That commit fix only crash on diagram editor when you select all components in a area with mouse for deleting and provoke in the GraphicScene artefact like conductors and basic shapes ghosts elements.
it was really a nasty bug!
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QElectroTech → Posts by Nuri
That commit fix only crash on diagram editor when you select all components in a area with mouse for deleting and provoke in the GraphicScene artefact like conductors and basic shapes ghosts elements.
it was really a nasty bug!
@ Opus
oublie l'édition tabulaire "on the fly", aujourd'hui il y a d'autres priorités pour le développement de QET.
Toutefois, la manipulation des filtres XSLT serait un grand plus car cela permettrait de modifier certaines valeurs dans un fichier *.qet de manière très ciblée et avec le confort d'un tableur.
Par exemple pour changer un cartouche dans tout un projet qui fait plus de 100 folios.
Ou alors pour renuméroter toute une série de composants ou des borniers complets...
Bref, pour faire de la manipulation de données à grande échelle.
Je sais qu'on peut aussi faire UNE PARTIE de ces tâches avec un éditeur xml et utilisant "chercher et remplacer" mais le risque d'écrabouiller des valeurs qui n'auraient pas du être changées est beaucoup plus grand. Et là, quand ca arrive, c'est la cata... faut sortir les fichiers sauvegardés de la semaine passée...
D'après ce que j'avais lu, il semblerai que Microsoft et son Excel soit plus avancé là-dedans que l'équipe des GNU/Stallmann avec LibreOffice.
Ca marche aussi avec LibreOffice mais la mise en place est moins "neuneu-compatible", si tu vois ce que je veux dire...
@ Morganol,
some informations in the wiki are outdated and most of them are only available in french.
At the moment, we're trying to rewrite the website in order to make it really international (all pages in english and french). It will take weeks of work (on free time only...).
I don't care about the wiki at the moment because I think the website is more important to catch new users.
If you want, scorpio810 can give you an account to edit some articles in the wiki (of course, in english).
C'est une première : à ma connaissance, tu es le premier à réaliser cela, bravo !
Personnellement, j'ai jamais pris le temps, ni eu la patience, de m'intéresser en profondeur au sujet des filtres XSLT.
A l'occasion, est-ce que tu pourras nous montrer les résultats obtenus ? Sur le forum, ou par mail si les données sont sensibles.
Ces filtres ont le gros avantage de permettre d'exploiter plus de données issues de QET. C'est donc un sujet qui pourrait intéresser beaucoup d'utilisateurs.
Super !
T'as utilisé quoi ? Un filtre XSLT ?
no, not directly.
But I think it would be possible to do it by means of a XSLT filter + Basic macro or a script (bash, python...) that search the infos you need in the xml of your *.qet file.
...and then writes a netlist.
Bonjour Opus,
Ce n'est pas son usage dédié mais j'apprécie ses capacités
Je crois que tu n'es pas le premier à faire cela
Pour mon travail, je dessine aussi avec QET des plans pneumatiques et hydrauliques directement intégrés dans la documentation électrotechnique de machines CNC.
Est-ce envisageable d'avoir d'autres types de connecteurs pour les éléments ?
Non, un conducteur est un conducteur ! QElectroTech ne fait pas la différence entre un conducteur électrique et un tuyau pneumatique ou une conduite hydraulique.
Mais tu peux changer leur apparence en double-cliquant dessus et en allant dans l'onglet "apparence".
Dans la même fenêtre "propriétés des conducteurs", tu peux aussi détourner les champs "fonction" et "tension/protocole" pour entrer des informations que tu pourras utiliser dans les flèches de revoie.
Voir ici pour la mise en place :
J'aimerais aussi récupérer la liste des tuyauteries que j'ai repéré.
Pour l'instant, QET n'a pas encore de fonction intégrée qui réalise cela. Et les électriciens en auraient bien besoin aussi !
Malgré tout, nous savons que la faisabilité technique existe déjà car ces informations sont disponibles dans ton projet *.qet sous format xml.
