(14 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

Hi, I got the spacemouse navigator and the CAD mouse.
Unfortunate I don’t have a arm system.


(14 replies, posted in EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...)

I did move it to a new topic.

scorpio810 wrote:
rvamerongen wrote:

For zooming, most of the time I use a 3D-Connection mouse.

Unfortunate a 3D-Connexion navigator is not really working, but do make use of the short cuts list for some actions.

Can you use your 3D mouse with QET, does it work?

Zooming in is more precise, and the mouse pointer arrow stay in the center of the zooming point then when with a trackpad. Meaning the object stays under the mouse pointer but zooms in and out.
With the buttons on the left side, I can step forward or backward in the folio tab's.

Some keystroke works with a radial menu, but other settings let QEletroTech quit without any notice; no saving or dialog, just gone. Not sure if it is a crash; nothing to see in the system log. SO I didn't bother to much about the Navigator.

The CTRL key isn't working on the Mac as it shouldn't; We use the Command key, that works fine on the iMac but not so good on the MBP>

For zooming, most of the time I use a 3D-Connection mouse.

Unfortunate a 3D-Connexion navigator is not really working, but do make use of the short cuts list for some actions.

Dear all,

Using MacOS - If I using the English language the preferences is settled under the qelectrotech menu;
but when using the Dutch language its under the configuratie menu.

How come and why?

tiz.meneghe wrote:

Hi, Laurent
2) Adding i/I key as "zoom IN" command, o/O key as "zoom OUT" and c/C key as "zoom center", I think it's also easy to implement.
It helps a lot when you have the mouse busy holding an object or when you need to draw a line and you're off the screen...


scorpio810 wrote:

Definitely true. But it couldn't be done with QET development.

These projects made with QET..but not an laptop with 13", isn't possible...

did wrote with but meant to write without.

But it wouldn't be possible without QET development.

Was trying to write a compliment to the dev’s.


scorpio810 wrote:

Yes, we know, and it's hard sometimes, but if you see this example, some guys come up with crazy plans....
I admire the achievement and the result, very excellent, big tanks. nomicons/wink

Definitely true. But it couldn't be done  without QET development.
( did wrote with but meant to write without)

I use an Imac 27" retina and a 15" MBP retina, the DPI are dense.

Maybe the macOS pointer got a different location/direction then Linux or windows and the selector point covers a dot to much; I don't know.

Yesterday I did wrote about this; but started from a different point of view.
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 932#p17932 item 1
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 952#p17952

Simply said, the Backup function has nothing to do with a BackUp.

Please add your opinion maybe there will be a change.

And then a crossed cursor/pointer to see the dot better.
Specially when zoomed out, the dot is not very visible.
At least on the mac it is hidden behind the mouse pointer.

HTH to get the idea

scorpio810 wrote:

Request - Is it possible to change the icon to a cross when after dragging ( drawing ) a conductor to another terminal ( blue dot ) then I can see the blue dot better. When the blue dot is pointing upward ( vertically ) the cursor covers often the dot ( zooming in is sometimes difficult to see the start and end point of a terminal at the same moment. I hope you understands what I ment. Or maybe the dots and the snap should be wider/bigger.

Hope that you understands what I meant to write.

Not really..maybe a screenshot is better to understand.


Not the handles of an selected element or conductor; but the small dots mostly blue but some times red.

scorpio810 wrote:

BTW, in config you can enable or disable automatic backup and time to backup.

I know; but thank you.

Creating an automatic or manually backUp is separated from the status of a dirty or edited document. Overwriting an already saved BU with a not altered file is a waste and error prone. Specially when a user is saving it on f.e an USB stick/drive or SSD. If some left the computer unattended for some hours because for a meeting or when working at home at the night the next morning is is saved for several 100's of times for nothing, there isn't changed a bit literally but just rewrote the file. Sorry sound silly to me.

I did check and yes it get saved every minute ( the BU save time setting ); this is very bad pracktisch, really, very bad.

If they want a BU, save automagically the file with f.e a tilde in the front or back of the file name; just one time till it, the document, was changed; thats the way to create a BU a separated file. This is the way.

Pun intended nomicons/wink

What happens here is not creating a backup, just saving the file many many times.

HTH to change the QET way.

darauf bin ich auch neugierig.

The save FloppyDisk Icon stays black after saving a project
When I draw an element in the 'element editor' and save it the black FloppyDisk Icon becomes grey, but this isn't the case when saving a project. BTW - In macOS the topleft window red dot should have a small black dot to show the documents is dirty ( as in altered and not saved ).

Deleting Items or Objects
Some elements can be deleted using Command X, others can only be deleted using left click and choose Delete.

