(10 replies, posted in Code)

https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 295#p13295

Like it's said in the reddit's link, we are a little team (I'm the only one developer since 2012 and before me, between 2008 and 2012 the creator of QElectrotech was also alone to write code, except sometimes where a dev come to write a little functionality and go away after that). Since this year we gain some dev, but QElectoTrech stay a little team who work on there free time.
Currently, we concentrate all our (little) resources to write new functionality which miss for this kind of software (terminal strip generator, generator and list of cable, project structure according to IEC 81346 etc...) after that I plan to rewrite a big part of QElectroTech for several reason, may be they will be a good occasion to think about integrate a python API.

About Freecad, a good feature would be to create a new workbenches for create 3D electrical cabinet integration.
QElectrotech make a file (easy and quick to write the code) with the electrical components used in the project, freecad read this file and do the work.

Oui ouverture/fermeture de la porte avec l'heure.
J'ai demandé autour de moi + les forums, l'ensoleillement sur le papier c'est bien mais en pratique pas vraiment et de toute façon les poules se couchent un peu avant la nuit, donc même si la porte se ferme 15/20 minutes après le couché du soleil c'est pas bien grave.
J'ai pris un arduino avec un écran + pad et un petit moteur pas à pas. Le plus chiant en fait c'est de faire un montage qui tient à peu près dans le temps avec le maximum de récup.
L'autre solution pas cher serais d’investir dans un programmateur 24V et un moteur 24V genre moteur de portail électrique (j'ai la possibilité d'avoir les batteries). 0 programmation juste quelques fil peut être un ou deux relais et un peu de mécanique de bourrin (tasseau de bois pour faire des glissières et une planche ou un bout de tôle pour la porte).

A voir.... (me connaissant c'est pas encore fait :-p )


(5 replies, posted in Elements)

Hum strange, I though I was fixed this problem, may be a special case which cause the issue.
I see that.

scorpio810 wrote:

Je sens que ça va donner des idées à Joshua.

Il faudrais déjà que je puisse acheter une piscine nomicons/grin rupture de stoque nationale avec la combinaison grosse chaleur + confinement + vacance à la maison pour beaucoup.
J'ai encore pas pris le temps de faire ma porte de poulailler avec l'arduino.

Truc marrant, un collègue m'a demander aujourd'hui pour voir avec lui afin de mettre en place un petit système automatisé pour sont future système aquaponique, controle T° de l'eau T° extérieure, taux d'oxygène dans l'eau etc... et envoyer un sms si un problème est détecté.


(27 replies, posted in Code)

Yes you can safely remove this part of code, like Laurent say, it's not use since 0.3 or 0.4.

scoprio810 wrote:

dommage que je n'ai plus le temps de rien mais un raspberry aurai été génial pour ça mais ça aurait été niet pour QET ...

Prend le temps de lâcher un peu qet de temps en temps, sinon tu finira par t'en dégoutter.
Ça fait plus d'un mois que je n'ai pas mis les mains dans le code (à quelque détails près), c'est un logiciel, y'a pas de maintenance préventive dessus nomicons/wink.
Bon pour le forum c'est autre chose d'ailleurs heureusement que vous êtes la car si on comptais sur moi pour animer le forum...
Je dit ça mais ne pas coder commence à me manquer sérieusement, heureusement j'ai bientôt fini les truc perso que j'ai entrepris.

Bon courage pour la sonde et le servomoteur.

De-Backer wrote:

I think I got it working,
Joshua can this be tested?

https://github.com/De-Backer/qelectrote … minal_name

Sorry for answer you so late.
I didn't test your patch just read it, and see the screen-cast, everything look good nomicons/smile.
For me they miss one thing , add new kind of text : terminal text witch display the name of the terminal, the text should be static (not editable in the diagram editor), anyways it's good job nomicons/wink
Also see with Martin what he already made with terminal
https://invent.kde.org/marmsoler/qelect … rce-mirror

No, this list don't exist

De-Backer wrote:

can there be any changes before /*for*/ 0.8 due to the file structure?
I am asking this because I am asked to number the contact points of each element.
(for Terminal block generator)
And if you have any idea how that is planned, let me know.

No there is no change on the file format for the 0.8.
Martin work on a harness feature and if I remember well add terminal number.
The 0.8 dev is now in a state of stabilization before the release, I only add minor change and bug fix.
For the 0.9 version, I will create integrated terminal strip generator, it was previously planned for the 0.8 but the 0.7 begin to be a little old. I prefer release around one version by year.

