It took me some days to make them

no I never looked in this log
and also "stalefiles" is not giving me any clue that this is where I can find the restore file
in terms of Windows this is no information

today I had a crash on the application
it took me about half hour to find where to delete this old file

the folder "stalefiles" is difficult to remember
is it not possible to add this folder in the message popup?
or else to add a second question if the user does not want to reopen then to delete this file

the "fit in view" is leaving some white space on top and left of the screen


(19 replies, posted in Terminal block generator)

scorpio810 wrote:

Please open an issue here https://github.com/raulroda/qet_tb_generator-plugin

I made the issue on github
https://github.com/raulroda/qet_tb_gene … n/issues/5

until now no reaction
the solution is there only someone needs to implement it

or when to expect this functionality in QET itself?

à la page 3, il y a 2 très petits éléments que vous pouvez trouver en faisant glisser un rectangle dessus
(voir photo)


(19 replies, posted in Terminal block generator)

Any news regarding this issue?

In the new version I found another issue
I selected a template from the user blocks
and deleted the template
the template is removed from the folder but not from the list
same applies for copany and QET blocks

I use the latest version of QET

I tried some different things

In configuration I set the company folder to default to see where default is
but after closing and reopening, the project widget still shows the previously selected folder
If I set to another folder then the content changes to the new folder

because I have no admin rights here
when appling a new version I ony put the exe in the bin folder
and copy the language files from the new version
is this enough or do I need something else?

in the QET configuration I only see the qet title block and user title blocks
the company title blocks are not available
so I can not set a company title block as default

as work around I can drag the wanted title block the new project and then set as template in the project
but this feels like a workaround

I can create a new template
I do see it in the project widget
but the template is not in de list to select from in the project properties

I created it with the title block editor and saved to the folder as defined in the QET configuration

but it does not appear in the list to choose in a project

in the configuration I have a folder for user title-block en another folder for company title-blocks
I can see the templates in the project structure
I want to add a company title block but in the list only the QET and user title blocks are visible
how to add a company title-block?

this has nothing to do with the application
you can control this by using a splice

If it is purely for having a shematic I would leave the control to the application
if you want to indicate how the wiring should be I would put a splice

Anyway suggestion 2 is to avoid
and the the choise for 1 or 3 depends on the components where the wires need to be connected
if it is possible to put 2 wires into one connection

attached is a file with a number of splices I have created

A simple search on the forum would give you a list with answers you your question

here you can find a lot of symbols (elements)

or in english


(19 replies, posted in Terminal block generator)

does this mean there is a need for a new version of the generator?

then a solution could be to use a splice element
in the installation files there is only one  (1) but I extended according needs to some more
you can find them in the sample plan

It al depends on the use case:
if it is for a connection from the electrical cabinet thru a terminal conection towards an element in the field, we forbid the use of 2 wires, here it has to be done with 2 terminals with a bridge in between
if it is internal in the cabinet we leave it to the intelligence of the cabinet builder to know he has to use a twin cord endshoe

see example

Project >> Clean project


(1 replies, posted in Elements)

de gangbare talen hier zijn frans engels of duits
maar goed hier toch jou element
zo moeillijk is het echt niet om dit te maken
gemaakt zonder aansprakelijkheid van eventuele fouten


(2 replies, posted in Elements)

hopla, made it quick during lunch

don't forget to click the <OK> button on the bottom of the popup

And in understandable English ???

Are the signs complete yet?
and in what folder are they located in de zip download?