(29 replies, posted in Code)

i have fix the issue, can you test it.


(29 replies, posted in Code)



(29 replies, posted in Code)

I am now unbroken for debugging on Linux. That makes a lot of things easy.
But there is still a bug. If you put on text alignment and then change the alignment from top to button something happens when you move the master.


(29 replies, posted in Code)


I have to see how I can trigger an update when changing. I will fix it.


(29 replies, posted in Code)

Hi Joshua

i have fixe the point 2.
I am still new to Git. I tried to make a pull request


(29 replies, posted in Code)

Hello Scorpio810

Currently I am still trying to edit point 2 by Joshua. I'm not quite getting there yet.


(29 replies, posted in Code)

Thanks for testing

1. ok i use it
2. I have tried it but I have to look at me again in peace
3. i have fix it



(29 replies, posted in Code)

I have a version ready. I hope that fits.


(29 replies, posted in Code)

thanks Joshua

I had tried it on the weekend ever before with the insertion. But the program crashed. Today noticed that I have inserted it in the wrong place. Will finish it this week


(29 replies, posted in Code)

my problem is, the m_slave_Xref_item->SetPos will put in two function. 
1. void DynamicElementTextItem::updateXref()
2. void DynamicElementTextItem::setPlainText(const QString &text)

in 1 i have 

XRefProperties xrp = diagram()->project()->defaultXRefProperties(m_parent_element.data()->kindInformations()["type"].toString());

the Xrp variable has the info about the XrefPos

but in 2 there is not xrp


(29 replies, posted in Code)

it is from 0.70rc2 tag


(29 replies, posted in Code)

now the code, it is not ready


(29 replies, posted in Code)

I have

i have now the problem that in dynamicelementtextitem.cpp

void DynamicElementTextItem::setPlainText(const QString &text)
    if (toPlainText() == text)
        else if (m_slave_Xref_item)
        QRectF r = boundingRect();
        QPointF pos(r.center().x() - m_slave_Xref_item->boundingRect().width()/2,

I can not reference xrefProperties xrp = diagra...referencing

i have now the problem that in dynamicelementtextitem.cpp

void DynamicElementTextItem::setPlainText(const QString &text)
    if (toPlainText() == text)
        else if (m_slave_Xref_item)
        QRectF r = boundingRect();
        QPointF pos(r.center().x() - m_slave_Xref_item->boundingRect().width()/2,

I can not reference xrefProperties xrp = diagra...referencing

look like this

ok, then we do this

i think it is better to the text properties.
new item xlink_position

[left]here's a patch, but I think the better way is to use a configuration item.[/left]


(10 replies, posted in Code)

thanks for the links. very interesting

I still have an understanding problem. If I want to create Qelectrotech static, then I have to generate the KwidgetAddons KcoreAddons also static. Or?

However, I miss the setting of cmake so that KwidgetAddons KcoreAddons also static link.

stromie wrote:

it works, with the textalignment i can switch the xlink position.

it works, with the textalignment i can switch the xlink position.


(10 replies, posted in Code)

I have build qt without erros. But the build of kcoreaddons and kwidgetsaddons have link error. Because it will link dynamic. How can cmake say link static ?

Install Qt Creator, MinGW and the latest Qt version using the online installer from qt.io i use the 5.12.4
Install cmake (https://cmake.org/install/)
Add gcc and cmake bin directories to PATH environment variable
SET QTPATH=C:\Qt\5.12.4\mingw73_32

Download cmake-extra-modules (https://github.com/KDE/extra-cmake-modules)

Unpack cmake-extra-modules

Build ecm
cd(path to ecm)
mingw32-make install

build kcoreaddons
download an unpacktkcoreaddons (https://github.com/KDE/kcoreaddons)
cd (path to kcoreaddons)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%QTPATH% -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$QTPATH -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DZLIB_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=C:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_32\i686-w64-mingw32\lib\libz.a
mingw32-make install

build kwidgetsaddons

downloadan unpack kwidgetsaddons (https://github.com/KDE/kwidgetsaddons)

cd (path to kwidgetsaddons)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%QTPATH% -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$QTPATH -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DZLIB_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=C:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_32\i686-w64-mingw32\lib\libz.a
mingw32-make install

rename C:\Qt\5.12.4\mingw73_32\lib\libKF5CoreAddons.dll.a to libKF5CoreAddons.a
rename C:\Qt\5.12.4\mingw73_32\lib\libKF5WidgetsAddons.dll.a to libKF5WidgetsAddons.a


(10 replies, posted in Code)

thanks scorpio810

the build was successful. What amazes me, your * .exe is about 33MB in size. My only 5MB.

is it the differenc static to dynamic?

In the next few days I write a tutorial how I did it. This can benefit others.

Hi scorpioB10

thanks for the info.

[left]My programming skills are limited to the hobby. Some years ago I programmed with C # and C ++. I can read and understand your code.
Currently I try the 0.70rc2 to builden. That under Windows.
[left]If that's the case, I'll take a look at the change in distance.[/left]
