(8 replies, posted in Export)

OK, but we have to change the sequence on how to export.

if we look to a drawing page in qet, it is build with

  • elements

  • lines between connectors

  • titelblock

  • shapes and free text

Before we can export the entities section in dxf
we need to create the dxf block section where we create a block definition for eacht

  • element

  • titelblock

this block section is fillet with the same basic functions already in the dxfexport functions.

After this is write to the dxf file we can create the entities section in dxf
this have a command insert block to write a element in the entities sections.

shapes and free text is writen directly in the entitie sections

The conected lines are also writen in the entities sections


(8 replies, posted in Export)

Compare qet format agains dxf :

<elements> = dwg blocks = symbols

dxf/dwg layers : are used to make it posible (in acad) to switch on and off, if u have a drawing with a lot  of information, the you can show less or more information with turning layers on and off in acad, also usefull when defining printouts and you dont wont to show some information

These layer are definet in a Layer table

Line types

The line types are also define into a table, so in the convertion to dxf we have to create a line type table with the acad names in it and use these names when creathing the nesecary


(8 replies, posted in Export)

Hi Lauret,

Try to explain wath we need to ceat dxf export (or import)

So i try to explain tha dxf parts with a example from the code of the exporter now.

These basic function are all working i think, if not we have to check whats be wrong on them.

How the current exporter is reading the qet file is for me not clear, i have to spent to match time to figure out how qet is prosesing the qet file.

We need to change the current sequence on how the dxf file is created and add some extra function to get it to work correctly.



(8 replies, posted in Export)

Tables function

Function_table () /* 2 things to write to dxf file */

to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "SECTION"
to_dxf << "2"
to_dxf << "TABLES"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "TABLE" /* line type tables starts here */
to_dxf << "2"
to_dxf << "LTYPE" /* table entry */
to_dxf << "5"
to_dxf << "5"
to_dxf << "330"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "70"
to_dxf << "1"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "LTYPE"
to_dxf << "5"
to_dxf << "14"
to_dxf << "330"
to_dxf << "5"
to_dxf << "2"
to_dxf << "ByBlock"
to_dxf << "70"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "3"
to_dxf << " "
to_dxf << "72"
to_dxf << "65"
to_dxf << "73"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "40"
to_dxf << "0.0"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "LTYPE"
to_dxf << "5"
to_dxf << "15"
to_dxf << "330"
to_dxf << "5"
to_dxf << "2"
to_dxf << "ByLayer"
to_dxf << "70"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "3"
to_dxf << " "
to_dxf << "72"
to_dxf << "65"
to_dxf << "73"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "40"
to_dxf << "0.0"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "LTYPE"
to_dxf << "5"
to_dxf << "16"
to_dxf << "330"
to_dxf << "5"
to_dxf << "2"
to_dxf << "Continuous"
to_dxf << "70"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "3"
to_dxf << "Solid line"
to_dxf << "72"
to_dxf << "65"
to_dxf << "73"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "40"
to_dxf << "0.0"
to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "ENDTAB"

to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "TABLE" /* second layer tables */
to_dxf << "2"
to_dxf << "LAYER"
to_dxf << "5"
to_dxf << "2"



(8 replies, posted in Export)

Header function

Header_function () /* step 1 things to write to dxf file */

to_dxf << "O"
to_dxf << "SECTION"
to_dxf << "2"
to_dxf << "HEADER"
to_dxf << "9"
to_dxf << "$ACADVER"
to_dxf << "1"
to_dxf << "AC1015"
to_dxf << "9"
to_dxf << "$DWGCODEPAGE"
to_dxf << "3"
to_dxf << "ANSI_1252"
to_dxf << "9"
to_dxf << "$INSBASE"
to_dxf << "10"
to_dxf << "0.0"
to_dxf << "20"
to_dxf << "0.0"
to_dxf << "30"
to_dxf << "0.0"

to_dxf << "0"
to_dxf << "ENDSEC"



(8 replies, posted in Export)

I try to explain how a dxf file is constructed and what have to be changed on exportdxf.cpp to get it working again.

if we take a look at the exportdxf.cpp file, a lot of the basic drawing types are there and maybe need some fine tunning on function of the changes that have to be made for the dxf export.

How is a dxf file constructed :

The file is devide into sections, each section is starting with a 0, SECTION, 2 HEADER


The key code in a dxf file = 0
followed by the command = SECTION
The code 2 give section name.

if we take a look to createdxf.cpp : void Createdxf::dxfBegin (const QString& fileName)

 QTextStream To_Dxf(&file);
            To_Dxf << 999           << "\r\n";
            To_Dxf << "QET"         << "\r\n";
            To_Dxf << 0             << "\r\n";
            To_Dxf << "SECTION"     << "\r\n";
            To_Dxf << 2             << "\r\n";
            To_Dxf << "HEADER"      << "\r\n";
            To_Dxf << 9             << "\r\n";
            To_Dxf << "$ACADVER"    << "\r\n";
            To_Dxf << 1             << "\r\n";
            To_Dxf << "AC1006"      << "\r\n";

The linse 58-59 have to be removed, the are not neaded and telling autocad that it is not a acad created dxf file.

