rvamerongen wrote:

Now we are talking, this is what I need "This beg the question /request that I would like to save parts outside the elements library folder." but this will works even beter ( if I can export it easely )

So, I didn't read everything, but about the request, I am voting a plus1.

Maybe even unlimited libraries off a kind or per project base so we can export those and send it to a coworker. Look at the Kicad 'manage symbols' dialog with a list of external Libraries of element and then with a export function of the project and elements yes or no included. ( still busy with a recovery project from drawings to make them digital; am at 25% but it could be quicker with some technical help like this. )

About the element editor:
Please make the use of keystroke delete/forward delete equal in use in both editors ( sheet and element editor ).On the Mac it is not used consistent.


On file projet*.qet if you look the XML with a better text editor you saw element definitions is include in the project, open another project and on project tree collection you could load and share in your collection these new elements.


https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … 31265077f5

Hallo Plc-user,

merged, thanks.

Uploaded all packages.

Best regards,

Ce matin, j'ai poussé tous les pull request... (Sans vouloir me facher avec Xavier ou toi Plc-user) j' ai profité pour envoyer tous mes paquets Debian unstable/stable, PPA ubuntu, snap, flatpak, Appimage, Windows, OSX intel, OSX arm64..

1er probleme, la collection compagny remplace la collection custom, il suffit dans le gui de definir un nouveau repertoire pour la collection compagny.

This morning, I pushed all the pull requests... (Without wanting to get angry with Xavier or you Plc-user) I took the opportunity to send all my debian unstable/stable packages, ubuntu PPA, snap, flatpak, Appimage, Windows, OSX intel, OSX arm64..

1st problem, the company collection replaces the custom collection, you just need to define a new directory for the company collection in the gui.

About the element editor:
Please make the use of keystroke delete/forward delete equal in use in both editors ( sheet and element editor ).On the Mac it is not used consistent.

The diagram editor is still hardcoded since the beginning a long time ago, Joshua rewrote the element editor with the Qt GUI editor for easier maintenance, on Linux, I don't see any difference, on macOS, OS that I barely know as a very young switcher, please blame Apple and not the QET team.



Sorry again, Plc-user if I hurt your feelings, that was not my intention..
I adore you for your patience, and all your work, you mean a lot to me.

I'm still sorry if I offended you..

Best regards,

@De-Backer: I thought of you recently, the clocks are perhaps now aligned to push QET towards the Qt6 x version, I also saw and read the hard work of the KDE team to push KF5 towards KF6 .

You are right when you speak with submodules but I am a human being of sometimes narrow-minded nature... with a big heart, you were right all along..

@Plc-user: I have known Xavier for 15 years or more, for me he is a very technically competent guy, a best of the best system engineer and he helps me a lot when I have problems on the servers, I meets regularly especially recently during the transfer of the entire infrastructure to a new host, he is a good man, he is a very great brain..
But I had to argue with him, because you too Plc-user are very dear to me, and you have brought a lot to QET, I don't have time to fight and especially not at the moment, so does my partner sulfur of gors health problem of his mother, please peace in world

Cheers ,

I'm tired and go to sleep... no war here, please be happy with QET...

scorpio810 wrote:

Hallo plc-user,

you can change directory official or custom collection on the fly,

1] change PATH for custom collection.

2] on element collection tree field make a right click -> reload, and  voila. nomicons/wink


Hallo Plc-user,

I make a little video:

Best regards,


(13 replies, posted in Code)

sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev libsqlite3-0


(13 replies, posted in Code)

Hallo Plc-user

1] make a pull request, more little if possible, no change indentation, etc..
2] If I accept PR and push it, and the same time I run:

sed -i 's/^TRANSLATIONS/#TRANSLATIONS/g' qelectrotech.pro
lupdate -noobsolete qelectrotech.pro -ts lang/qet_{en,es,ru,pt,cs,pl,ca,de,ro,it,ar,sl,hr,el,nl,be,sl,zh,hu,pt_br,da,sr,fr,tr,sk,nb,mn,ja,cn,uk,zh-cn}.ts
sed -i 's/^#TRANSLATIONS/TRANSLATIONS/g' qelectrotech.pro

3] I open qet_en.ts file with qtlinguist, translate, save (qet_en.ts), and publish (overide binary translation qet_en.qm), same things after for French translation files.

After I use

git add lang/
git commit -v

I check the diff and put this message on header: Update *TS file, add EN and FR translation


 git push

to publish my work

Don't use lrelease... it's stranslator's work to push translated *.ts and *.qm files..


(13 replies, posted in Code)

FYI, Pc-user it's debian control file, to build my deb Debian package:

Source: qelectrotech
Section: electronics
Priority: optional
Maintainer: laurent trinques <scorpio@qelectrotech.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11),

Standards-Version: 4.5.0
Rules-Requires-Root: no
Homepage: http://qelectrotech.org/

Package: qelectrotech
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libkf5coreaddons5, libkf5widgetsaddons5, libsqlite3-0
Recommends: qelectrotech-examples (= ${source:Version}), qelectrotech-data (= ${source:Version}), qttranslations5-l10n, mesa-utils
Description: Electric schematic editor
QElectroTech is a Qt5 application written in C++ .
This program helps you to design electrical schematic diagrams.
It includes a schematic editor, an element editor and a titleblock editor.
It uses XML files to store the produced contents.

