Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

MXE + cmake + shared libs.

Paths used for compilation and installation of QET
COMPIL_PREFIX              ./
INSTALL_PREFIX             ./
QET_BINARY_PATH            ./
QET_COMMON_TBT_PATH        ./titleblocks/
QET_LANG_PATH              ./l10n/
CMake Error at cmake/define_definitions.cmake:42 (if):
  if given arguments:


  Unknown arguments specified
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:79 (include)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

So hack CMakeLists.txt & define_definitions.cmake

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 0ff30a7b6..1d8249634 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -133,26 +133,4 @@ target_include_directories(
-install(DIRECTORY ico/breeze-icons/16x16 DESTINATION ${QET_ICONS_PATH})
-install(DIRECTORY ico/breeze-icons/22x22 DESTINATION ${QET_ICONS_PATH})
-install(DIRECTORY ico/breeze-icons/32x32 DESTINATION ${QET_ICONS_PATH})
-install(DIRECTORY ico/breeze-icons/48x48 DESTINATION ${QET_ICONS_PATH})
-install(DIRECTORY ico/breeze-icons/64x64 DESTINATION ${QET_ICONS_PATH})
-install(DIRECTORY ico/breeze-icons/128x128 DESTINATION ${QET_ICONS_PATH})
-install(DIRECTORY ico/breeze-icons/256x256 DESTINATION ${QET_ICONS_PATH})
-install(DIRECTORY elements DESTINATION share/qelectrotech)
-install(DIRECTORY examples DESTINATION share/qelectrotech)
-install(DIRECTORY titleblocks DESTINATION share/qelectrotech)
-install(FILES misc/qelectrotech.desktop DESTINATION share/applications)
-install(FILES misc/x-qet-element.xml
-              misc/x-qet-project.xml
-              misc/x-qet-titleblock.xml
-              DESTINATION share/mime/application)
-install(FILES misc/x-qet-element.desktop
-              misc/x-qet-project.desktop
-              misc/x-qet-titleblock.desktop
-              DESTINATION share/mimelnk/application)
-install(FILES misc/qelectrotech.xml DESTINATION share/mime/packages)
-install(FILES misc/qelectrotech.appdata.xml DESTINATION ${QET_APPDATA_PATH})
diff --git a/cmake/define_definitions.cmake b/cmake/define_definitions.cmake
index 659838dde..ce991851f 100644
--- a/cmake/define_definitions.cmake
+++ b/cmake/define_definitions.cmake
@@ -39,10 +39,7 @@ if(${QET_LANG_PATH} STRGREATER "")
   message("QET_LANG_PATH              " ${INSTALL_PREFIX}${QET_LANG_PATH})
message("QET_LICENSE_PATH           " ${QET_LICENSE_PATH})
message("QET_MIME_XML_PATH          " ${QET_MIME_XML_PATH}) … st/
Replace this bin in your program to test.

laurent@debian:~/test/bin$ tree
├── iconengines
│   └── qsvgicon.dll
├── imageformats
│   ├── qgif.dll
│   ├── qicns.dll
│   ├── qico.dll
│   ├── qjp2.dll
│   ├── qjpeg.dll
│   ├── qmng.dll
│   ├── qsvg.dll
│   ├── qtga.dll
│   ├── qtiff.dll
│   ├── qwbmp.dll
│   └── qwebp.dll
├── kwidgetsaddons5widgets.dll
├── libbs2b-0.dll
├── libbz2.dll
├── libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
├── libffi-6.dll
├── libfontconfig-1.dll
├── libfreetype-6.dll
├── libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
├── libgcrypt-20.dll
├── libglib-2.0-0.dll
├── libgmp-10.dll
├── libgmpxx-4.dll
├── libgobject-2.0-0.dll
├── libgthread-2.0-0.dll
├── libharfbuzz-0.dll
├── libharfbuzz-icu-0.dll
├── libiconv-2.dll
├── libidn2-0.dll
├── libIlmThread-2_2-12.dll
├── libintl-8.dll
├── libjpeg-9.dll
├── libKF5CoreAddons.dll
├── libKF5WidgetsAddons.dll
├── libmenu5.dll
├── libogg-0.dll
├── libopenjp2.dll
├── libpcre16-0.dll
├── libpcre-1.dll
├── libpcre2-16-0.dll
├── libpcre2-8-0.dll
├── libpng16-16.dll
├── libsqlite3-0.dll
├── libssl-1_1-x64.dll
├── libstdc++-6.dll
├── libtasn1-6.dll
├── libtiff-5.dll
├── libtiffxx-5.dll
├── libwinpthread-1.dll
├── libxml2-2.dll
├── libzstd.dll
├── platforms
│   ├── qdirect2d.dll
│   ├── qminimal.dll
│   ├── qoffscreen.dll
│   └── qwindows.dll
├── platformthemes
│   └── qxdgdesktopportal.dll
├── printsupport
│   └── windowsprintersupport.dll
├── qelectrotech.exe
├── Qt5Concurrent.dll
├── Qt5Core.dll
├── Qt5Gui.dll
├── Qt5Help.dll
├── Qt5Network.dll
├── Qt5PrintSupport.dll
├── Qt5Sql.dll
├── Qt5Svg.dll
├── Qt5Widgets.dll
├── Qt5WinExtras.dll
├── Qt5Xml.dll
├── sqldrivers
│   └── qsqlite.dll
├── styles
│   └── qwindowsvistastyle.dll
└── zlib1.dll

