Topic: Elements Schneider

savez-vous si un contributeur à réaliser l'ensemble des éléments Schneider Resi9 XE ou XP ?
J'ai fais mon tableau avec les éléments Legrand (merci aux contributeurs), cependant si il existe un bibliothèque Schneider, je suis preneur.

Re: Elements Schneider


ayant monté moi aussi en rénovation chez moi un tableau en Schneider Resi9 XE 4 rangées je n'ai rien trouvé dans nos collections du moins en  Resi9 XE ..., par manque de temps je me suis rabattu (chut, faut pas le dire, uhu) chez schneider qui propose un logiciel qui te permet d'imprimer le schéma de principe de ton tableau ainsi que la mise en place, et d'imprimer les étiquettes de repérage. … index.html

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Re: Elements Schneider

Why do you recommend contrib-elements, when we have so many parts from different manufacturers in official collection, Laurent? nomicons/wink
All Schneider-parts from contrib are also available in official collection!

Post's attachments

Bildschirmfoto_2025-02-10_Installation.png, 51.47 kb, 381 x 829
Bildschirmfoto_2025-02-10_Installation.png 51.47 kb, 16 downloads since 2025-02-10 

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Re: Elements Schneider

Hallo plc-user,

The two repositories and collections are complementary. nomicons/wink
you may need to search both collections...

See history commits … mits/main/
And first commit: … 992ea2db6e

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Re: Elements Schneider

Salut Laurent !

I do not like to contradict you, but the elements of the mentioned manufacturer and sub-dirs are identical in both collections!
Some elements seem to be edited using a text editor in order to add translations, while the element editor was used for the additional translation in a few cases.
And one subdirectory has been renamed.

Some of the elements in the official collection should be revised because, for example, the aspect ratios and scaling do not fit. Let's see if I can find some time for this...

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Re: Elements Schneider

Hallo plc-user,

I do not like to contradict you, but the elements of the mentioned manufacturer and sub-dirs are identical in both collections!

It's my fault, I saw later that the files in the two collections directory and folder were identical. nomicons/cwy

Some elements seem to be edited using a text editor in order to add translations

This is the best way of adding translations so far, without the svn/git differences being inflated by the hazardy registration of xml attributes since Qt 5X.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Elements Schneider

Salut Laurent !

It's not about fingerpointing here! nomicons/wink

scorpio810 wrote:

This is the best way of adding translations so far, without the svn/git differences being inflated by the hazardy registration of xml attributes since Qt 5X.

Another reason to try to sort arrtibutes in element-file.
That's why valoola and I should use the same order for attributes in output of dxf2elmt and QET_ElementScaler. Seems that we do...

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Re: Elements Schneider

plc-user wrote:

Another reason to try to sort arrtibutes in element-file.
That's why valoola and I should use the same order for attributes in output of dxf2elmt and QET_ElementScaler. Seems that we do...

Good to know that we do, it was completely accidental, I mostly just stuck with the same general ordering of attributes Antonio was using in the original version. I'll try to make sure it stay's in sync with what QET_ElementScaler does.