Topic: replace element

I have updated the element from:

for some reason I wanted to do an update on the text shown in de XREF
normally when inserting a new element and selecting to update the existing element the element gets updated

Now I discovered that after an update of the element the combined text in the dynamic field is not updated

the elements that are already in the shematics do not show the updated text

original text:
%{function} /%{label}

changed text:
%{function} /- %{label}

is this some kind of bug or is ther a workaround?

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Re: replace element

Not noticed this specific yet, but this behaviour I noticed when changing Titles and Folio formula from Folio's; however when I select other things and go back to the Folio it was changed correctly.

I am using a Mac.


QElectroTech V 0.100.0-dev - iMac macOS Monterey 12.6.3 - MacMini macOS Ventura