Topic: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

Add a code of conduct to qelectrotech project

why, to avoid different coding styles in the same program.

Tab = 8 spaces

    Gere les relachements de la souris sur ce widget
    @param event Evenement decrivant le relachement de la souris
void QTextOrientationWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
    if (read_only_) return;
    double clicked_angle;
    bool drawn_angle_clicked = positionIsASquare(event -> localPos(), &clicked_angle);
    if (drawn_angle_clicked) {
        must_highlight_angle_ = false;


Tab = 4 spaces

 * @brief NumerotationContext::addValue, add a new value on the contexte
 * @param type the type of value
 * @param value the value itself
 * @param increase the increase number of value
 * @return true if value is append
bool NumerotationContext::addValue(const QString &type, const QVariant &value, const int increase, const int initialvalue) {
    if (!keyIsAcceptable(type) && !value.canConvert(QVariant::String)) return false;
    if (keyIsNumber(type) && !value.canConvert(QVariant::Int)) return false;

    QString valuestr = value.toString();
    content_ << type + "|" + valuestr + "|" + QString::number(increase) + "|" + QString::number(initialvalue);
    return true;

developer A Tab = 8 spaces
developer B Tab = 4 spaces

developer B had written the function.

developer A adds "setIdentifier(element.firstChildElement("identifier").text());"

the code works, but the compiler complains
is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the ‘if’

@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ void ProjectDBModel::fromXml(const QDomElement &element)
         if (element.tagName() != xmlTagName())
-                setIdentifier(element.firstChildElement("identifier").text());
+        setIdentifier(element.firstChildElement("identifier").text());
                 //Index 0,0

can consensus be reached on this?
Tab = 8 spaces vs 4 spaces

What do we take as standard,
and then we can start equalize the code Style.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Screenshot_20200703_205132.png 293.98 kb, 104 downloads since 2020-07-03 

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

Yes I know, but difficult for new contributor to know. … e_code_qet

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

Well I did not know this but this file can help.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 0001-init-of-contribute-file.patch 1.33 kb, 282 downloads since 2020-07-04 

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

Thanks Simon.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

as with each release taking inventory of the changes and functionalities added is a big headache..
If you know a good method to update changelog … -using-git

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

6 (edited by De-Backer 2020-07-05 19:18:38)

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project … fda291ea93

stil reading..... … ing-model/

I have to say.
I made a branch of the master, for each fix or change.
therefore I could quickly

git checkout foo
git format-patch master

ok I know.

scorpio810 wrote:

If you know a good method to update changelog

but it also has to do with it.

so the question is quick release (as 0.8 dev is now) (gitub workflow)
or slower release (git workflow)
or something like Syncthing once a month a Stable and Candidate release

than for the changelog.
suppose we use this

git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --pretty=format:"%ar : %s , %an"

bron … s-gitgrep/

note tis is still in draft

Post's attachments

Screenshot_20200704_210627.png, 9.22 kb, 348 x 76
Screenshot_20200704_210627.png 9.22 kb, 288 downloads since 2020-07-05 

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

The problem or headache is to identify the features added in the GIT history according to their location for esay update changelog file:
element editor
diagram editor
tittleblock editor

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

8 (edited by De-Backer 2020-07-05 20:53:50)

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

if we want to use "git log" in the future, we will have to make the git comits more strict, or use "merge commit messages"

Let’s assume you have agreed in your project to prefix git commit messages with one or more of certain prefixes (not necessarily for all changes/commits):

Annotation  Description                Example git commit
[INTERNAL]  used for internal stuff    git commit -m “[INTERNAL] my internal change”
[FIX]       contains a bugfix          git commit -m “[FIX] my fix change”
[FEATURE]   contains a new feature     git commit -m “[FEATURE] my new feature”
[DOC]       contains documentation     git commit -m “[DOC] my documentation change”


