(7 replies, posted in Elements)

There's something wrong with your element, or the hotspot is miscalculated...
Have you used a script to generate this element?
As a workaround I used plc-user's QET_ElementScaler tool with a factor of 1, now you can use this element without problem.
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 808#p16808

laurent@debian:~/.qet$ ./QET_ElementScaler -f dewe43_full2.elmt 1

BTW some terminals need to be aligned again, use CTRL + arrows keys to align it.


(7 replies, posted in Elements)


please send also your elmt file element  can be usefull.


(6 replies, posted in Code)

use this repo Qt5/KF5 : https://invent.kde.org/packaging/homebrew-kde

gg translate:

jhonathan disner wrote:


In my projects I need to count the cable footage for installation, so I noticed a need to change the export SQL of the list of elements used.

With this I also added the unit field, as some items are obviously supplied in pieces, meters, packages or boxes.

So in each element used I use both fields, the unit and the quantity.

The SQL file that I changed still adds the items into a total, but at the same time it gives me the quantity that I add, for example in cables that connect motors and sensors and the like.

follow code.

SELECT manufacturer, description, designation, machine_manufacturer_reference, supplier, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity, unity, COUNT(*) AS designation_qty FROM element_nomenclature_view WHERE ( element_type = 'terminal' OR element_type = 'simple' OR element_sub_type = 'commutator' OR element_sub_type = 'coil' OR element_sub_type = 'protection') GROUP BY designation ORDER BY manufacturer, description, designation, machine_manufacturer_reference, supplier, quantity, unity

and also an example project and the CSV file.

I believe there is something to improve, and many of the elements I haven't finished naming yet, but for my use I'm already happy.

Hope this helps


(6 replies, posted in Code)

Hello Christoph,

see the wiki for compil it on macOS.

https://qelectrotech.org/wiki_new/doc/m … onment_old

See André Colomb program:


(6 replies, posted in Code)

Hello Christoph,

try it with qmake (Qt5).



je ne pense pas que mon dessin de ce projet remis au propre en 2015 t'aide beaucoup, chaque installation est différente.


Hi stephane,

prefix it 's used with this file: https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … labels.xml

See: https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 389#p18389

Best regards,

sudo apt install libqt5svg5-dev pkgconf libsqlite3-dev g++ qtcreator  libkf5widgetsaddons-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev git 

Maybe see Xmlstarlet scripts:

https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 6040#p6040
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 4579#p4579

olivier.perrin wrote:

Bonjour, à tous

je relance le sujet, car je trouve l'idée très ergonomique de pouvoir ouvrir  2 projets en meme temps.

Suffit de passer en mode fenêtres à la place des onglets. CF voir dans la config de QET!
Avec un moniteur 49 " ça devrait le faire .. nomicons/smiley-green
https://www.samsung.com/fr/monitors/bus … 950uipxen/

Personnellement je préfère ouvrir les multiples projets dans des onglets..


(15 replies, posted in Videos howto)


(17 replies, posted in Code)

plc-user wrote:

Health is the most important thing, besides family and friends!
(a little money might help a bit, too...nomicons/wink)

If you wish, I can have Paypal send you some of the money we receive from donations from users who thank us for this project, given the excellent work you do.

It's certainly not a fortune (~ 500€)and I had to contribute out of my own pocket for the Aplle develloper notarization ~99€.

And in June I have to renew the web hosting at a cost of 160€.

I thanks all users who donate and hepling to support this project again, thanks all.

Best regards,


(17 replies, posted in Code)

@plc-user: age only matters if you're healthy nomicons/wink


(17 replies, posted in Code)

@plc-user if you don't mind my asking how old are you?
Me : 55 years old..

See example provided, yes schemes of cars was very different than industry...
https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/s … iagram.pdf


(17 replies, posted in Code)

For me, sqlite help to create BOM, summary pages, ect, but when you change any things the change it's saved in XML of the project.

Hmm, if you have multi-screen monitors that could hehping a lot, btw you have paste also to paste in zone -> CTRL +Maj +V.

When you paste many same parts you have an offset indexed to grid..

https://qelectrotech.org/wiki_new/roadm … d_elements

directly (Ctrl+V): the pasted parts are placed next to the copied parts; if the parts are pasted again, they are pasted one notch closer, incrementally. The screenshot on the right shows the result of pasting a selection 8 times in a row.



The only problem, as far as I know, is that when wires are connected to busbars or to a distribution block, they cannot necessarily have the same cross-section... yet the potential remains the same, but not the cross-section to supply each circuit-breaker.


(17 replies, posted in Code)

Conductor numbering export to csv not use database:
https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … export.cpp

Summary page and BOM use database:
https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … s/dataBase


(17 replies, posted in Code)

Hallo plc-user,

When you start QET and open an project QET read the XML of the project, draw all diagrams, etc, after it create an use a sqlite database in memory, you can export this database now, but you can't imported data yet to the project on the fly running.

Edit: Sqlite database for project was added recently also QET code can run without..

https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … dialog.cpp

On QET conductors conected to element type terminal save the same potential, wire number, wire color, section, etc, also use symbol for for connect your wires of type simple...


(17 replies, posted in Code)

What could be very constructive would be to add the conductors wire section, color, cable, element label, terminal name connected to each end in the sqlite database in a new table, a bit like nomeclature aka BOM.

It's justa an idea, this would avoid having to write a plugin like qet_tb_generator in python, which reads the XML to generate the terminal blocks, and then it might be possible to do more with SQL and csv export?

rvamerongen wrote:

Think this would be welcome; maybe this could be solved to let the editor import parts of it own.
We save a circle with a line, and drag/import it later on inside another drawing.
So can you make templates and your fantasie is unlimited.

You can open several element editors at the same time, select the parts you want and then copy them into the new element you're creating. You can create a Frankenstein element from scratch with many parts from other elements in the collection without tiring yourself just by selecting, copying and pasting.

Enjoy! nomicons/wink