A good starting point for dxf codes :[url=https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search-result/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2017/ENU/AutoCAD-DXF/files/GUID-235B22E0-A567-4CF6-92D3-38A2306D73F3-htm.html] acad dxf codes
see also numerical list o dxf codes
A dxf file have 7 sections, so we need to created for each section a function to file it.We don't need to use them all, just the one we need.

The following functions have to be created :

I we look to the existhing code, everthing is put into the dxf file like it is.

The major change that have to be made is that the titelblocks and elements used i a qet page has to be writen to the block section and be used in the entities section, it is the same way you are using them in qelectrotech.

If we take a look to a simple  qeletrotech project file :

<project folioSheetQuantity="0" version="0.70" title="">
        <property show="1" name="saveddate">2019-08-18</property>
        <property show="1" name="savedfilepath">C:/Users/ronny.desmedt/OneDrive/dxf/basic file.qet</property>
        <property show="1" name="savedtime">17:53</property>
        <property show="1" name="savedfilename">basic file</property>
        <border cols="17" rowsize="80" displaycols="true" displayrows="true" colsize="60" rows="8"/>
        <inset filename="" folio="%id/%total" auto_page_num="" version="" author="" locmach="" title="" date="null" indexrev="" displayAt="bottom" plant="">
                <property show="1" name="project"></property>
                <property show="1" name="file"></property>
        <conductors type="multi" color2="#000000" function="" tension-protocol="" bicolor="false" dash-size="2" vertirotatetext="270" condsize="1" displaytext="1" onetextperfolio="0" vertical-alignment="AlignRight" num="_" numsize="7" formula="" horizrotatetext="0" horizontal-alignment="AlignBottom"/>
        <report label="%f-%l%c"/>
            <xref type="commutator" snapto="label" displayhas="cross" powerprefix="" master_label="%f-%l%c" delayprefix="" showpowerctc="false" slave_label="(%f-%l%c)" switchprefix="" offset="0"/>
            <xref type="coil" snapto="label" displayhas="cross" powerprefix="" master_label="%f-%l%c" delayprefix="" showpowerctc="false" slave_label="(%f-%l%c)" switchprefix="" offset="40"/>
            <xref type="protection" snapto="label" displayhas="cross" powerprefix="" master_label="%f-%l%c" delayprefix="" showpowerctc="false" slave_label="(%f-%l%c)" switchprefix="" offset="0"/>
        <conductors_autonums current_autonum="" freeze_new_conductors="false"/>
        <element_autonums freeze_new_elements="false" current_autonum=""/>
    <diagram freezeNewConductor="false" title="" colsize="60" cols="17" filename="" date="null" order="1" height="660" indexrev="" auto_page_num="" freezeNewElement="false" displayrows="true" version="0.70-RC2+474c94469d79751d3" rows="8" rowsize="80" locmach="" author="" displaycols="true" displayAt="bottom" folio="%id/%total" plant="">
            <property show="1" name="project"></property>
            <property show="1" name="file"></property>
        <defaultconductor type="multi" color2="#000000" function="" tension-protocol="" bicolor="false" dash-size="2" vertirotatetext="270" condsize="1" displaytext="1" onetextperfolio="0" vertical-alignment="AlignRight" num="_" numsize="7" formula="" horizrotatetext="0" horizontal-alignment="AlignBottom"/>
            <element type="embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/200_fuses&amp;protective_gears/11_circuit_breakers/disjonct-m_2f.elmt" z="10" x="330" prefix="F" uuid="{4696d54d-0f44-409b-94c5-34fc2acfb74c}" orientation="0" y="320" freezeLabel="false">
                    <terminal id="0" x="-10" number="_" nameHidden="0" orientation="0" y="-26" name="_"/>
                    <terminal id="1" x="10" number="_" nameHidden="0" orientation="0" y="-26" name="_"/>
                    <terminal id="2" x="-10" number="_" nameHidden="0" orientation="2" y="16" name="_"/>
                    <terminal id="3" x="10" number="_" nameHidden="0" orientation="2" y="16" name="_"/>
                    <elementInformation show="1" name="formula"></elementInformation>
                    <dynamic_elmt_text text_width="-1" Halignment="AlignLeft" Valignment="AlignTop" x="16" font="Sans Serif,9,-1,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,normal" rotation="0" uuid="{da0adb6c-9a34-488e-bc13-06186c2ec811}" y="-17.3334" frame="false" text_from="ElementInfo">
            <shape is_movable="1" type="Rectangle" x1="530" z="0" closed="0" y1="100" ry="0" y2="210" rx="0" x2="650">
                <pen color="#000000" widthF="1" style="SolidLine"/>
                <brush color="#000000" style="NoBrush"/>
            <shape is_movable="1" type="Line" x1="810" z="0" closed="0" y1="190" y2="470" x2="550">
                <pen color="#000000" widthF="1" style="SolidLine"/>
                <brush color="#000000" style="NoBrush"/>
        <category name="import">
                <name lang="pl">Elementy importowane</name>
                <name lang="en">Imported elements</name>
                <name lang="da">Importerede elementer</name>
                <name lang="el">Εισηγμένα στοιχεία</name>
                <name lang="fr">Éléments importés</name>
                <name lang="nl">Elementen geïmporteerd</name>
                <name lang="tr">İthal öğeler</name>
                <name lang="es">Elementos importados</name>
                <name lang="ru">Импортированные элементы</name>
                <name lang="hr">Uvezeni elementi</name>
                <name lang="de">Importierte elemente</name>
                <name lang="sl">Uvoženi elementi</name>
                <name lang="ca">Elements importats</name>
                <name lang="cs">Zavedené prvky</name>
                <name lang="pt">elementos importados</name>
                <name lang="it">Elementi importati</name>
                <name lang="ro">Elemente importate</name>
            <category name="10_electric">
                    <name lang="pl">Elektrotechnika</name>
                    <name lang="en">Electric</name>
                    <name lang="da">Elektrisk</name>
                    <name lang="el">Ηλεκτρικά</name>
                    <name lang="nl">Elektrotechniek</name>
                    <name lang="fr">Electrique</name>
                    <name lang="ru">Электротехника</name>
                    <name lang="es">Eléctrica</name>
                    <name lang="de">Elektrik</name>
                    <name lang="it">Elettrica</name>
                    <name lang="cs">Elektrotechnika</name>
                <category name="10_allpole">
                        <name lang="pl">Schematy wieloliniowe</name>
                        <name lang="en">All-pole</name>
                        <name lang="da">Flere ledere</name>
                        <name lang="el">Πολυγραμμικό</name>
                        <name lang="fr">Multifilaire</name>
                        <name lang="nl">Veel polig</name>
                        <name lang="ru">Многополюсные</name>
                        <name lang="es">Multifilar</name>
                        <name lang="de">Allpolig</name>
                        <name lang="cs">Vícežilový</name>
                        <name lang="it">Multifilare</name>
                    <category name="200_fuses&amp;protective_gears">
