(6 replies, posted in News)

Two more items for the changelog:
* In the official collection, there are now 1672 elements and 256 categoris for a total of 1928 files. In version 0.3 alpha, there were 1465 elements and 233 categories, while version 0.22 had153 elements and 51 categories.
*Progress in the translation (see http://qelectrotech.org/wiki/doc/translation/stats for current state)
* Functions (edit element and find in panel) have been moved to the context


(6 replies, posted in News)

We have released the version 0.3 beta. The previous version, 0.3 alpha, was released a long time ago (you can see the changelog between 0.22 and 0.3 alpha at http://qelectrotech.org/wiki/en/doc/cha … .22_0.3a).

Here is the changelog, for version 0.3 beta:

* Functions (edit element and find in panel) have been moved to the context menu, that can be accessed with right click. This is more user friendly.
* Refresh of categories when an element is moved.
* DateNow button added in the "Diagram property" dialog.
* Dotted lines can now been added between conductors.
* Rich text can be added to the diagram text fields.


* HTML WYSIWYG editor for rich text: bold, italic, underlined, font size from 6 to 72 pixels, font colour, etc.


* You can change between the two modes(Selection mode <-> View mode) with the scroll button.
* Symbol editor: focus on the new value for language, languages sorted in alphabetical order.
* Added a widget that reflects the loading of a big project.


* Automated numbering of conductors according to your rules. See note from Joshua http://qelectrotech.org/wiki/doc/autonum
* Added a dialog to automatically rotate the text if the associated conductor is vertical or horizontal. Parameters are saved in qelectrotech.conf


* Added basic colours on the tools for lines and for the filling of the primitives, and also for the style line and point in the element editor.
* Added several protection to prevent from saving an element if one of its primitive is beyond the hotspot.

On the forum punBB, two plugins have been added to make it easier to add videos and message editing.

On Mantisbt, our bugtracker, a plugin similar to TinyMCE has been added. This would make it more easy to add reports.

Background image (architect's diagram) has been delayed to the version 0.4. According to Cyril it is more complicated that what appeared at first sight and after one year between 0.3 alpha and 0.3 beta, it is time to prepare the release of the final 0.3 version. We expect to release the sable 0.3 version this summer.

Translated and adapted from the news of Laurent by Youssef.


(128 replies, posted in Bar Fourre-tout)

Bonjour et bienvenue DiliaK. Merci pour ce retour d'expérience.

Bienvenue sur le forum. Cela arrive tout le monde de manquer de diplomatie, ce n'est pas grave.


(128 replies, posted in Bar Fourre-tout)

Bienvenue sur QET et merci pour la contribution.


Merci pour le retour d'expérience et bienvenue Pascal.louis sur QET.

Je trouve la plaquette très bien faite.

flindt wrote:

From the parts I have seen the design looks pretty solid - have you guys done any design work on this, or is it based on experience?

I am not sure you should put "guys" in plural since Xavier is the one who coded most of the software on his spare time. Yes he did an amazing job.

Good morning Flindt and welcome to the forum. The person you can blame for the lack of English documentation is ... me. I am responsible for the English and Spanish translation, but did not dedicate much time.

I do not have plenty of time, so could you tell which documentation would you like to see first translated?


Youssef Oualmakran

Bonjour et bienvenue. Au sujet des normes, j'avais commencé à étudier le problème.

Apparemment, il y a une norme internationale CEI 60617 [1]  (545 francs suisses) transposée en une norme technique européenne EN 60617. Contrairement aux directives, les normes techniques ne sont pas librement téléchargeables nomicons/sad

Pour l'instant, je n'ai pas beaucoup le temps pour m'en occuper.

En résumé, je pense que la plupart des symboles belges sont les mêmes qu'en France et les autres pays européens qui appliquent la norme 60617.

[1] http://std.iec.ch/iec60617

Bonjour. Il est possible de modifier la taille dans l'éditeur de schémas.  Aujourd'hui, c.-à-d. dans la version 0.2, les textes possèdent trois attributs : x, y et taille (size). Les deux premiers correspondent aux coordonées, et le dernier à la taille du texte.

La prochaine version de QET, la version 0.3, permettra normalement du texte enrichi. http://qelectrotech.org/wiki/roadmap

Sinon, les données des élements sont stoquées au format XML dans un fichier .elmt. Il est donc possible de les modifier avec un simple éditeur de texte (notepad par exemple sous Windows) en cas de problèmes.

Vous avez par défaut les droits sur les élements que vous créez. Pour les élements de la collection officielle, il suffit de chipoter un peu, en copiant par exemple l'élément dans votre collection utilisateur. Puis, modifiez la copie.

Benvenuto. Welcome to QET. I translate QET in Spanish and English. Unfortunately, I will be very busy till June.

Je suis plutôt pour le multimètre.