git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --pretty=format:"%ar : %s , %an" -i -E --grep="^(\[INTERNAL\]|\[FEATURE\]|\[FIX\]|\[DOC\])*fix" > myfix.txt
2 weeks ago : Fix crash. , Claveau Joshua
2 weeks ago : fix tr() cannot be called without context , Simon De Backer
3 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning int QWheelEvent::delta() const , Simon De Backer
2 weeks ago : fix Wmisleading-indentation , Simon De Backer
3 weeks ago : fix Wdeprecated-declarations , Simon De Backer
2 weeks ago : fix fail to build , Claveau Joshua
6 weeks ago : fix segmentation fault , Martin Marmsoler
6 weeks ago : fix nullpointer exception , Martin Marmsoler
3 weeks ago : Fix FTBFS on Ubuntu 18.04 , Laurent Trinques
6 weeks ago : fix segmentation fault , Martin Marmsoler
6 weeks ago : fix nullpointer exception , Martin Marmsoler
3 weeks ago : Fix FTBFS QTextStreamFunctions::endl(QTextStream&) , Laurent Trinques
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QTextStream& QTextStreamFunctions::endl(QTextStream&) , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning Qt::WindowFlags = nullptr , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning void QGraphicsView::resetMatrix() , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QMatrix QGraphicsView::matrix() const , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning int QWheelEvent::delta() const , Simon De Backer
3 weeks ago : Fix Unbutu 18.04 FTFS , Laurent Trinques
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QString::SplitBehavior , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning qsrand , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QButtonGroup::buttonClicked , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QHash , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QMap , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QDirModel , Simon De Backer
6 weeks ago : fix segmentation fault , Martin Marmsoler
6 weeks ago : fix nullpointer exception , Martin Marmsoler
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QSet<T> QList<T>::toSet() , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning qUpperBound , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QList::swap() attempt 2 , Simon De Backer
4 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QModelIndex::child , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QPainter::drawRoundRect , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QTreeWidgetItem::setBackgroundColor , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QDrag::start , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QList::swap() , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QDir& QDir::operator=(const QString&) , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix -Wswitch warning , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning qVariantFromValue , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QLineF::intersect , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QTime::start() , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QFontMetrics::width(QChar ch) , Simon De Backer
5 weeks ago : fix -Wmisleading-indentation warning , Simon De Backer
6 weeks ago : fix deprecated warning QSet<T>::toList() Use values() instead. , Simon De Backer
9 weeks ago : Fix : key sequence 'space' don't work with nl be local , Laurent Trinques
9 weeks ago : Fix : key sequence 'space' don't work with nl be local , Claveau Joshua
9 weeks ago : Fix typo , Laurent Trinques
9 weeks ago : Fix wrong element text value when loading from xml , Claveau Joshua
10 weeks ago : Fix missing many languages after run make install or made any distro specific package, thanks Charles , Laurent Trinques
3 months ago : snap: Set correct PYTHONPATH , Maximilian Federle
3 months ago : Fix break from merge of qetgraphicsTableItem to master , Claveau Joshua
3 months ago : Fix crash when close project , Claveau Joshua
5 months ago : Fix # bug 182, thanks Wilfried , Laurent Trinques
7 months ago : Fix crash when quickly move tab of digramview , joshua
7 months ago : fixed syntax error in hungarian translation , artgg7300
8 months ago : Fix typo , Laurent Trinques
8 months ago : Fix symbol state , Laurent Trinques
9 months ago : Fix crash when a .qet file with 0 diagrams. , joshua
10 months ago : Fix : element prefix don't work with custom path of user elements collection , joshua

9 (edited by De-Backer 2020-07-05 20:56:15)

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

scorpio810 wrote:

their location

# Print out a list of files which was updated/added between the 2 commits
git whatchanged <TAG_NAME>...HEAD
git whatchanged $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --pretty=format:"%s" -i -E --grep="^(TS|ts)*add|fix|feature"

or a file (titleblocks)

git log --pretty=format:"%ar : %s , %an" titleblocks
5 months ago : Fix # bug 182, thanks Wilfried , Laurent Trinques
1 year, 6 months ago : Add template , scorpio810
4 years, 1 month ago : Update Danish translation titleblocks , ossau2mation
4 years, 2 months ago : Update Danish translation default titleblock , ossau2mation
4 years, 2 months ago : Titleblocks/default.titleblock - Enable custom text in Folio Field , dfochi
5 years ago : updated Polish translation - titleblocks , pawel32640
5 years ago : Update Greek translation , aitolos
5 years ago : Update elements Greek translation , aitolos
6 years ago : Update translation netherland and ISO7200_A4_V1.titleblock , scorpio810
6 years ago : Add new titleblock, thanks Paul , scorpio810
7 years ago : elements, Greek translation , aitolos
8 years ago : Update translation to A4_1.titleblock ,DIN_A4.titleblock . , scorpio810
8 years ago : Translated double-logo and single-logo titleblocks to all potentially supported languages. , xavier
8 years ago : Translated the default title block template in all potentially supported languages. , xavier
8 years ago : update Polish translation: qelectrotech,xml, x-qet-titleblock.xml, default.titleblock , pawel32640
8 years ago : Fix typo in croate translation default.titleblock . , scorpio810
8 years ago : Translated default title block template thanks to Antun Marakovic's work. , xavier
8 years ago : Refresh titeblock A4_1 to use the entire page . , scorpio810
8 years ago : Change logo , scorpio810
8 years ago : Add other TBT , scorpio810
8 years ago : Minor change in TBT DIN_A4 , scorpio810
8 years ago : Refresh n°2 TBT DIN_A4 , scorpio810
8 years ago : Refresh Titleblock DIN_A4 , scorpio810
8 years ago : Add new titleblock DIN A4 , first works , scorpio810
8 years ago : Added two simple title block templates. , xavier
9 years ago : Indentation fix. , xavier
9 years ago : update italian translation , drslump
9 years ago : Titleblock templates values and labels can now be translated. , xavier
10 years ago : Changed every occurence in the code of the "inset" term to "title block". , xavier

elements sins 0.8 dev

git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --pretty=format:"%ar : %s , %an" elements