When some drags an element it show long wires and I am okay with that but it connects always to another item when on the same level.
This happens also when I just move around an element, it draws a conductor again even that wasn't there before. A little annoying specially with the first point mentioned above.

Request - Is it possible to change the icon to a cross when after dragging ( drawing ) a conductor to another terminal ( blue dot ) then I can see the blue dot better. When the blue dot is pointing upward ( vertically ) the cursor covers often the dot ( zooming in is sometimes difficult to see the start and end point of a terminal at the same moment. I hope you understands what I ment. Or maybe the dots and the snap should be wider/bigger.

Hope that you understands what I meant to write.

Thank you for reading

When I draw a conductor line, the text of the wire/conductor scheme text appears f.e in my case 'L1'.

when I draw second wire/conductor from the same starting point to another point the wire/conductor scheme text appears, however the text of the first drawn conductor disappears.

Is this a bug or intended?
I would like to have them, the text, all stayed.
If I draw a 3phases wire/conductor set but f.e in a different order I get that the conductor text is at different places what is realy not intended.
Even if I draw all the conductors in the same order, but If I change a conductor later on it becomes a mess.

Do I mis something to do it right? Would it be nice or possible to have a checkbox to show or hide the text of each conductor.


(3 replies, posted in Import DXF)

rdsivd wrote:

Open a CSV file
click on load csv file into table


After loading into table you can select the items that have to be converted

define the header line and background color
the start line of the data
and after how many linesto split into a other elmt file

on the bottom table you can select with 1 and 2 witch colums are used, you can specifie the width for each colum
and also the text height

the click on CSV create ELMT
and then on save as elmt (it saves all the created tables into separated elmt files)


Please can you upload the images again! Thank you

rvamerongen wrote:

Thank you. Top

The only remark is that maybe 10.000 characters is a lot to give spammers too much freedom.

However I don't see it yet in my posting.

It Works, I didn’t notice

Signature display Show user signatures in posts.

in the settings tab under personal preferences

11:44 - How I do it now. But it doesn’t copy underlaying ( Folio ) information?

11:50 - For now I use a small line with two connection and connect the conductor to those connection dots to move the wire symbool around

11:53 - I use two different keyboards (iMac / MBP ), I will check later another KB and with different keyboard settings.

11:54 - okay, I will check your roadmap.

Thank you for your reply.

thank you for your reply.

Export is working but not the button.

Thank you. Top

The only remark is that maybe 10.000 characters is a lot to give spammers too much freedom.

However I don't see it yet in my posting.

Is there a way to add a Signature to postings as default?
Maybe its nice to have that where we can add out software version and OS system?
Something like..

QElectroTech V 0.100.0-dev - macOS Monterey 12.6.3

Not noticed this specific yet, but this behaviour I noticed when changing Titles and Folio formula from Folio's; however when I select other things and go back to the Folio it was changed correctly.

I am using a Mac.


The one I wanted to write about first is....

A Folio duplicator and a copy/move into another project.

Dear All/Developers

I am pleased that I found QET for the MacOS and I like it. So far so good.

Between my regular job, I am drawing/converting several old hand drawn and printouts of electrical schemes using QET. The originals are not available anymore, but the schematics are needed for quality control documentation and insurance.

Doing this, I notice some, ’short comings?’, that can make designing more streamlined; at least for me. Maybe a discussion worthy?

Rotation of a selection
When I select a group of items and want to rotate the whole selection now it rotates each element or item individual; what I like to request is that when I want to rotate the selection that it rotates the whole selection as one item.

Creating groups
I like the user collection, and would love to create a group of element and shapes ( together ) and save them in the user selection for reuse. Now I have a separate project with some ‘groups’ that I can copy and paste, but having them under user collection would be great

Project Tab’s shortening question/request
Maybe already in there but not discovered yet, but could it be there a preferences item thats toggle the ‘Project Tab’ file name to a short version; like just only the Project Name instead of a Project Name + the complete filepath. Then when hoovering over the Project tab it shows the complete path and with CTRL click on the Tab it shows like the ‘Finder’ the path as an submenu.

Moving elements and shapes using the keyboard arrows
Not sure if it is a bug, but when having a element selected using the keyboard arrows it moves the folio but not the element; not expected.

Creating my own conductors with color and text and have them stored globally.
I would love to have the possibility that I can choose in the “edit conductor’ dialog my own wire/conductor and apply to the selected conductor.

Moving the wire icon anywhere along the conductor line
When having the conductor line some times the wire icon is ar the wrong place obscuring other elements or shapes. Is this possible to move that wire icon anywhere along the line? See image

Thank you for reading.

Thank you for the info.

I did copy the drawing to a new folio; but the behaviour is then different then with the first page and original page.
Maybe worth to check that out too.

Thank you