                            <name lang="pl">Łączniki i zabezpieczenia</name>
                            <name lang="en">Fuses and protective gears</name>
                            <name lang="da">Sikringer og beskyttelsesudstyr</name>
                            <name lang="el">Ασφάλειες και εξαρτήματα προστασίας</name>
                            <name lang="fr">Fusibles et protections</name>
                            <name lang="nl">Zekeringen en beveiligingen</name>
                            <name lang="ru">Предохранители и элементы защиты</name>
                            <name lang="es">Fusibles y protecciones</name>
                            <name lang="de">Sicherungen und Schutzeinrichtungen</name>
                            <name lang="it">Fusibili e protezioni</name>
                            <name lang="cs">Tavné pojistky a ochrany</name>
                        <category name="11_circuit_breakers">
                                <name lang="pl">Wyłączniki</name>
                                <name lang="en">Circuit-breakers</name>
                                <name lang="ar">قواطع</name>
                                <name lang="da">Afbryder</name>
                                <name lang="el">Αυτόματοι διακόπτες</name>
                                <name lang="fr">Disjoncteurs</name>
                                <name lang="nl">Lastscheiders</name>
                                <name lang="ru">Выключатели</name>
                                <name lang="es">Disyuntores</name>
                                <name lang="de">Leitungsschutzschalter und Lastschalter</name>
                                <name lang="cs">Jističe</name>
                                <name lang="pt">Disjuntores</name>
                                <name lang="it">Relè termici</name>
                            <element name="disjonct-m_2f.elmt">
                                <definition type="element" hotspot_y="34" version="0.4" height="60" width="40" link_type="master" hotspot_x="20" orientation="dyyy">
                                    <uuid uuid="{AFE0F3B3-00EE-4EC2-9458-E7934876F42B}"/>
                                        <name lang="ar">قطب ثنائي القطبية قطبين محميين</name>
                                        <name lang="de">Leitungsschutzschalter 2P</name>
                                        <name lang="en">Circuit-breaker</name>
                                        <name lang="es">Disyuntor termico magnetico en 2P</name>
                                        <name lang="it">Int. Aut. Magneto-termico 2P</name>
                                        <name lang="fr">Disjoncteur bipolaire 2 poles proteges</name>
                                        <name lang="pl">Wyłącznik</name>
                                        <name lang="nl">Lastscheider 2</name>
                                        <name lang="cs">Dvojpólový jistič 2 póly chránící</name>
                                        <kindInformation show="1" name="type">protection</kindInformation>
                                    <informations>Author: The QElectroTech team
License: see http://qelectrotech.org/wiki/doc/elements_license</informations>
                                        <line antialias="false" x1="-12" y1="-10" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:dashed;line-weight:thin;filling:none;color:black" y2="-10" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="7"/>
                                        <line antialias="false" x1="-10" y1="16" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="20" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="-10"/>
                                        <arc antialias="true" angle="-180" x="-14" height="5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" width="8" start="90" y="10.5"/>
                                        <line antialias="false" x1="-10" y1="8" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="10" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="-10"/>
                                        <polygon antialias="true" x1="-10" x3="-15" y3="-20" closed="false" y1="3" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="0" x2="-10"/>
                                        <line antialias="false" x1="-10" y1="8" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="8" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="-5"/>
                                        <line antialias="false" x1="-5" y1="3" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="8" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="-5"/>
                                        <line antialias="false" x1="-10" y1="3" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="3" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="-5"/>
                                        <line antialias="false" x1="10" y1="16" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="20" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="10"/>
                                        <polygon antialias="true" x1="10" x3="5" y3="-20" closed="false" y1="3" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="0" x2="10"/>
                                        <input tagg="label" size="9" x="16" y="-6.3334" text="_"/>
                                        <arc antialias="true" angle="-180" x="6" height="5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" width="8" start="90" y="10.5"/>
                                        <line antialias="false" x1="-10" y1="-30" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="-20" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="-10"/>
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                                        <line antialias="true" x1="-8" y1="-22" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="-18" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="-12"/>
                                        <line antialias="false" x1="10" y1="3" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="3" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="15"/>
                                        <line antialias="true" x1="-12" y1="-22" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="-18" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="-8"/>
                                        <line antialias="false" x1="10" y1="-30" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="-20" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="10"/>
                                        <line antialias="true" x1="12" y1="-22" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="-18" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="8"/>
                                        <line antialias="true" x1="8" y1="-22" end2="none" length2="1.5" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:normal;filling:none;color:black" y2="-18" length1="1.5" end1="none" x2="12"/>
                                        <terminal x="-10" orientation="n" y="-30"/>
                                        <terminal x="10" orientation="s" y="20"/>
                                        <terminal x="10" orientation="n" y="-30"/>
                                        <terminal x="-10" orientation="s" y="20"/>
  • <properties> : some parts belong to header section of a dxf file