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

Sources :
 Minor : Rename variable for translation , Laurent Trinques
 Add new variables for report folio and can be added in a composite text , Laurent Trinques
 Fix bug with folio report formula , Claveau Joshua
 Replace minus (-) by underscore (_) , Claveau Joshua
 minor , Laurent Trinques
 generalWidget : add Kindinformations , Laurent Trinques
 generalWidget : add link type information , Laurent Trinques
 Improve ProjectDataBase use , Claveau Joshua
 Minor improvement , Claveau Joshua
 allow multiedit also for arceditor, ellipse, line, rectangle and show properties when single polygon is selected , Martin Marmsoler
 add Vertical sparcer's , Simon De Backer
 Fix crash. , Claveau Joshua
 Summary query widget : config can be saved/loaded , Claveau Joshua
 Continue new summary feature , Claveau Joshua
 fix tr() cannot be called without context , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning int QWheelEvent::delta() const , Simon De Backer
 fix Wmisleading-indentation , Simon De Backer
 add Q_UNUSED for TerminalData:: fromSettings & toSettings , Simon De Backer
 fix Wdeprecated-declarations , Simon De Backer
 Minor , Laurent Trinques
 add font color of the conductors , Simon De Backer
 another alternative ui for ConductorPropertiesWidget , Simon De Backer
 Improve Simon patch : The window of the properties of the conductor does not  exactly fit in height. , Laurent Trinques
 The window of the properties of the conductor does not exactly fit in height. , Simon De Backer
 fix fail to build , Claveau Joshua
 Add new summary table (WIP) , Claveau Joshua
 Revert "MacOS: try to remove hard coded python PATH" , Laurent Trinques
 MacOS: try to remove hard coded python PATH , Laurent Trinques
 Minor : general_widget add TextEditorInteraction , Laurent Trinques
 Update Copyright date , Laurent Trinques
 Try to fix Ubuntu 18.04 FTBFS, again , Laurent Trinques
 Try to fix Ubuntu 18.04 FTBFS again , Laurent Trinques
 do not set parts again when they are set already , Martin Marmsoler
 implement currentParts() for every elementItemEditor so the editor can be extended to multi part edit in a later step , Martin Marmsoler
 add multiedit feature also for dynamic text , Martin Marmsoler
 static_cast is enough , Martin Marmsoler
 multipart edit , Martin Marmsoler
 - static_cast because it is a condition that it is PartTerminal , Martin Marmsoler
 solves #7 , Martin Marmsoler
 forgotten to commit texteditor , Martin Marmsoler
 make partTextEditor capable to modify multiple parts at the same time , Martin Marmsoler
 multiterminal change , Martin Marmsoler
 WIP , Martin Marmsoler
 not needed, because it is the same than a few lines below , Martin Marmsoler
 Try to fix Ubuntu 18.04 FTBFS , Laurent Trinques
 hot fix zoom and scrolling , Laurent Trinques
 hot fix zoom and scrolling , Simon De Backer
 remove inline, because it creates compile issues in release mode. see #48 , Martin Marmsoler
 add comments , Martin Marmsoler
 replace foreach by for , Martin Marmsoler
 Use uuid instead of an index to connect multiple elements , Martin Marmsoler
 move initialization to header, so it must not be done in every constructor , Martin Marmsoler
 fix segmentation fault , Martin Marmsoler
 fix nullpointer exception , Martin Marmsoler
 try to use TerminalData in Terminal and PartTerminal, sou the code must not be written double , Martin Marmsoler
 regarding to joshuas email, toXml uses a new structure. So it is changed in the properties interface and xrefproperties , Martin Marmsoler
 Revert pull request #48 , Laurent Trinques
 add comments , Martin Marmsoler
 replace foreach by for , Martin Marmsoler
 Use uuid instead of an index to connect multiple elements , Martin Marmsoler
 move initialization to header, so it must not be done in every constructor , Martin Marmsoler
 fix segmentation fault , Martin Marmsoler
 fix nullpointer exception , Martin Marmsoler
 try to use TerminalData in Terminal and PartTerminal, sou the code must not be written double , Martin Marmsoler
 regarding to joshuas email, toXml uses a new structure. So it is changed in the properties interface and xrefproperties , Martin Marmsoler
 Improve last commit , Laurent Trinques
 Fix FTBFS QTextStreamFunctions::endl(QTextStream&) , Laurent Trinques
 QTextStreamFunctions::endl(QTextStream&) , Laurent Trinques
 fix deprecated warning QTextStream& QTextStreamFunctions::endl(QTextStream&) , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning Qt::WindowFlags = nullptr , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning void QGraphicsView::resetMatrix() , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QMatrix QGraphicsView::matrix() const , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning int QWheelEvent::delta() const , Simon De Backer
 Mod Copyright Date , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QString::SplitBehavior , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QButtonGroup::buttonClicked , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QHash , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QMap , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QDirModel , Simon De Backer