Package: qelectrotech-data
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Recommends: qelectrotech (= ${source:Version})
Description: symbols needed for qelectrotech
QElectroTech is a Qt5 application written in C++ .
This program helps you to design electrical schematic diagrams.
It includes a schematic editor, an element editor and a titleblock editor.
It uses XML files to store the produced contents.
This package provide symbols needed for qelectrotech.

Package: qelectrotech-examples
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Recommends: qelectrotech (= ${source:Version})
Description: examples files for qelectrotech
QElectroTech is a Qt5 application written in C++ .
This program helps you to design electrical schematic diagrams.
It includes a schematic editor, an element editor and a titleblock editor.
It uses XML files to store the produced contents.
This package provide examples files for qeletrotech.


(13 replies, posted in Code)

hum, strange, I add to ma todolist:

diff -r QET_org/sources/utils/macosxopenevent.cpp QET_CompanyCollection/sources/utils/macosxopenevent.cpp
< #include "singleapplication.h"
> #include "../singleapplication.h"

diff -r QET_org/qelectrotech.pro QET_CompanyCollection/qelectrotech.pro
> ## auskommentiert:
< unix|win32: PKGCONFIG += sqlite3
> ## auskommentiert:
> #unix|win32: PKGCONFIG += sqlite3

Just add this lib to fix sqlite3 devel dependency:

 sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev

Hallo Plc-user,

it 's okay, now?



(13 replies, posted in Code)

laurent@debian:~$ whereis lupdate
lupdate: /usr/bin/lupdate /usr/share/man/man1/lupdate.1.gz


(13 replies, posted in Code)

Hallo Plc-user

https://qelectrotech.org/wiki_new/doc/t … urce_files

On terminal under QET git directory:

sed -i 's/^TRANSLATIONS/#TRANSLATIONS/g' qelectrotech.pro
lupdate -noobsolete qelectrotech.pro -ts lang/qet_{en,es,ru,pt,cs,pl,ca,de,ro,it,ar,sl,hr,el,nl,be,sl,zh,hu,pt_br,da,sr,fr,tr,sk,nb,mn,ja,cn,uk,zh-cn}.ts
sed -i 's/^#TRANSLATIONS/TRANSLATIONS/g' qelectrotech.pro


(2 replies, posted in Terminal block generator)

Hi John.

tag is the name of terminal block like X11, Input, output, etc

So your terminals to be named X1:1 X1:2 X1:3 X1:4, etc ...

you understand me?


Hallo plc-user,

you can change directory official or custom collection on the fly,

1] change PATH for custom collection.

2] on element collection tree field make a right click -> reload, and  voila. nomicons/wink


@rvamerongen, and all: the magic thing about incliude element editor: that you open several element select many part of other symbol and paste this part and create a complex symbol from scratch like frankeintein, if you understand what I say.. nomicons/wink

Best regards,

Workaround was power and I was the master, nomicons/smiley-green
My idol is Mac Giver...since my my childhood, uhuhu

Like Plc-user: for draw simple symbol like your battery, please use element editor include is so easy.
DXF2elmt is used fand needed for complex symbols like this:


(7 replies, posted in FR : Aide, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Hmm tu n'aurais pas des fois plusieurs écrans et un pc portable?
Quelle version de QET utilises tu?

Je te conseilles fortement la 0.100.0. devel  nomicons/wink

La 0.9 stable est pleine de bugs qui ont été remonté après sa sortie entre temps ces bugs ont été corrigés dans la version devel.. donc la 0.100.0-dev.

Je n'ai pas la force et encore moins l'envie de releaser une 0.9 fixed, de devoir modifier tous mes scripts de packaging...


(7 replies, posted in FR : Aide, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Bonjour Jérôme,

une capture de ton symbole dans l’éditeur d’élément en version 0.100.0 devel..
Le symbole a peut-etre été crée sur une vielle version de QET?



Alexis, merci ça me touche beaucoup, mais je ne suis pas encore tiré d'affaire...!

Je le serai mi-janvier après un énième passage au scanner avec produit de contraste d'iode: si les prothèses sont étanches ce sera super, sinon je filerai direct sur Toulouse... on l'on devrait avec des longues aiguilles depuis le dos au travers de la colonne vertébrales aller colmater les micro fuites entre la prothèse et le/les anévrismes.. et je risque encore d'en baver et de bien déguster...

Je devrai vivre avec cette épée de Damoclès au dessus de ma tète le restant de mes jours...et me faire contrôler régulièrement..

Je croise les doigts pour la compagne de Joshua: elle devait rentrer en urgence hier dans un centre hospitalier .... d’après ce que Joshua m'a dit sur IRC il y a un mois..
Elle soufre beaucoup et son moral est au plus bas..
Elle redoute l’opération encore plus..ou autant que moi..

Maybe try online converter SVG to DXF...

Good night..

Hello rvamerongen,

if you have SVG, you have possibility to convert your file to with Inkscape (a best open source software) to DXF format , after use dxf2elmt plugin for converter and transform your DXF to QET elment  *.elmt file.

Best regards,

I return to sleeping.. I am so tired!

New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/b … mt/V0.3.0/


(96 replies, posted in Scripts)

MacOS apple SiliconQET-Element to SVG binary compiled from scratch, not authentified and not notarized by Apple severs.

Sleep time...for me!