7 directories, 73 files

@Simon: I saw a strange thing with cmake build in Windows, and linux, loading project is very slow like don't use futur?

06:05:31.944 Info: Start-up 
06:05:32.249 Info: debugging enabled: false 
06:05:32.253 Info: Qt library version: 5.15.2 
06:05:32.255 Info: Qt library location default prefix: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin" 
06:05:32.259 Info: Qt library location documentation: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/doc" 
06:05:32.263 Info: Qt library location headers: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/include" 
06:05:32.267 Info: Qt library location libraries: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/lib" 
06:05:32.271 Info: Qt library location executables: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/bin" 
06:05:32.275 Info: Qt library location Qt binaries: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/bin" 
06:05:32.279 Info: Qt library location Qt plugins: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/plugins" 
06:05:32.283 Info: Qt library location installed QML extensions: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/imports" 
06:05:32.288 Info: Qt library location installed QML extensions: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/qml" 
06:05:32.293 Info: Qt library location dependent Qt data: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin" 
06:05:32.297 Info: Qt library location independent Qt data: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin" 
06:05:32.302 Info: Qt library location translation: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/translations" 
06:05:32.306 Info: Qt library location examples: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/examples" 
06:05:32.311 Info: Qt library location Qt testcases: "C:/Program Files/QElectroTech/bin/tests" 
06:05:32.315 Info: "GitRevision a4adcf4865a1b8ddf00a0e1ab40ac7ea5406abc1" 
06:05:32.318 Info: "QElectroTech V 0.90-DEV" 
06:05:32.320 Info: "Compilation : GCC 9.3.0" 
06:05:32.322 Info: "Built with Qt 5.15.2 - Date : Mar 20 2021 : 16:26:06" 
06:05:32.327 Info: "Run with Qt 5.15.2 using 8 thread(s)" 
06:05:32.330 Info: "CPU : NAME                                      \r\r\nINTEL(R) CORE(TM) I7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHZ  \r\r\n\r\r\n" 
06:05:32.335 Info: "RAM Total : 16199 MB" 
06:05:32.337 Info: "RAM Available : 12438 MB" 
06:05:32.339 Info: "GPU : VideoProcessor                \r\r\nIntel(R) UHD Graphics Family  \r\r\n\r\r\n" 
06:05:32.345 Info: "GPU RAM : RAM Total : AdapterRAM  \r\r\n1073741824  \r\r\n\r\r\n B" 
06:05:32.349 Info: "OS : winnt  - x86_64 - Version : Windows 10 Version 2009 - Kernel : 10.0.19042" 
06:05:32.354 Info: *** Qt screens *** 
06:05:32.356 Info: "( 1 : 3840 x 2160 )" 
06:05:32.621 Info: Elements collection reload 
06:05:37.897 Info: Elements collection finished to be loaded

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

77 (edited by De-Backer 2021-03-21 08:57:34)

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

scorpio810 wrote:

@Simon: I saw a strange thing with cmake build in Windows, and linux, loading project is very slow like don't use futur?

So that something is missing in Cmake file, that is there in Qmake? Or so.

Qmake creates makefiles for the compiler.

for Cmake
you can generate makefiles explicitly using the -G option.

Edit :
Qmake => makefiles
Cmake => Ninja
could this be it?

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

mkdir build && cd build
export PATH=/home/laurent/digikam2/project/bundles/mxe/build.win64/usr/bin:$PATH
/home/laurent/digikam2/project/bundles/mxe/build.win64/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared-cmake .. -G Ninja
time ninja -j48

cmake + ninja
time ninja -j48 (shared)
real    0m10,666s

cmake + make
time make -j48  (shared)
real    0m15,390s

qmake + make (static)
time make -j48
real    0m39,842s

Static exe =34Mio
shared libs +exe = 103Mio

I haven't seen any big improvements with shared libs, and you?