 Revert Martin pull request for now, and return to last 7e9fd8df9 commit , Laurent Trinques
 do not set parts again when they are set already , Martin Marmsoler
 implement currentParts() for every elementItemEditor so the editor can be extended to multi part edit in a later step , Martin Marmsoler
 add multiedit feature also for dynamic text , Martin Marmsoler
 static_cast is enough , Martin Marmsoler
 multipart edit , Martin Marmsoler
 - static_cast because it is a condition that it is PartTerminal , Martin Marmsoler
 solves #7 , Martin Marmsoler
 forgotten to commit texteditor , Martin Marmsoler
 make partTextEditor capable to modify multiple parts at the same time , Martin Marmsoler
 multiterminal change , Martin Marmsoler
 WIP , Martin Marmsoler
 not needed, because it is the same than a few lines below , Martin Marmsoler
 add comments , Martin Marmsoler
 replace foreach by for , Martin Marmsoler
 Use uuid instead of an index to connect multiple elements , Martin Marmsoler
 move initialization to header, so it must not be done in every constructor , Martin Marmsoler
 fix segmentation fault , Martin Marmsoler
 fix nullpointer exception , Martin Marmsoler
 try to use TerminalData in Terminal and PartTerminal, sou the code must not be written double , Martin Marmsoler
 regarding to joshuas email, toXml uses a new structure. So it is changed in the properties interface and xrefproperties , Martin Marmsoler
 graphics table properties editor : Add two buttons new button , Claveau Joshua
 when model is not yet loaded, but the element editor should be opened, a segmentation fault occurs. Do not set current index when m_model is not yet loaded , Martin Marmsoler
 QAbstractTableModel explicitly initialized in copy constructor , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QSet<T> QList<T>::toSet() , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning qUpperBound , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QList::swap() attempt 2 , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QModelIndex::child , Simon De Backer
 remove user-defined copy constructor , Simon De Backer
 table item : remove a table remove also all linked tables , Claveau Joshua
 Make a copie of previous table model when unlink a table from her previous table. , Claveau Joshua
 Improve the use of the database , Claveau Joshua
 Nomenclature model : Improve function to setup the name of header , Claveau Joshua
 Table widget : Enable arrow to quicly switch to previous/next linked table , Claveau Joshua
 fix deprecated warning QPainter::drawRoundRect , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QTreeWidgetItem::setBackgroundColor , Simon De Backer
 Add new conductors properties color and section , Laurent Trinques
 fix deprecated warning QDrag::start , Simon De Backer
 Add table dialog : table config can saved and loaded. , Claveau Joshua
 Revert "fix deprecated warning QList::swap()" , Laurent Trinques
 fix deprecated warning QList::swap() , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QDir& QDir::operator=(const QString&) , Simon De Backer
 fix -Wswitch warning , Simon De Backer
 Nomenclature model don't save header data "display role" , Claveau Joshua
 fix deprecated warning qVariantFromValue , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QLineF::intersect , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QFontMetrics::width(QChar ch) , Simon De Backer
 fix -Wmisleading-indentation warning , Simon De Backer
 *fix deprecated warning QWidget::getContentsMargins , Simon De Backer
 fix deprecated warning QSet<T>::toList() Use values() instead. , Simon De Backer
 Reduce the time spend when nomenclature table is created automatically , Claveau Joshua
 Minor typo , Claveau Joshua
 Add nomenclature dialog : enable option "add new folio and table if needed" , Claveau Joshua
 Change the way how a diagram is added , Claveau Joshua
 Nomenclature : enable option "fit to diagram" , Claveau Joshua
 Typo , Laurent Trinques
 Improve : Try to launch qet_tb_generator portable version of the plugin if user put binary on QDir::homePath() , Laurent Trinques
 Try to launch qet_tb_generator portable version of the plugin if user put binary on QDir::homePath() , Laurent Trinques
 Animate search and replace widget when close with the button of the widget , Claveau Joshua
 Minor : increase max conductors to 20px , Laurent Trinques
 Minor : set maximum to 99 text conductor , Laurent Trinques
 Minor : typo and tab edit order , Claveau Joshua
 Bug fix : some element informations can't be set , Claveau Joshua
 Prepare to add new country Norwegian switch , Laurent Trinques
 Qet graphics table item can be removed from diagram , Claveau Joshua
 qet graphics table item : to/from xml change , Claveau Joshua
 Fix : key sequence 'space' don't work with nl be local , Laurent Trinques
 Fix : key sequence 'space' don't work with nl be local , Claveau Joshua
 Fix typo , Laurent Trinques
 Nomenclature : Add dialog when insert a new nomenclature table , Claveau Joshua