Pour importer ces infos dans un tableur, il faudrait passer par un filtre XSLT qui convertirait le xml écrit par QET en du xml compréhensible par le tableur.
Si tu as envie de t'y mettre, voir ces quelques adresses : … ML_Filters
Je ne suis pas développeur mais je peux aider, par exemple à fournir des éléments conformes aux normes ISO10628
Les éléments de bonne qualité réalisés avec soin sont toujours les bienvenus
@ Morganol:
there is still a lot to do:
- updating content
- revamping menus
- creation of a "features" pictures illustrated slideshow
- language switching (if I really manage to do that...)
- etc...
The new look is only the first step.
I think it will take many weeks until the whole work about the website is achieved.
@ Morganol,
at this point, my knowledge is clearly "out of range"
Maybe a developer could say more about those debug infos.
I also an hour ago got the crash when saving after having deleted a line that was still visible
would be nice to really track this crash with some debug informations.
From a user point of view only, it's really difficult to define the conditions that make QET crashes.
we are currently working on the new look of the site much of which is already visible now
We hope that the operation of the site will not be affected. If this is still the case, we apologize in advance.
Further changes will follow.
nous travaillons actuellement sur la nouvelle apparence du site dont une bonne partie est déjà visible actuellement
Nous esperons que le fonctionnement du site n'en sera pas affecté. Si c'est malgré tout le cas, nous nous en excusons par avance.
D'autres modifications suivront.
In QET there are now 2 different ways to identify folios:
1. the old way
all folios are identified with continuous numbering (1, 2, 3, 4...).
In this case, folios are numbered with "folio id".
"folio id" is the variable that takes the entries 1, 2, 3, 4...
This variable is AUTOMATICALLY managed and filled by QET. The user can only change the order of the folios but NOT their numbering.
2. the new way
the user would like to number the folio the way he wants.
For example : 10, 20, 30, 40... or A, B, C, D... or Paul, Chantal, Robert, Gertrude... or I, II, III, IV, V...
In this case, the USER has to fill this information in the "folio properties" dialog in the field "folio".
The information "folio number that is typed manually by the user" is named "folio label".
So... if you CHECK the box "Use labels of folio instead of their Id" the table of content of your project (project tree) will look like that:
A - title of the first folio
B - title of the second folio
C - title of the third folio
I - title of the first folio
II - title of the second folio
III - title of the third folio
if you UNCHECK the box "Use labels of folio instead of their Id" the table of content of your project (project tree) will ALWAYS look like that:
1 - title of the first folio
2 - title of the second folio
3 - title of the third folio
As I already wrote, these fonctionalities are not totaly achieved (don't forget you're working with the devel version).
They're working but the interactions with the user are not so intuitive.
The default template must be updated.
@ Morganol
ok, everything is working fine ;-)
Open the "folio properties" dialog of a folio, go to the field "folio :" and type the number (or anything) you want.
Then go to the main menu --> Settings --> configure QElectroTech --> General
then CHECK the box "use labels of folios instead of their ID" so that you can see the folio number you typed by hand in the project tree (dock "Projects").
then make some new testing with exporting to a csv file.
@ Morganol
I tried it, but the column "Label folio" only contain "%id(%total)" for every item; it do not resolve the values. Bug?
not a bug, only something that is not already completely achieved.
To solve the problem:
go to main menu --> Settings --> configure QElectroTech --> New project
then go to the tab "folio" and delete "%id(%total)" in the field "folio :" (under the field "file :") .
But this solve only the problem for new folios you will create.
For existing folios, you have to delete "%id(%total)" in folio properties one by one (or open the *.qet file with a xml editor and use the "search and replace" function).
In the nomenclature (parts list) you can:
EITHER use the column "N° of folio" in the csv file
OR use the column "Label folio" in the csv file
for your information:
"N° of folio" is automaticaly generated by QET if you want CONTINUOUS NUMBERED folios (1, 2, 3...)
"Label folio" receives the entry of the field "folio" of the widget "folio properties" (in this case, you can type by hand the number of the folio or anything you want to identify your folios).
