No difference with using the arrow keys. Using the arrow keys in the element designer, there it works.

I notice that at several moments that several settings go back to their default state that is unpredictable when it happens; this is also about the automatically wire connections and grid. If I turn it off later on its back on.


(14 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

scorpio810 wrote:

FOSS: opensource  software
I use all days since 25 years Linux and I also working with QET on Linux, but now I try to improve QET on APPLE hardware, see :

I saw the topic; because of that I....
I am saving too for an M2, actually waiting for an iMac 27" M2 to come available.

scorpio810 wrote:

What is the difference between modal and non-modal dialog?
The main difference lies in the way you can interact with each screen. While a Non-Modal Screen allows users to simply go back to the parent screen, the Modal Screen requires users to complete an action before returning to the main window (“save” in our example) or cancel the current action.

I know that; but it doesn't mean that the dialog shown should obscure the Folio; we can't drag it outside the application window.

When some opens a .qet file, then it shows a modal dialog with the load progress; I have to wait till it finishes and thats okay, but I can drag it out of the application window.

The dialog that qt creates when looking at the references elements is a dialog that stays inside the folio window locked, as in unmovable, obscuring information that I could need.

If I click on a .get file it opens the app, but the app doesn't load the .qet file.

Is this intended or a bug?

Thank you.


(14 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

scorpio810 wrote:

Thank you, that's what I should have bought instead of the magic mouse, well now that I have it I'll try to do with it, but I don't plan to make big diagrams with QET under MAC, it's just to check that it works pretty well.

For magic mouse you don't have middle click, and MagicPrefs software workaround is more than 5 years old now and is no longer mantained... If you know a FOSS alternative?

Your welcome;
Are you using QET under Linux or...?
FOSS; Knows nothing about that and an alternative

scorpio810 wrote:

See my previous screenshot, move this widget before it have the focus.

Sorry, but you talk about widgets, but the dialog is not a widget. A Widget is something different. And it has no title bar, see the difference with the dialog I mentioned in my first post ( added an image there ) and the one your showing in your screenshot.

Also the layout is different.

Click on a reference triangle, then you get my dialog. I have seen your dialog before but not during this operation.

scorpio810 wrote:

Please make a english screen, what this dialog, folio referencing, cross-reference, etc?

It comes up when I double click or left click on a reference element. So I guess Folio referencing.

But No difference.


(14 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Yes, I got the older model without the grooves at one side.

I use it also (with programmed keys); SketchUp, SK_Layout, kiCad, Fusion-365, Photoshop, two apps of my own. Of course you can use it as a normal mouse.

scorpio810 wrote:

You can also export conductor list table to CSV

I meant this dialog, its at least on the mac not moveable out side the app window

scorpio810 wrote:

you could import xml table, see:



I just saw that it was possible to drag and move the dialog (seen when clicking left click a Text field to see the source of it) around, even out side the window and even to a second screen. This was very help-full. TOP

However when I  open f.e the previous and following XREF dialog, by clicking a reference element to connect one element to another ( XREF?) I can't drag that window. it obscures the folio.

Its annoying when you want to look underneath to see the column and row pointers.
Is it possible to have this one ( and others ) moving around too?

B.t.w, It would be nice to have this kind of dialog with a list of conductors so we can edit the text and values in that table and have the conductors updated; this instead - to go to each conductor and have it to click right click, edit conductor, find the text, and so on.

thank you, it works.
I need to alter some lining thickness but so far so good.

Maybe, if you want, create a sticky with all those valuable tips. I did search the web and YT, but I did't find this one.

Thank ypu again.


(14 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

I am pleased with the CAD Mouse, works well. Also in QET.


Is there a way to import an Excel table completely with raster, headers and data?

If not, is there a way to import CSV data in a table?

Thank you


(14 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

I did get some movement; once; but was using the buttons with a shortcut key.

For my feeling, I see less use of the Spacemouse Knob in QET;
maybe moving a selection around on the folio. ( but then you have to click with the Mouse to select it, them move it around with the Navigator )
maybe rotate a selection but then it should do it in certain degree steps.
Zooming in and out; not really; zooming with a (CAD) mouse works great enough.
Folio rotation? No use for that.

Maybe the bigger Spacemouse navigators with more buttons and programmed; maybe nice for people who works every day with QET. Andt 3D in QET CAD?


(14 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Hi, I got the spacemouse navigator and the CAD mouse.
Unfortunate I don’t have a arm system.


(14 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

I did move it to a new topic.

scorpio810 wrote:
rvamerongen wrote:

For zooming, most of the time I use a 3D-Connection mouse.

Unfortunate a 3D-Connexion navigator is not really working, but do make use of the short cuts list for some actions.

Can you use your 3D mouse with QET, does it work?

Zooming in is more precise, and the mouse pointer arrow stay in the center of the zooming point then when with a trackpad. Meaning the object stays under the mouse pointer but zooms in and out.
With the buttons on the left side, I can step forward or backward in the folio tab's.

Some keystroke works with a radial menu, but other settings let QEletroTech quit without any notice; no saving or dialog, just gone. Not sure if it is a crash; nothing to see in the system log. SO I didn't bother to much about the Navigator.

The CTRL key isn't working on the Mac as it shouldn't; We use the Command key, that works fine on the iMac but not so good on the MBP>

For zooming, most of the time I use a 3D-Connection mouse.

Unfortunate a 3D-Connexion navigator is not really working, but do make use of the short cuts list for some actions.

Dear all,

Using MacOS - If I using the English language the preferences is settled under the qelectrotech menu;
but when using the Dutch language its under the configuratie menu.

How come and why?

tiz.meneghe wrote:

Hi, Laurent
2) Adding i/I key as "zoom IN" command, o/O key as "zoom OUT" and c/C key as "zoom center", I think it's also easy to implement.
It helps a lot when you have the mouse busy holding an object or when you need to draw a line and you're off the screen...


scorpio810 wrote:

Definitely true. But it couldn't be done with QET development.

These projects made with QET..but not an laptop with 13", isn't possible...

did wrote with but meant to write without.

But it wouldn't be possible without QET development.

Was trying to write a compliment to the dev’s.


scorpio810 wrote:

Yes, we know, and it's hard sometimes, but if you see this example, some guys come up with crazy plans....
I admire the achievement and the result, very excellent, big tanks. nomicons/wink

Definitely true. But it couldn't be done  without QET development.
( did wrote with but meant to write without)

I use an Imac 27" retina and a 15" MBP retina, the DPI are dense.

Maybe the macOS pointer got a different location/direction then Linux or windows and the selector point covers a dot to much; I don't know.

Yesterday I did wrote about this; but started from a different point of view. … 932#p17932 item 1
and … 952#p17952

Simply said, the Backup function has nothing to do with a BackUp.

Please add your opinion maybe there will be a change.

And then a crossed cursor/pointer to see the dot better.
Specially when zoomed out, the dot is not very visible.
At least on the mac it is hidden behind the mouse pointer.

HTH to get the idea