Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

If you have the possibility to use dynamic text instead of static text, users would be able to modify the texts of converted DXF to elmt directly in the diagram without having to modify them in the element editor.
You will make users happy. nomicons/wink

if possible and not too your free time consuming, otherwise forget it.

Thanks again for your great work antonioaja. ;-)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon toto.elmt 1.89 kb, 232 downloads since 2022-07-21 

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

scorpio810 wrote:

If you have the possibility to use dynamic text instead of static text, users would be able to modify the texts of converted DXF to elmt directly in the diagram without having to modify them in the element editor.
You will make users happy. nomicons/wink

if possible and not too your free time consuming, otherwise forget it.

Thanks again for your great work antonioaja. ;-)

Thanks for the feedback, and glad I can help. I'll look into adding dynamic text some time soon, as well as getting the hotspot x/y working so a resave isn't necessary. Again, thanks!

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Added informations about new dxf2elmt in download page.

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

import dxf file directly in the element editor work like a charm nomicons/smile
I need to clean the code and some little things  before commit.
A very big thanks for your great work antonioaja, it's a very long time user ask for this feature.

Développeur QElectroTech

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

This may not be necessary if you can import a DXF directly, the element editor will calculate the hotspot, height and width automatically when saving.

After, If someone want to do batch processing with CLI scripts, yes, it would be useful to have dxf2elmt do the calculations directly.

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

I just build v.0.3.0 for macos_X86_64 for those have Intel and not  M1/M2 arm64 CPU: … .0/osx_64/ … mt/V0.3.0/

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

QElectroTech can now import dxf file in the element editor by using dxf2elmt software. For that go to file menu -> importer un dxf.
dxf2elmt must downloaded by user and present in a specific folder, if it's not the case when user try to import a dxf a dialog is opened with a little how to instruction (actually in french).

The old dxf convertor is still present in the file menu, but we probably remove it in future because this one is far better.

Thanks a lot antonioaja for your work.

Développeur QElectroTech

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

On macOS dxf2elmt doesn't work with the binary (x86_64) loaded directly by QET in the binary folder, no error I launch QET in a terminal ... and wait ... wait ...but this same binary works fine in a terminal, maybe we need to package it like this: … … p_bundles/

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Hello guys,

I started using QElectroTech this week, I already made an electrical diagram, it was really cool. I'm using stable version 0.8. I had to use the conversion software (DXFtoQET.exe) to import an Altus brand PLC. It worked out!

But now, I have the need to develop a pneumatic diagram. As there are not many elements in the library, I downloaded some valves (DXF) from a system indicated by you (, but trying to carry out the same conversion procedure, simply the software closes when I click on "Load dxf into process". Does anyone have any solution?

I'm using Win10 x64.

Thank you in advance.

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Download the last 0.9dev and test with the new dxf convertor. In the 0.9dev the pneumatic folder contain 343 elements may be there is what you want.

Développeur QElectroTech

36 (edited by scorpio810 2024-08-29 11:06:19)

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

scorpio810 wrote:

On macOS dxf2elmt doesn't work with the binary (x86_64) loaded directly by QET in the binary folder, no error I launch QET in a terminal ... and wait ... wait ...but this same binary works fine in a terminal, maybe we need to package it like this: … … p_bundles/

Fixed : … 8ec8a85915

Edit: … 8ec8a85915

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Joshua wrote:

Download the last 0.9dev and test with the new dxf convertor. In the 0.9dev the pneumatic folder contain 343 elements may be there is what you want.

Can the project developed in 0.8 be opened in 0.9dev? This new DXF converter is already installed with 0.9dev ?

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Project created by 0.8 should be compatible with 0.9dev. Make a copy of your project and open it with the 0.9dev.
The converter is an external tool, you can use it outside of QElectroTech see

Développeur QElectroTech

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Can the project developed in 0.8 be opened in 0.9dev? This new DXF converter is already installed with 0.9dev ?

Yes of course, 0.9-dev work very better than 0.8 stable release,  and is very faster if you use installer X86_64 on Windows.
On element editor in menu file  we have added new dxf2elmt tool (make by  Antonio)  -> import dxf -> this open if not installed URL to latest github v0.3.0 releases , choose your compatible version archive, extract it and put on this binary folder.

New tool open directly a DXF and import it in element editor, modify if you want, save and play on diagram editor.
dxf2elmt is over 1000x times faster than old DXFtoelmt program!

For macOS on intel X86_64 / or AMD Hackhinstosh see my build above. … .0/osx_64/

BTW, on Linux X86_64 my cargo build is more faster than Antonio build, why? ... I don't know! … /linux_64/

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

vinicius.santos wrote:

Hello guys,

I started using QElectroTech this week, I already made an electrical diagram, it was really cool. I'm using stable version 0.8. I had to use the conversion software (DXFtoQET.exe) to import an Altus brand PLC. It worked out!