Nice your wiki nomicons/wink

De-Backer wrote:

Has JSON ever been proposed as a file for the elements?
I am asking this because the search function returns NULL.
Perhaps this can be faster than XML.
It is certainly more readable than XML.

No JSON was not proposed.
Elements file are in xml and will stay xml for the following reasons :
-It's the original file format and everything in the code about element are for xml.
-Elements are embedded in the .qet file and .qet file is xml, we don't embedded a JSON collection inside the xml of the .qet.
-JSON need to write new code and so need lot of time and debbuging.
-Not retrocompatible with xml element file (or have two codes, one for xml another for JSON, a big headache and a big sources of bug and weird behavior)
-I think JSON is not faster than xml (pugi xml vs Qt JSON) and if so I think we will don't gain a lot.
They look the problem come from  how Windows access to file, I search if something like ram disk can improve the loading of collection.
Don't forget even if qet start-up on windows is slow, he is much faster than before since we use pugixml and multithreading..... but I hope we can do better nomicons/wink

De-Backer wrote:

I will first create the doc on my PC and then I will forward it there to you.
I think that can work..

it will be plain .txt text.

Whoo it's a hard job, good luck nomicons/smile and thanks in advance

De-Backer wrote:

and what if we index when we open the folder.
instead of everything at start up?

We load all the collection at the start up for use the search engine. If we not do that the search engine will search only for folder already expanded.
Exactly in the sources code, at the start up of Qet we get all files of the element collection and on each of these files we get the name and the information of the element and that all.
The icon of the element are created when the folder is expanded for both speed up the start of qet and limit the memory foot print of qet.
So load only expanded folder could be a great solution (qelectrotech will start instantly) but we lose the search engine.
A solution could to add in each folder a new file with inside the name and information of each element present in the folder but :
1: we must to write new code for that instead of improve existing (And in current state of devel for the 0.8 I don't make big change, I polish existing before the release)
2: We also write code to update these new files with :
-automatic update when add/remove/update new element
-and manual update if a change are made outside of qet)

May be we will do this in future but I prefer to find a magic solution for improve existing code.

De-Backer wrote:

QElectroTech isn't alone in using file / element strategy
    footprints +10500 file's in 151 folder's
    packages3D +11400 file's in 100 folder's
    symbols 490 file's in 23 folder's => multiple element per file maybe there is performance problem after all
    symbols => multiple element per file maybe there is performance problem after all
I will check with the neighbors (KiCAD) if they are also bothered by this and how this has been remedied.

Has SQLite been considered for the element?

Or maybe we should also put multiple elements in 1 file.

May be one file for multiple element should be a good way, but the code of qet isn't write for that and write something to handle this will take a lot lot of time and make code very un-understandable, so no.

We already use a sqlite db for element icon in the widget of element collection, but the default is that Qt sqlite isn't multithreade and in definitive load is faster without the db even in linux.

I'm playing with a win10 vm, for the moment I find nothing to improve file access.....
I you have some links about how Kicad or other softwares load multiple files I will be glade to read it.
Not easy this problem.

No, this part of code is used when you drag an element from the common collection to the user collection and so is not called when the collection is loaded or when user drag and drop element into the folio.

C'est corrigé

Oui je vais regarder ça.
Il faudrait que ce soit en fonction de la local

Le dernier comit devrais régler le problème, à essayer.

Actuellement ce n'est pas pris en compte pour l'export du bon de commande.
Il faut que je refasse la fonctionnalité pour qu'elle fonctionne sur la bdd interne du projet.
En attendant tu peut toujours créé une requête perso.

De-Backer, you was in the good way, it was the good line and the good comit wich broke the formula. nomicons/wink

I will see that tomorrow

S.DEFFAUX : https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 227#p12227
Je vient de forcer mon affichage pour être à la même définition et tout va bien, le dialogue est plus petit que l'écran et il est redimensionnable.
Ce qui est étrange sur ta capture d'écran, c'est que le dialogue est anormalement très large.
D'autres peuvent ils confirmé ce problème ?

scorpion810 wrote:

fix bad fonts rendering.

Cool, j’espère qu'au passage ça corrigera quelque bug et crash propre à windows.

Pour info,
J'ai regardé vite fait pour mettre en place le sommaire de la même manière que la nomenclature.
A vue d’œil 80% du code de la nomenclature sera partagé avec celui du sommaire, donc les choses devrais aller assez vite (relatif à mon temps libre nomicons/wink )

S.DEFFAUX wrote:

Non j'arrive pas à le reduire, il a meme tendance a sortir de l'écran et obliger de faire crtl+alt+supr pour fermer QET

Étrange, je vais regarder ça.