
To update revision of all Folios, you may use the "Search" function.

Ctrl + F, then choose symbol in far right corner > Choose "Folio" - and then change revision field, then OK/Replace all.
This updates the Revision field in all Folios.

Very handy … _menu.html

Just sharing a discovery...

Been using Treesheets for years...
What is it; freeform text organizer - works for everything

TreeSheets exports to HTML
(you can choose to export to HTML each time you save a file)

HTML can be used directly in QElectrotech

Very good / efficient for creating e.g. tables in Folios



Hi Joshua


> looking for way to specify to team (who will be drawing schematics, which folios should be produced/drawn)

TL section;

(I scrolled through most forum posts, I can see you've put quite some effort into QET, nice work...)

My background 10+ years working customer side in mid-sized company - operations/maintenance for large industrial sites (20 + sites, 250 meters of paper documentation in shelves, tens of thousands of electronic files), 500 + companies who deliver goods/services, thousands of people on contact list to get things done... Whennever something breaks, there is a rush to get it back in operation.

- There is an issue where subvendors / suppliers are delivering bad quality documentation and bad design for certain types of installations.

- To mitigate/address this issue, we are considering delivering a already pre-made, generic schematics for certain types of installations we want them to deliver (as part of request for quotation / asking for bid). I am looking into perhaps using QElectrotech to be the selected choice as E-CAD software to make such schematics. I am familiar with a handful of "large scale" softwares, such as EPLAN, AutoCAD Electrical, COMOS aso - as our "major suppliers" use these.

However, we are looking for something more lightweight / without all the hassle - and QElectrotech appears the most promising choice available.

- We work on two "scales"
Small scale; For the use intended for QElectrotech
Large scale; complete documentation of all installasions on-site < vendor/supplier specific software of choice, we are too small as customer to affect what the suppliers use

I translated / made a generic HTML file showing what I mean regarding Folio creation based on import of list.

EDIT: Forum didn't like html format, could not upload - uploaded as images/screenshot instead

This would be used to specify to the one who is drawing which Folios need to be created.
Yellow would be the resulting Folios.
Blue > choices/different from site-to-site
Red > cannot be created by QElectrotech or has to be created manually - (or by plug-in)

I can survive having to create Folios manually, was just wondering if there was something I'd missed
(Yes, I've read the docs - cover to cover - and watched all the videos)

Thanks for a great piece of software!

Let's say you have a list (.csv - semicolon separated - or other format) of defined Plant (=) and Location (+) that are supposed to be unique pages / Folios -

Titles are specified in the list - is there a way to import this to created empty Folios in the Project - or do you have to Create New Folio (Ctrl + T) for all?

Thanks for any assistance. nomicons/smile


Solution; see EDIT #2

QElectrotech is great!

Tnx to developers / volunteers for the great / flexible Summary function introduced in v 0.8 - which allows to edit/modify the layout of the Summary. (makes the output even more professional and gives the software more generic uses, than being locked to specific text / columns - previously; Folio | Title | Plants | Location | Rev | Author | Date)

Tried to register for Mantis bugtracker to report the following as a bug (still waiting for confirmation e-mail)...

However, I struggle with the sorting / order of folio numbers.


Anyone figure out a fix / workaround for this?

Might give this one a try.

Adding the '+ 0 ASC' after "folio" in SQL request also results in correct order:

         SELECT folio, author, date FROM project_summary_view ORDER BY folio + 0 ASC, author, date

Have a nice Easter, everybody.