But now, I have the need to develop a pneumatic diagram. As there are not many elements in the library, I downloaded some valves (DXF) from a system indicated by you (, but trying to carry out the same conversion procedure, simply the software closes when I click on "Load dxf into process". Does anyone have any solution?

I'm using Win10 x64.

Thank you in advance.

BTW see if you want to easy change scale of your elements.
More explanations here :

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

I downloaded 0.9dev (Installer_QElectroTech-0.90-DEV_x86_64-win64+git7665-1.exe) and when trying to open the project developed in 0.8, the program closes.

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

You could provide this project for debug?

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Strange ! and if you install Installer_QElectroTech-0.90-DEV+git7665-1.exe your project crash again?

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Joshua wrote:

QElectroTech can now import dxf file in the element editor by using dxf2elmt software. For that go to file menu -> importer un dxf.
dxf2elmt must downloaded by user and present in a specific folder, if it's not the case when user try to import a dxf a dialog is opened with a little how to instruction (actually in french).

The old dxf convertor is still present in the file menu, but we probably remove it in future because this one is far better.

Thanks a lot antonioaja for your work.

BTW, we need to improve this code: and change to retrieve the terminal output by a QProcess command instead of the previous method, the same DXF can take several minutes to appear in QET while the terminal output only takes a few milliseconds...

Example :  KP32_back_V2.dx  ( 2,9 Mio)

QET import dxf KP32_back_V2.dxf : 35 seconds
dxf2elmt run on Terminal convert KP32_back_V2.dxf : 279 ms

laurent@debian:/media/backup6/download$ ./dxf2elmt KP32_back_V2.dxf 
KP32_back_V2.dxf loaded...
KP32_back_V2.elmt was created... 
Now converting KP32_back_V2.dxf...
Conversion complete!

Circles: 0
Lines: 0
Arcs: 0
Splines: 256
Texts: 0
Ellipses: 0
Polylines: 0
LwPolylines: 13740
Solids: 0
Currently Unsupported: 0

Time Elapsed: 279 ms

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

The branch, master has been updated
       via  02769fe8816c02386c9e9feb5bb4ffb0e74a1fa0 (commit)
      from  e57ba72d7c5ec07ae61c2e5b467c251a34a93891 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 02769fe8816c02386c9e9feb5bb4ffb0e74a1fa0
Author: joshua <Joshua@>
Date:   Wed Aug 3 13:54:39 2022 +0200

    Improve opening time of dxf


Summary of changes:
sources/editor/UndoCommand/openelmtcommand.cpp | 6 +++++-
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

QET import dxf KP32_back_V2.dxf : ~ 2 seconds instead of 35 seconds
dxf2elmt run on Terminal convert KP32_back_V2.dxf : 279 ms

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program


Many many thanks from Norway to all those of you supporting QElectrotec, you are doing a very good and valuable job!

Joshua wrote:

QElectroTech can now import dxf file in the element editor by using dxf2elmt software. For that go to file menu -> importer un dxf.
dxf2elmt must downloaded by user and present in a specific folder, if it's not the case when user try to import a dxf a dialog is opened with a little how to instruction (actually in french).

Where is the "specific folder" in a Win-installation? I tried the \bin subdirectory in the ReadyToUse-installation without success. The video shows only the Linux-folder...


Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Hi Joel

C:\Users\"user"\Application Data\qet\binary
I think you have to create the folder by yourself


Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

It 's the same procedure :
1- click button "Download" to get tarball, download your OS version.
2- cick button "Installion folder"
3- paste in this folder your exe (unzip if Windows not extract it automatically)
4- click button "ok" to finish install

Now you can open menu file again and click to "import DXF" to launch new DXF import tool.

Enjoy! nomicons/wink

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Bonjour Laurent!

On Mac OSX (Montery 12.6.8) I wonder if anyone else experiences the same issue before I submit an issue on github:

The following file works fine:
dxf2elmt (1.8MB uncompressed) from … .0/osx_64/
in dated 2022-07-27 18:09 888K

This file does not function:
dxf2elmt (1.6MB uncompressed) from
in 2022-07-20 821 KB

The second, disfunctioning file exhibits the following behaviour:

In Qelectrotech Element Editor, the dxf is not converted.

In Terminal, the dxf is also not converted and the following message is displayed:
-bash: ./dxf2elmt: Bad CPU type in executable

Let me know if best to submit the same report on antonioaja's github, or if this report is sufficient?

Best regards and thank you for all your efforts despite your health.
Wishing you some better health in 2024  nomicons/smile