 Fix wrong element text value when loading from xml , Claveau Joshua
 Minor : improve layout for low resolution screen , Claveau Joshua
 Nomenclature query can be saved/load , Claveau Joshua
 Update on PT_BR translation members , gleissonjoaquim3
 Element query widget : widget restor is state according to the current query , Claveau Joshua
 macOS : add more explanation in Message Box about install plugin , Laurent Trinques
 Add view 'element_nomenclature_view' to projectDataBase , Claveau Joshua
 Animate show and replace widget. , Claveau Joshua
 element query widget : minor improvement , Claveau Joshua
 Element info query : fix wrong behavior , Claveau Joshua
 QetGraphicsTableItem : Imrpove how the table is resized , Claveau Joshua
 Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// , Claveau Joshua
 save/load QetGraphicsTableItem to/from .qet file , Claveau Joshua
 Minor: aboutqetdialog.ui set compilation information selectable by mouse , Laurent Trinques
 Element Editor add new ColorHTML, THANKS Arnaud for the patch , Laurent Trinques
 Fix break from merge of qetgraphicsTableItem to master , Claveau Joshua
 Replace minus (-) by underscore (_) in all element information , Claveau Joshua
 Merge Q_OS_MACOS need now Python framework Versions 3.8 for launching qet_tb_generator plugin , Laurent Trinques
 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/QetGraphicsTableItem' , Laurent Trinques
 Minor fix : dynamic text can't have 'label' info if formula is set , Claveau Joshua
 Minor revamp , Claveau Joshua
 Cross Xref : display power contact by default , Claveau Joshua
 Fix crash when close project , Claveau Joshua
 Minor fix : in some condition master cross Xref are not displayed , Claveau Joshua
 Revert : MACOS remove static path "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/     *" for launching  qet_tb_generator plugin , Laurent Trinques
 MACOS remove static path "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ *" for launching  qet_tb_generator plugin , Laurent Trinques
 Q_OS_MACOS need now Python framework Versions 3.8 for launching qet_tb_generator plugin , Laurent Trinques
 Moving elements by mouse does not respect the grid settings , Laurent Trinques
 Minor fix: conductor text don't move with element. , Claveau Joshua
 Merge branch 'QetGraphicsTableItem' , Claveau Joshua
 Add widget to edit QetGraphicsTableItem and QetGraphicsHeaderItem , Claveau Joshua
 Improve files names extension for Gnome DE and Flatpak , Laurent Trinques
 Add itemTYpe for QetGraphicsTableItem and QetGraphicsHeaderItem , Claveau Joshua
 Add QetGraphicsHeaderItem , Claveau Joshua
 Add QetGraphicsTableItem + entry "add nomenclature" in project menu , Claveau Joshua
 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/test_pugi' , Laurent Trinques
 Improve loading time , Claveau Joshua
 Loading elements collections doesn't freeze gui anymore. , Claveau Joshua
 Minor improvement about using pugixml , Claveau Joshua
 Remove old aboutQet class , Claveau Joshua
 Revamp the aboutQet dialog with Qt designer and add a new tab "libraries" , Claveau Joshua
 Clean code , Claveau Joshua
 Minor : Fix wrong position with cross ref item displayed as cross , joshua
 Improve file access on windows and mac OSX , joshua
 Use pugixml for parse local name of directory and element informations , joshua
 Add option to switch between Qtxml or pugi xml. Add dialog to display the elpsaed time of collection loading. , joshua
 Minor pugi improvement , joshua
 Add pugi_xml test branch , joshua
 Merge branch '20191111_fix_permissions' , Laurent Trinques
 Remove a diagram doesn't save the project anymore , joshua
 Revert , Laurent Trinques
 App does not work with Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling flags enabled on Windows platform since Qt 5.13.X , Laurent Trinques
 Fix crash when quickly move tab of digramview , joshua
 Add QFutureWatcher , Laurent Trinques
 Fix typo , Laurent Trinques
 bugfix, XREF Update when Text Alignment used ,
 Remove QTabBar custom style , joshua
 Remove Execute Permissions from Non-Executables , Kim Kirwan
 CSV export : minor gui change , joshua
 CSV export : improve save/load export configuration. , joshua
 CSV export : change menu and dialog text , joshua
 CSV export : improve selection type. , joshua
 CSV export : improve database and query , joshua
 CSV export : fix some missing informations. , joshua
 CSV export : correctly export label , joshua
 Typo , Laurent Trinques
 Nomenclature export : Minor change in UI , Laurent Trinques
 Nomenclature export : add coil and protection query , Laurent Trinques
 Nomenclature export : items double click , joshua
 Revampe nomenclature , joshua
 Minor , Laurent Trinques
 Revert previous commit , Laurent Trinques
 Typo , Laurent Trinques
 Try to fix Windows sqlite cache PATH , Laurent Trinques
 Add contributor , Laurent Trinques
 Conductors num can be exported to csv file. , joshua
 Simplify how a project is save , joshua
 Fix crash when a .qet file with 0 diagrams. , joshua
 Fix : element prefix don't work with custom path of user elements collection , joshua
