thanks working fine again.

it is for example impossible to use the iso template (i made it long time ago.

coming from 4556 i installed the new version, and it does work, however when opening an old drawing it stops on me.
So some repair is needed to get the old files working again.

I do love the new reference system, asked for it many times.

this is because it are 2 lines over each other, a solution is to put a element from eplan in it.

sometimes it takes very long, even halting other programs so be patient, and yes i have them about once every day in simple windows.
but it is a free program so why complain.


(36 replies, posted in News)

what is possible with the order="1" etc
make it possible to have not used numbers in between, or even check on text instead of a number.
this would mean the pages can have any text but the order is alphabetical also meaning it could work with =/- etc.
Now i do this with extra textfields, but the insertion of an extra page is a lot of shifting.

and yes obvious a directory structure like in the elements would be far better, however that would probably involve a hell of a change.
However it would solve the problem with the references.
(is it possible to have another text like pageref instead of the pagenumber? tried but not working.


(2 replies, posted in Elements)

as simple contacts do not have numbers next to the connections, i made up to 4 contacts, however the numbers can be changed easy as they are textfields.

i have set the mark do not follow parent rotations.

when inserting an element (made myself) i hit the space and the element turns and the text stays upright, however when i do insert the element the text is still rotated. so insertion is not working, it does so for all elements also the standard collection.
probably something wrong in the program when inserting elements it does not look at this flag.

greetings paul,

as my frans is bad, i have problems searching the forum.
i want a folio report to have the pagenumber instead of the ordernumber.
example i use 
page 10 with power,
page 11 for power etc...
page 100 to start with PLC,
in between is nothing, i can make empty pages, however there will be a lot.
is it possible to have the code changed instead of %f,%l,%c in a variable i choose myself and also on that page like pagenumber.
i changed folio-id on the template into %{code} and it works fine
however in the report-folio i can not change this as this variable is not available.
greetings paul,

I think winarthez has a very good idea, and solution, i do have a remark, to have different lengths of color, so divide in three parts.

I would like the same structure as eplan has, so making subdirs for position and function like the =+/. structure and then a page number and an itemnumber on that page.
this way the references are clear and are not changed when a page is inserted even after build.

I have difficulties to find the correct page when making references i only see a page number and a pos on that page, but no function of the page.

For future same as i would love to make wiring lists

Yes no big problem, you can make it yourself.
use the edit element function to make the roundedlabel, when time i will make them in weekend.
then make also the dot as separate element.
on both make 4 connections.
on the diagram insert both and fill in the text field.
then put a wire in between them.
if you make a link (previous next you can make a list of all on another page.
another way is to define them as a terminal.

roger new one is 3810

in master slave like you did the position of the xref is dependant of the tagg label.

So we have to ask development to have this position set in another textfield with a taggname XREF, this would be a better option , as we can set the xref wherever we want it. (not at pagebottom but that is covered in software already)
In this same thing i would like to have we can choose what icon will be at master like a NO, NC, Power, EMPTY, safety, so this will need another directory with entries (a bit like references is now)
I will make an example on this for laurent and others ( as it is in line with these references i am making)

message is above

galexis please send the complete drawing as i need to know what elements are used? most probably you use the master slave, but that is not implemented yet. with renvoi it is possible.
as these texts stay on where you put them.
i will make you an example tomorrow.

On same subject, is it possible to copy/move parts of pages to another project, and also taking the embarque collection. I do know first put them on the page then copy and then you can remove them again, however the info is in the element, so it should be possible to first copy the elements to the embarque and then paste the elements.

when remounting a folio, the 10 times is grayed when this is impossible, or use extra put folio on top or do not gray out and just shift it to top
same for bottom obvious

There is another way to do this, as you can make drawings on 0.1 mm by changing the number of points. (That way i do make A3 forms) my standard folio is 8*152 and 6*162. (i am printing them on A4, to get the enough elements on a page)
by changing these numbers you can make it to scale, however a drawback is that this is printer dependent so you will have to find out how much points are used. and horizontal and vertical can be different.

I have made a new linked type file
it has a new type called EMPTY
as i see always a symbol at the master like a NO NC Power etc, i only need the reference.
so on the kindinformation i have changed the name NO to EMPTY, now yet i do not see the reference but that is because in software there is no icon called EMPTY
could you please add it to the software and replace the elements in the directory with the rar file included.

If this works i can make any type of reference, first subject will be terminal strips.

greetings polleke

I see a lot of french texts in the english version, like in the titleblocks the name is modele
in the menu it says edition and fenetres and many more.
It seems the names are not translated all correctly however the most is translated.
default template is different from the one the program starts with,
when changed i get an error in the titleblock (when used it stays red in tree, i like my own titleblock (the ISO)
i am working on the linked refernces as they are not correct.

so galexis and me want to have a difference between CTRL X and CTRLC.
so keep the info when using Cut and losing the info on copy.

I downloaded latest version, and saw all languages gone except english.
The texts are all the same like Allen Bradley in all languages
is this correct?
It would be fine, as we translators do not need to translate all these type numbers. and only texts that need conversion.

nuri thank you very much, makes it a lot simpler.
Will try to make dutch language as soon as possible.

yes some files are missing, 
tommorow lasurent will see this message.