Topic: Error Launching qet_tb_generator plugin

        QElectroTech is a great program and seems easy to use - however I am struggling with the tb generator plugin.

I have tried installed versions and portable versions of QET, installed various versions of python, installed Visio complete with python, done all the pip install and python -m commands as listed on the error popup.

I am an admin user and have also ran dos box as admin - BTW PC is W10 1909 i5 CPU, 16Gb RAM and good SSD hard drive.

I have read the forum to try and resolve the issue and failed.

I would be grateful if some kind person could show me where i am going wrong.


Re: Error Launching qet_tb_generator plugin


open the 0.8-dev ReadyToUse portable QET application and just put in the portable plugin qet_tb_generator.exe.
To check If you click on qet_tb_generator.exe it should get started, after launch plugin by QET menu.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

3 (edited by Ghoster 2020-06-22 22:38:23)

Re: Error Launching qet_tb_generator plugin

Hi scorpio810,
                     Thanks for the speedy reply, I have removed all instances of Visio, python and QET files. Downloaded the portable from the nightly as suggested, I still receive the same pop up within QET when i try and Project>Launch the Terminal Block Creation Plugin
If I then double click on qet_tb_generator.exe I am faced with a larger box with the option to "create terminal blocks" as per 2nd error attachment, within the dos box shows an error as per attachment 3rd error. after closing and restarting I now receive errors as per attachments 1 & 2, then when clicking on create terminal blocks it pop up a box "Choose terminal blocks to generate" Accept. When I accept  attachment 2 error still remains. Attachment 3 will also show my directory path.

I guess I must be missing a step somewhere but dont understand where?

Post's attachments

1st error.JPG, 33.96 kb, 459 x 316
1st error.JPG 33.96 kb, 391 downloads since 2020-06-22 

Re: Error Launching qet_tb_generator plugin

2nd error

Post's attachments

2nd error.JPG, 126.74 kb, 742 x 720
2nd error.JPG 126.74 kb, 374 downloads since 2020-06-22 

Re: Error Launching qet_tb_generator plugin

3rd error

Post's attachments

3rd error.JPG, 30.42 kb, 672 x 160
3rd error.JPG 30.42 kb, 351 downloads since 2020-06-22 

6 (edited by Ghoster 2020-06-22 22:53:46)

Re: Error Launching qet_tb_generator plugin

This attachment give a view of the choose terminal blocks to generate popup

Hopefully this will identify what i am missing?

Post's attachments

4th error.JPG, 127.59 kb, 964 x 640
4th error.JPG 127.59 kb, 378 downloads since 2020-06-22 

Re: Error Launching qet_tb_generator plugin

For running plugin need a finished project. !

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Error Launching qet_tb_generator plugin

Bonjour, j'ai le même problème, mais en plus je n'arrive pas à finaliser mon projet. Quand je choisit "projet construit" dans "numérotation auto =>management" que j'applique et que je fait OK cela ne finalise pas mon projet. Le plugin " terminal block se lance avec le guide d'installation et la fenêtre d'instructions. Quand je retourne dans "Propriétés du projet", à peine je les ais modifier, elle ne sont déjà plus comme je viens de les paramétrer

Re: Error Launching qet_tb_generator plugin

Hi all,

I did install the package qet-tb-generator in the path C:/Python39/Scripts/qet-tb-generator.
The environment variables are set correctly, but the programs seems that it cannot recognize the launching path.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Error Launching qet_tb_generator plugin

I am having the same problems with the terminal generator as described in this thread. … 866#p14866