 macOs : add command key for fix mouse scroll , Laurent Trinques
 Replance Q_OS_MAC Deprecated by Q_OS_MACOS , Laurent Trinques
 aDD scroll page tabs ON MACos, Thanks Giovanni , Laurent Trinques
 Improve QTabBar::tab:selected style , Laurent Trinques
 Typo , Laurent Trinques
 Add green style color for tab selected , Laurent Trinques
 For the Flatpak package : remove the file name extension added automatically to the saved files even if the user sets an unknown file extension for the program. , Laurent Trinques
 Minor : fix typo , joshua
 Element editor : improve polygon edition , joshua
 Merge and clean Stromie patch : feature set xref slave position , Laurent Trinques
 Force Fusion style on macOS , Laurent Trinques
 Element editor : add a control key for moving by keyboard thes primitives selected by mouse area in 0.1 increments instead of 1 , Laurent Trinques
 Element editor : add a control key for moving by keyboard selected primitives in 0.1 increments instead of 1 , Laurent Trinques
 Improve folio list position (user don't know index is 0) 1 for first position 2 for second position 0 always in the end , Laurent Trinques
 Set defaut position to second page , Laurent Trinques
 Add in setting folio list position spinbox 0 for first position 1 for second position 99999 always in the end , Laurent Trinques
Elements :
Add new symbols , Laurent Trinques
 add be lang , Simon De Backer
 add and update symbols , sdeffaux
 Add some "Vaillant" hydraulic elements for allSTOR , Simon De Backer
 Add symbol , Laurent Trinques
 Add new Vacuum Technology elements, thanks Dinozzo , Laurent Trinques
 suppression de doublon , sdeffaux
 Add some "Vaillant" elements, thanks riesermauf , Laurent Trinques
 Add Weintek HMI symbols, thanks Rafał , Laurent Trinques
 Add new Delta symbols, thanks Rafał , Laurent Trinques
 add symbols and reorganised folders , sdeffaux
 add symbols , sdeffaux
 add symbols , sdeffaux
 Add new symbols Legrand Viking, thanks Arnaud , Laurent Trinques
 update symbols , sdeffaux
 add symbols and reorganise folders , sdeffaux
 Add new GCE symbols , Laurent Trinques
 Replace minus (-) by underscore (_) in all element information , Claveau Joshua
 Add new Legrand elements, thanks Arnaud , Laurent Trinques
 add symbol , sdeffaux
 Add new symbols, thanks Bisku , Laurent Trinques
 update symbols , sdeffaux
 Delete duplicate folder , Laurent Trinques
 mise a jour symbol , sdeffaux
 add symbols and update , sdeffaux
 Add new Rexroth valves, thanks Fernando , Laurent Trinques
 add symbols and update , sdeffaux
 dd new Wago elements, thanks Pcl-user , Laurent Trinques
 add symbols hager , sdeffaux
 Add new symbol, thanks Mihicz , Laurent Trinques
 Refresh legrand/61-busbar/ dir, thanks Arnaud , Laurent Trinques
 Refresh legrand/61-busbar/ dir, thanks Arnaud , Laurent Trinques
 Refresh bticino dir , Laurent Trinques
 Add new legrand & bticino symbols, thanks Arnaud , Laurent Trinques
 Add new icp-das symbols, thanks Arnaud , Laurent Trinques
 add symbols , sdeffaux
 Refresh ICP-DAS elements, thanks Arnaud , Laurent Trinques
 Add ICP-DAS elements, thanks Arnaud , Laurent Trinques
 Traduction and add symbols , sdeffaux
 add symbols , sdeffaux
 Add new Legrand symbols, thanks Arnaud , Laurent Trinques
 add symbols , sdeffaux
 add symbols , sdeffaux
 Add new symbol, thanks Alexis , Laurent Trinques
 Add news symbols, thanks Arnaud , Laurent Trinques
 Add new symbols, thanks David , Laurent Trinques
 update symbols , sdeffaux
 add symbol , sdeffaux
 Update qet_directory , sdeffaux
 Fix symbol state , Laurent Trinques
 Add element, thanks Alexis , Laurent Trinques
 Refresh Wago symbols, thanks Plc-user , Laurent Trinques
 Add symbol, thanks Christophe , Laurent Trinques
 Add new symbols, thanks Michele , Laurent Trinques
 Improve Wago symbols, thanks Plc-user , Laurent Trinques
 Minor : remove Dolphin .directory view file , Laurent Trinques
 Add new Wago elements, thanks Plc-user , Laurent Trinques
 Move symbols, thanks Galexis , Laurent Trinques
Build-aux :
 snap: Start org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop on launch , Maximilian Federle
 snap: Prevent the use of the KDE Plasma platformtheme , Maximilian Federle
 Snap remove i386 architecture , Laurent Trinques
 Enable only amd64 i386 architectures , Laurent Trinques
 Refresh github link for DXFtoQET-2020 , Laurent Trinques
 snap: Use symlinks instead of bind-mounts , Maximilian Federle
 snap: Set correct PYTHONPATH , Maximilian Federle
 snap: Use SNAP_USER_COMMON as HOME , Maximilian Federle
 snap: Do not ship files already included in content snaps , Maximilian Federle
 snap: Use kde-frameworks-5-core18-sdk to build , Maximilian Federle
 snap: Use kde-neon extension , Maximilian Federle
 Revert Update org.qelectrotech.QElectroTech.json not fixing Python's Tkinter need for qet-tb-generator , Laurent Trinques
 Update org.qelectrotech.QElectroTech.json for Flatpak build , Laurent Trinques
 flatpak: Properly rename the appdata file , Mathieu Bridon
 build: Add a Flatpak manifest , Mathieu Bridon
 build: Rename the packaging directory , Mathieu Bridon
 build: Move the Snap recipes , Mathieu Bridon