Ninja build … est/ninja/

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech …

laurent@debian:~/Qet-svn/git/cmake/build$ /home/laurent/digikam2/project/bundles/mxe/build.win64/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared-peldd qelectrotech.exe -a -w d3d11.dll -w dxgi.dll|grep dll|xargs cp -t .
laurent@debian:~/Qet-svn/git/cmake/build$ tree | grep dll
│   ├── kwidgetsaddons5widgets.dll
│   ├── libgmock.dll
│   ├── libgmock_main.dll
│   ├── libgtest.dll
│   ├── libgtest_main.dll
│   ├── libKF5CoreAddons.dll
│   └── libKF5WidgetsAddons.dll
│   │   │       │   └── pugixml_dll.rc.res
│   │   ├── libpugixml.dll
│   │   ├── libpugixml.dll.a
│   │   │   ├── pugixml_dll.rc
│   ├── libgmock.dll.a
│   ├── libgmock_main.dll.a
│   ├── libgtest.dll.a
│   ├── libgtest_main.dll.a
│   ├── libKF5CoreAddons.dll.a
│   └── libKF5WidgetsAddons.dll.a
├── libbz2.dll
├── libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
├── libfreetype-6.dll
├── libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
├── libglib-2.0-0.dll
├── libharfbuzz-0.dll
├── libiconv-2.dll
├── libintl-8.dll
├── libKF5CoreAddons.dll
├── libKF5WidgetsAddons.dll
├── libpcre-1.dll
├── libpcre2-16-0.dll
├── libpng16-16.dll
├── libssl-1_1-x64.dll
├── libstdc++-6.dll
├── libwinpthread-1.dll
├── libzstd.dll
├── Qt5Concurrent.dll
├── Qt5Core.dll
├── Qt5Gui.dll
├── Qt5Network.dll
├── Qt5PrintSupport.dll
├── Qt5Sql.dll
├── Qt5Svg.dll
├── Qt5Widgets.dll
├── Qt5Xml.dll
└── zlib1.dll

great! but forgot libsqlite3-0.dll

Maybe add
find_package(SQLite3 REQUIRED)

laurent@debian:~/Qet-svn/git/cmake/build$ /home/laurent/digikam2/project/bundles/mxe/build.win64/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared-objdump -p  qelectrotech.exe | grep "DLL Name" | awk '{print $3}'

 laurent@debian:~/Qet-svn/git/cmake/build$ strings qelectrotech.exe | grep -i '\.dll$'

Try ninja install

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

Qt 6 Reaches Feature Parity with Qt 5 - the Qt 6.2 Alpha Released

the porting guide

Changes to Qt Modules
Concurrent,GUI,Core,Print Support ,SQL,SVG,Test,Widgets,XML,....

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

Hi Laurent, i had a forced format on my dev PC.
Time to start over with qet and QT6.2.

How long can qet stay on 5.xx?
And when will qet0.9 be released?
In other words, what is the deadline for qet 0.9 on QT6.2.

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

Hi Simon,

for now, I saw no support for Qt6.x on MXE  cross-compile for Windows,

No Debian maintainers for Qt 6.x and no volunteers to package it yet. … 40110.html … aintainers

About KF5 to KF6 only KCoreAddons seem compatible for now … t-qt6.html

Nothing is ready yet.

I think 0.9 wil be released when Joshua was finish new terminal block, but the road is long.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

Hi Laurent,

Thanks for the update, it's a shame that KF6 takes so long.
I would have loved to see it run on QT6.
ok QT5 then, let's see if I get it working.
oh yes did you get my email? (change text size elements)

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

Hi Simon,

Yes I read it, but didn't have time to look.
I had to reply to other more important emails.
I resumed my work following a sick leave of 2 months because of a big burn out and other health problem.
When I leave work I am exhausted and not always have the time or strength to address these issues.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

Sorry to hear, take care.

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech … ation.html

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

Tried on BigSur with Qt 6.3.2 … t6.2.3.txt

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

89 (edited by De-Backer 2022-05-15 21:29:38)

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech … cell.h#n30

plugin missing on 6.3?

but is it a plugin, see. … aphicsitem

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech … ep-by-step … qt5-to-qt6

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Qt 6.0 development and qelectrotech

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !