how I started to see if I could make a translation for it and here we are!

PS. I've done two other branches with small features that may or may not be useful, will push them up for evaluation and try to post something about them here in the forum
PS 2. And one bigger but messy branch getting QET to compile with QT6 / cmake (with QT6 and KF 6.8+ i've managed to make a static compile of QET)

Re: Swedish translation

Hello and welcome elevatormind,

yes you can make an pull request for your Swedish translations, thanks.

2. We are very interested to see your Qt6/KF6 QET branch and try it out. nomicons/wink
1. same like 2.

Best regards,

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Swedish translation

I added your work and created myself the PR and merged it.

If you could add other translations in misc folder like:


In build-aux/windows/



"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Swedish translation

Hello elevatormind!

Welcome to QET forum from me too!

elevatormind wrote:

PS. I've done two other branches with small features that may or may not be useful, will push them up for evaluation and try to post something about them here in the forum

Such an announcement naturally arouses curiosity!
I can't wait to see what you have prepared for us....

Your first try to post here was successful: I guess you can do it again!  nomicons/wink

Best regards

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Re: Swedish translation

I'm really looking forward to seeing your Qt6 branch of QET,
and doing some testing to see if there are any regressions because Qt5X ceases to be supported.
I've read that Debian will still support Qt 5.15X in the next stable release, but after that....?

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Swedish translation

Hello again, sorry for late reply. I have a lot going in my private life so i will probably be a bit inactive and not always reply very fast, but I will try to contribute now and then.
I will upload everything to my github repository

Re: Swedish translation

...and thanks for adding the translation!

uploaded my other branches, see my post in the Qt6-thread.
I've played around with 'git rebase' too much I see though, the other branches are merged into qt6-cmake. Need to read up a bit on git nomicons/smile

it's supposed to be two other separate branches:
conductor_texts, adding variables %wf, %wv, %wc and %ws to conductor labels
selective_move, need to hold down shift to move dynamic texts of a symbol - otherwise the whole symbol is moved. (I find it very annoying to move symbols sometimes, the texts are always moved when I want to move the symbol instead)

I have a local backup copy of my repository, I'm gonna see if I can rescue the commit history and branches.

Re: Swedish translation

Hello elevatormind,

Almost at the same time you posted your many qt6-changes, another user had another idea to solve the accidental movement of texts: … r/pull/363
I started a little discussion with pkess (in German, because we are almost neighbors) to figure out my reasons why I like your solution a little better: we wouldn't have to change the elements!
I tried your commit "selective_move" on my Debian stable development-VM today and must say: Works very good!
And we can possibly solve these reports:

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Re: Swedish translation

Hello plc-user, thanks. If there are other people addressing this problem I'm not completely wrong nomicons/smile this is probably the first thing that annoyed me wit Qet.

What I am wondering is if the shift-button is interfering with something, but I haven't noticed anything. But it could be any button really, and maybe a hint should be implemented in the popup when you hover over the text that tells you that shift or whatever button moves the text.

Re: Swedish translation

Hello elevatormind,
Salut Laurent ,

seems I forgot to test something with selective_move ...

But let me ask! What do you want to achieve with this line:

event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier ? setPos(new_pos) : setPos(Diagram::snapToGrid(new_pos));

If you mean to check for additionally pressed <Ctrl> the line would have to look like this:

event->modifiers() == (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier) ? setPos(new_pos) : setPos(Diagram::snapToGrid(new_pos));

If you mean to reduce step-size for movement of texts by additionally pressing <Ctrl>: It does not work!
Together with <Shift>+<Ctrl>+<MouseClickAndMove> the view of design-editor is moved!

As a thought:
When I want to move the texts it is mostly only some points. Why don't we just forget about moving texts by grid-distance, but only move by points?
Then we would not need any additional modifier.

Then we would need to change the above line 588 of sources/qetgraphicsitem/dynamicelementtextitem.cpp by only this:


I tried some different combinations of modifiers, but it seems that we run out of possible combinations at that point...

Best regards

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