 Lang :
 Danish translation , Ole Carlsen
 Update * TS files , Laurent Trinques
 updated hungarian files , artgg7300
 Danish translation updated , Ole Carlsen
 Update Polish translation, thanks Pawel , Laurent Trinques
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Danish translation updated , Ole Carlsen
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 translated hungarian files , artgg7300
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 translated hungarian files , artgg7300
 Danish translation updated , Ole Carlsen
 Update fr en translation , Laurent Trinques
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Minor Danish update , Ole Carlsen
 Update polish translation, thanks Pawel , Laurent Trinques
 Danish translation updated , Ole Carlsen
 Greek Lang update , aitolos
 updated hungarian language files , artgg7300
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Update Polish translation, thanks Rafal , Laurent Trinques
 Update binary of norwegian translation , Laurent Trinques
 Recent update of norwegian translation , Joel As
 Update qet_nb.ts qet_nb.qm, thanks Joel , Laurent Trinques
 Update qet_nb.ts , Laurent Trinques
 anish translation updated , Ole Carlsen
 translated hungarian files , artgg7300
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Update *TS files and update english and french translation , Laurent Trinques
 Update Binary be translation , Laurent Trinques
 add translation be , Simon De Backer
 Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// Translated hungarian files , artgg7300
 Translated hungarian language files , artgg7300
 Update danish translation , Ole Carlsen
 Update  translation ang generete new  Norwegian dialects nb , Laurent Trinques
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 Update pt_b binary translation , Laurent Trinques
 Update translation pt-br , gleissonjoaquim3
 Update Fr translation , Laurent Trinques
 Update En translation , Laurent Trinques
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Czech translation update, thanks Pavel , Laurent Trinques
 Update Greel Language files (spellcheck, typos) , aitolos
 Update Greek Lang files , aitolos
 Update Greek TS, thanks aitolos , Laurent Trinques
 updated hungarian translate , artgg7300
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 Updated german translation , nuri
 Danish translation updated , Ole Carlsen
 Update translation , Laurent Trinques
 Update *TS file and generate new Slovakia ts file , Laurent Trinques
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 Update Polish translation, thanks Pawel , Laurent Trinques
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 fixed syntax error in hungarian translation , artgg7300
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 Updated german translation , nuri
 Updated Danish translation , Ole Carlsen
  Updated hungarian translate , artgg7300
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
  updated hungarian translation , artgg7300
 Updated german translation , nuri
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 Danish translation updated , Ole Carlsen
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Updated Danish translation , Ole Carlsen
 Updated german translation , nuri
 Update qet_fr.ts , tititiou36
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Update EN translation , Laurent Trinques
 Update turkish translation, add forget qml files thanks Emir , Laurent Trinques
 Update turkish translation, thanks Emir , Laurent Trinques
 Update Hungarian translations, thanks Gabor , Laurent Trinques
 Updated german translation , nuri
 Dansih translation updated , Ole Carlsen
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 Update TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Updated german translation , nuri
 Update hungarian translation, thanks Gábor , Laurent Trinques
     modified:   lang/qet_nl.qm     modified:   lang/qet_nl.ts , dlee99
 Danish translation updated, latest update apparently went wrong. , Ole Carlsen
 Add EN and FR translations , Laurent Trinques
 Update *TS files , Laurent Trinques
 Updated german translation , nuri
 Updated german translation , nuri

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

yes, you have to do the release more frequently...... this can no longer be read normally.

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

Yes changelog is very big :

Post's attachments

Attachment icon changelog.txt 988.44 kb, 7050 downloads since 2020-07-06 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

I would keep it general for the changelog, eg only features and refer the rest to the git log.

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

The Conventional Commits

specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of. This convention dovetails with SemVer, by describing the features, fixes, and breaking changes made in commit messages.

15 (edited by De-Backer 2020-07-06 22:07:11)

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

I'm trying to edit the "" file for the changelog Generator with Git, but I'm struggling with the "Commit Message Format" as a user of qelectrotech.
I want to make it easy and simple, but then we are probably missing a few fixes and improvements in the changelog.
I was first thinking about: … guidelines

too complex.

But one night about sleep does wonders.

I remain in favor of the use of branching.
Because a merge also requires a Commit.
And this can then be properly formatted.

remainder for me

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

Hi Simon

I added you on Wiki if you interest to add some informations.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

17 (edited by De-Backer 2020-07-07 20:44:01)

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

git commit message template

file: ".gitmessage.txt"

Subject: Capitalized, short, summary, imperative

     Body of commit message is a few lines of text, explaining things 
in more detail, possibly giving some background about the issue being 
fixed, etc etc.
     The body of the commit message can be several paragraphs, and 
please do proper word-wrap and keep columns shorter than about 74 
characters or so. That way "git log" will show things nicely even when 
it's indented.
     Make sure you explain your solution and why you're doing what 
you're doing, as opposed to describing what you're doing. Reviewers 
and your future self can read the patch, but might not understand why 
a particular solution was implemented.
# Subject line:
# * Begin all subject lines with a capital letter
# * Do not end the subject line with a period
# * Limit the subject line to 50 characters
# * Use the imperative mood in the subject line
#    A properly formed Git commit subject line should 
#    always be able to complete the following sentence:
#    - If applied, this commit will your subject line here
#    eg: 
#       If applied, this commit will 
#        - Remove deprecated methods
#        - Update qelectrotech gui
#        - Add file/feature autonumber
# Separate subject from body with a blank line
# Wrap the body at 74 characters/line
# Use the body to explain what and why vs. how
git config --local commit.template .gitmessage.txt … figuration
your thoughts?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Screenshot_20200707_204230.png 572.14 kb, 132 downloads since 2020-07-07 

18 (edited by De-Backer 2020-07-07 18:20:20)

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

scorpio810 wrote:

Hi Simon

I added you on Wiki if you interest to add some informations.

Okay, no problem but, my main language is Dutch, for french, i pass.

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

In English off course. nomicons/wink
Pages in French isn't a good idea, now I think.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

20 (edited by De-Backer 2020-07-07 22:48:25)

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

scorpio810 wrote:

In English off course. nomicons/wink
Pages in French isn't a good idea, now I think.

google translate?

"now I think." seems strange to me (no context)

anyway, give me some time to figure out the wiki.

I suspect I should find out what is missing for developers, we can use them to add the missing feature.

i had a hard time getting the missing the modules:
- KwidgetAddons
- KcoreAddons
see post: … 041#p10041

after that, Qdebug did not work.

QT's SDK also made it difficult eg:
preprocessor Issue error: 'foo.h' file not found

Posts … 880#p10880
was a big help, but the linux distro was to difference, making it more guideline than manual

21 (edited by De-Backer 2020-07-08 17:59:23)

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

scorpio810 wrote:

as with each release taking inventory of the changes and functionalities added is a big headache..
If you know a good method to update changelog … -using-git

I think this is possible

git shortlog $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD

As a source, you have to clean up afterwards.

to send it to a file add

 > mylist.txt

Post's attachments

Attachment icon mylist.txt 17.1 kb, 318 downloads since 2020-07-08 

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

fun to view: Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of Many Programmers

it looks like we can still improve the code.

Re: code of conduct for qelectrotech project

- Maybe we should revise the Code style to the GNU?
  QElectroTech Code style on the right
  a GNU Code style on the left and center

- And why is the code(QElectroTech) not placed in libraries?

When a application is too large, You want to separate your program in different module. Module that can be independant and you can reuse in other application. So you could write it like that lib/LibraryForLogging, lib/LibraryForDatabase etc... It is easier to manage than if it was mixed with all the source code.

  eg: qtceator:
             +src <== Source files for the root-level application project.
             +app <== Contains the component files in which your application logic and data are defined.
             +libs  <== Contains your library project's logic and data. Like an application project,
                              a library project can contain components, services, modules, directives, and pipes.
             +sources == src
see Project Directorie

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Screenshot_20200914_174910.png 1.75 mb, 107 downloads since 2020-09-14