I know... this is a litle bit confusing at the moment but I'm sure it will become easier in the next months (weeks?!?).
@ Opus
this is not a database! Only "something like" a database :-)
The big advantage of possibility 2 is that you have all article data embedded in your symbols.
Drawbacks: you need the LibreOffice macro and it has some restrictions unless you can modify the code of the macro by yourself to shape it fine for your needs.
@ Opus
YESSS!!! It would be really nice to have some PID symbols.
I can create a new symbol category for those new symbols (next to "electric", "logic, "pneumatic"...).
With QET you can configure the folio (page) with really big dimensions and this is a big advantage to draw some PID diagrams which are almost always drawn on a single huge page.
With a bill of materials ?
yes it works.
there are 2 possibilities:
type your article data in the fields of the "selection properties" :
and then go to the main menu "project" --> "export a nomenclature"
or follow this tutorial if you want something more like a database :
parts list edition
So the are probably rather "personal" and "unique" colored by my own taste.
no problem, I will decide which elements would be good for the QET collection and which not.
I have no experince of designing and using of PID symbols (except from reading diagrams with them)
mmm... it's the same for me, I only have to know how to read them.
hello ZASto,
you have obviously updated QElectroTech to a newer version too.
The element collection is now in a dedicated panel you can active it this way:
Hi Morganol,
I saw you're creating process symbols for your needs.
If you are ok with it, it would be nice if you send me them so that I can integrate them in the QET collection.
At the moment, there are very few process symbols in the collection.
Of course, you can send me the symbols when you are finished with your job, ther is no hurry!
Send them to:
Are you creating PID symbols too? For such diagrams:
This is another way things can be done
I use master/slave cross ref only for electric drawings.
one question:
in your screenshot, process part on the right, why do you use some contact cross ref tables for the P.PV1 valve?
You obviously defined the element as "Master" and then as "coil".
Maybe you would rather defined the process elements like this:
I need a 'mirror' of it (with the led to the right of the transistor)
you have to create it by yourself. The element editor of QET is really easy to use.
When you are finished with it, you can upload your elmt file in the elements repository so that it is integrated in the official QET collection (in a future release).
First the 'zoom' function on my iMac was driving me crazy.
mmm... no idea, I have no mac, I'm on Ubuntu.
Second I was always missing a text called 'tagg'
could you post a screenshot of the dialog?
(in this forum, in order to post an image, you have first to write and post your message, then click on "modify" so that the buttons to upload images appear).
I gave up in the finish and moved to a PC
with Windos or with Linux?
I found the Opto-Coupler, its perfect, but its read-only
DO NOT paste the elmt file I gave you in the QET collection. This collection is marked as read-only because this is the official librairy of QElectroTech.
To edit the elmt file, do the following:
On Windows, open with the windows explorer this path:
[drive]:\Users\[username]\Application Data\qet\elements
Of course, you have to replace [drive] and [username] by the values used
in your system.
paste the elmt file there or in a sub directory you created.
On Linux, open with the file manager this path:
paste the elmt file there or in a sub directory you created.
Then start QElectroTech, go to the "collections" panel and open the "User collection".
Double-click the optocoupler to edit it. That's it!
Tip: if you want to have the whole QET collection with read access, copy with your file manager the whole collection into the root folder of the user collection.
Hello Robert,
try with the "jump" element.
But be carefull, this element is a bit wrong (it is a very old one and needs some update):
you have to draw some lines under the terminal so that it really looks good on printed document (paper or pdf).
Make some print tests to correct this element!
Hi Stebo,
maybe it will solve your problem:
In my job I see commonly coils only as rectangle without diagonal lines.
In the commercial software Eplan P8, coils are also without diagonal lines.
But I've already seen some coils with diagonal lines in older documentations.
So... It doesn't really matter... I draw coils witout diagonal line.
If you are new to QElectroTech, it would be really usefull to check the youtube channel for some demonstration videos:
and maybe take a look to the online manual: … l/QET.html
QElectroTech → Posts by Nuri
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