I saw the "Apply properties to all conductors of this potential" flag but if I uncheck it, change the properties and enter it again it is enabled again (tried with 0.100.0-dev and 0.90).

It's deliberate!
Its for safety reasons, For security reasons, you should deactivate this checkbox each time you modify conductors. For example, adding a new wire with a different section in the equipotential wires..
ps : I hope we've answered your question, which isn't easy to explain why we've put this in the code. I also hope we haven't offended you or questioned your skills as an electrician, that wasn't the point, if it was I apologise in advance.

Best regards,

In your example .qet you shared, you wrote this:

If I set the properties of this wire they
are also assigned to the other one.
In practice they are two different wires
that start from the same terminal.
One wire must be 25mmq and the
other 1.5mmq


It's forbidden and dangerous to do so, and I wouldn't advise it. You should always connect two wires of the same section to the same screw terminal.

Only when you connect a 1.5mn² wire, for example, to a large busbar or repartitor but of course your wire is protected downstream by a 10A fuse will you have to cheat with a non-terminal type symbol to connect them together.

So you have to use something other than the terminal or report folio to connect them like a fuse and cut equipotential, otherwise equipotentiality would be the same and section applied to all equipotential conductors, yes I know that changing the section or others entities of a conductor breaks equipotentiality...on QET program!

Of course isn't perfect but is  it for safety reasons!, like say plc-user nomicons/wink


(16 replies, posted in Videos howto)

hello maybe see

or very old video:

rvamerongen wrote:

Side Note: I use Sonoma, maybe....

You don't have this issue?

Same like you,Sonoma too, and I don't have this issue... strange!
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 829#p18829

FYI I compile QET_elementScaler under windows 10 VM based on C.Gilles DigiKam bundle VCPKG  https://invent.kde.org/graphics/digikam … type=heads
Work fine.
ps: I've tried other Windows compilations than the usual MXE cross-compilation, so here it's not static but in shared mode with *dll files.

https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/b … Scaler.zip

~/win_share/QET_elementScaler$ tree
├── libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
├── libstdc++-6.dll
├── libwinpthread-1.dll
└── QET_ElementScaler.exe

1 directory, 4 files

https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/9d1 … ?nocache=1


Hallo plc-user,

thanks for quick-guide.

I prefer to do as explained above, it's much quicker, I think nomicons/wink

Personally, here's how I do it with the little time I've spent on it:
I click on the element I want to convert, then I enter to the element editor, I press crtl + a and delete all parts, because at the moment the external plugin only opens an elm file, not the element in focus in the editor, otherwise we'll have two elements on top of each other.

Then I import an element to resize/flip mirror with file dialog, I look for where it is in the qet user folders and I choose my options. If I'm not happy, I just do an undo or click on the refresh icon. And re try it...

After off course you can use it on the terminal for batch lot see the QET_elementScaler readme file and use convert scripts and adapt these.

Done for osx arm64 QET build and QET_ElementScaler arm64 OSX binary, tried it run ok.

https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/b … entScaler/

Ok, so I can revert this commit https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … b7361ad4b6

rvamerongen wrote:

Does it work for macOS ( intel or arm )?

Yes it tried it when I build intel OSX bundle and provide by the same the x86_64 osx binary, not time today to build osx arm64 builds.

On macOS the problem with the dialog box to open elmt to resize does not display hidden files like the .qet/ directory by default, Yes I know a workaround exists but I forgot...

Hello Robert,
you are welcome.

Maybe you could help Integrated-Circuit see https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2770
and https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectrotech-doc/pull/3

Best regards,

OK, so can I come back to this commit if the previous OSX arm64 application has already worked for you?

Did the previous version work for you? Maybe this issue comes from this commit?
https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … b7361ad4b6

Hallo plc-user,

done and rename w64/w32 exe name see why https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … r.cpp#L122



Maintenant qu'on sait que ces deux dossiers y sont, peux tu reproduire le bug?

Maybe related to https://qelectrotech.org/bugtracker/view.php?id=290 ?

You used Safari for downloaded it?

Salut Alexis,

merci du retour.

je pense savoir,... dans le squelette du dossier conf il faudrait avoir elements  elements-company  qelectrotech.conf  titleblocks  titleblocks-company.

Il manquait les deux dossiers vides elements-company et titleblocks-company, cela sera réglé sur un prochain build.
PS: regarde si ces deux dossiers existent dans le repertoire conf et si ils n'existent pas de les créer, voir si ça règle le problème?


in the past I use this workaround

I have found some example circuit diagram with the look and feel i want
So I thought, someone have allready solved the problem
https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/s … hining.pdf

P.S. have someone the qet-file of this circuit diagrams ?

I found it.

If I try it with the element's  formula it works just as you want, so is the problem possible in these codes files?

https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … tation.cpp
https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … es/autoNum

Hello Chris and thanks for compliments,

Indeed, changing folio resets the incremental conductor's counter of the folio formula because you lose focus on it when you change folio.
It seems that the problem is very old, I can reproduce the same behaviour on old versions of QET..

Curiously, I don't remember anyone reporting this bug before. Maybe working differently. nomicons/wink

With my formula don't use %id/%total folio label name, see: https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2365

scorpio810 wrote:


btw use "%id" instead  "%id/%total" in your titleblock's pages, otherwise you will see Xref like this "(folio_label/total_ off_folios)-(line number)- (column_number) etc.

So, is easy with ctrl +f in and then folio section to change "%id/%total" by "%id" in all project's.

Leider gibt es die "Textformel" oder "Leiternummer" nicht als Variable zur Auswahl als Dynamisches Textfeld

Deepl translate:
Unfortunately, the ‘Text formula’ or ‘Ladder number’ is not available as a variable for selection as a dynamic text field

You can explain better?