(4 replies, posted in Elements)


here is an example.


(4 replies, posted in Elements)


I am using the current version QElectroTech V 0.90-DEV+5c6b9f182 under linux.

If the character '&' occurs in the declaration of the component name,
then you can no longer drag the component into the drawing.

Is working:

        <name lang="de">Klöckner_Möller Zeitrelais TE-69</name>

It does not work:

        <name lang="de">Klöckner&Möller Zeitrelais TE-69</name>


thanks for the reply, it's not such a serious problem.
Maybe someone can take a look and find out what the problem is.

Hello lowVoltage,

with ctrl+9 the view of page 2+3 does not change.
I've attached an example. On my Linux computer
page 2+3 is displayed differently than 1+4.

I think this behavior comes only when using copy+paste of a content.
But the pages remain permanently shifted.

Hello everyone,

there are sometimes strange position shifts in the sheet position on the monitor.
If you print it out in a PDF, it will work well.

sheet_01 correct position
sheet_02 slight shift
sheet_03 strong shift
sheet_04 correct position

Is there a solution to align all the sheets to the left?

Many Thanks



(16 replies, posted in Elements)

Improved version of qet_translate.
Download from the first posting.


(5 replies, posted in Elements)

Here are the updated items for EWON.


(16 replies, posted in Elements)

Thanks for the hint, I will change it.


(16 replies, posted in Elements)

I found a bug and it's already updated.


(16 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello, everyone,

I fixed the problem with the path.

A small extension that company names or type information are not translated.
In this case, a nonsense comes out:

Here the company name is not translated:

It can be loaded from the address in the first posting.

All the best



(5 replies, posted in Elements)

Hi scorpio810,

please delete the content from Manufacturer Ewon and replace it with this content.



Is it currently already possible to mirror components?

It would be good if there was a possibility to mirror the
components over the Y-axis. Maybe over X and Y axis.

This is certainly not so easy to do, but maybe an additional function in the future.

Hello all!

Currently, when qet does not find an existing project, it displays the message as in pic_01.
It would be advantageous for the user to be able to decide whether to delete the project file or search for the file.

Otherwise, these files always remain in the listing.


(1 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello, everyone,

could you please remove the compressor from the hydraulics, that's an oxymoron.

Nice evening.


(9 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello, everyone,

I'll send you the reworked pneumatic symbols.
See if that's okay. Perhaps one or the other directional control valve is still missing. But I can add that.

The translations are all done with the new program qet_translate.
If you had to do it by hand, you would give up first.

Nice evening.


(16 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello, everyone,

Thanks for pointing out DeepL Translator. I didn't know this one,
but it seems to have a very limited range of languages.

I develop my applications with Objectiv Pascal and have the possibility to compile to QT5.
If you want it fully integrated into QET, someone will have to program it in C++.
I can give you the pascal files but that won't help you much.
The basic principle of the data query of the translation is quite simple,
it just takes a lot of work to program it all.

If you can live with a standalone application, I can compile it for QT5.
Perhaps qet_translate can be called from within QET.

With my current level of knowledge, I would made the application as shown in the graphic.
Given the current situation with the few translations, this would have the advantage
that I would not have to open every component for editing and then edit the translation.

But there's no rush, let me know how you want to do it.

Happy April 1st!

(The email was not a joke)


(16 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello scorpio810 and everyone!

In the meantime, I've pretty much finished the pneumatic symbols and
am currently entering the translation for all components.

As you may have noticed, this is terribly tedious and
time-consuming work (euphemistically paraphrased).
Being a practical person, I made myself a tool for translating all these texts.

The program can be downloaded from here:

The folder contains a PDF file with the instructions.
Currently the program can do two jobs:
1) Perform translation and save the data in a 'qet_directory' file for labeling the folders in QElectroTech.
2) Perform translation and copy the data to the computer's clipboard.
The content of the clipboard must then be placed in the element file *.elmt between the tags


I am already aware that an automatic translation does not come close to the quality of a native speaker.
This is particularly difficult in the technical area. But at the moment we don't have many translations
for the elements, so QElectroTech won't be widely used.

Check this out to see if it's useful. This is a Win32 version, but runs fine on Win10 64.
I can also offer a Linux version for Ubuntu 20.04 GTK2.
If the program is used, I will extend the functionality and the translations can be written directly into the *.elmt file.

If you have any suggestions, requests or complaints, please post them here.

I wish you all a nice evening!



(9 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello scorpio810,

could you please take a look and see if it meets your expectations.
Some wayvalves, cylinders, ... are still missing, but I will complete them all.

If I get a response I can continue the work.


(9 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello scorpio810,

1) is it a problem if I change the structure of the elements?

Now it's like this:

I would adjust the classification like this:
   2/2_way  -> All valves of this type with the different actuations.
   3/2_way  -> All valves of this type with the different actuations.
   4/2_way  -> ...

2) Why is the tank cut off in the preview of the elements? (Foto_2022-03-09_21-59-34.png)
When I drag this tank onto the foil, it is shown as in the picture Foto_2022-03-09_22-01-24.png.

I am currently using:
QElectroTech V 0.90-DEV+bb1a0767a
Built with Qt 5.15.2 - Date : Feb 25 2022 : 13:48:09

Thank you for your help


(9 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello scorpio810!

I assume that you are responsible for maintaining the elements in QElectroTech.
I wanted to draw a small pneumatic plan, but found that the quality of the elements is very poor.

The housings are of different sizes, the connector pins are in different positions ...

Is there an interest in the elements being redrawn?
Tell me if you're interested and I'll do it when I find time.
The elements have the same name only have to be exchanged.

Wishing a nice evening!


(1 replies, posted in Elements)

Hi, everyone!

Here are the components for the new myPNOZ safety modules.

I wish everyone a good time.


(1 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello everybody,

I needed some switches from D-Link for a new plan.
Maybe it's helpful to someone.



(5 replies, posted in Elements)

Hello everybody,

I've just drawn two Ewon Flexy Gateways.
Maybe it's helpful to someone.