  • <newdiagrams>: if this the basic titelblock definition then i belong to the block section an will be used in the entitie section with a "INSERT" dxf type

  • <elements> : use in the entitie section with a "INSERT" dxf type

  • <shapes> : these will be directly used in the entitie section

  • <collection> : these will alle be placed into the block section and used in the entitie section with the "INSERT" dxf type

DXF coding exist of to lines i a dxf file, a code line and a value line:

  • code 10 (11-18) : x coordinate

  • code 20 (21-28) : y coordinate

  • code 30 (31-38) : z coordinate

For example a line :

  • 10 : value : x start point

  • 20 : value : y start point

  • 11 : value : x end point

  • 21 : value : y end point

Header section


Every section starts with :

  • 0


  • 2


  • ....

and ends with

  • 0


every header items starts with code 9 (only used in the header section)

  • 9 : start code

  • $ACADVER : acad settings variable name

  • 1 : Primary text value for an entity

  • AC1015 : value for code 1

  • 9 : next start code for a acad settings variable

base point of a acad.dxf/dwg drawing (this must be in the export file)

  • 9


  • 10 [color=#ff3333]: x reference[/color]

  • 0.0 [color=#3333ff]: value of x[/color]

  • 20 : [color=#ff3333]y reference[/color]

  • 0.0 : [color=#3333ff]value of y[/color]

  • 30 : [color=#ff3333]z reference[/color]

  • 0.0 : [color=#3333ff]value of z[/color]

In DXF TABLES SECTION we need to create following tables :

  • BLOCK_RECORD (posible needed, have to checkout this table)



Layer table

We created layers to separate qet sections:

  • Titelblock

  • Elements

  • Text

  • Shapes

  • ....

Everithing of a titelblock wil be drawn on the layer "Titelblock" and so on for the other types.

LTYPE table

This table is used to converd the QET line types to acad line types


connectors will be transformet to points in DXF


these points positions will be neded to convert the connector lines to dxf.

A symbol with connectors is insert at coordinates x,Y and the connector is relatief to these insert points (this is for both systems the same) so for drawing a line between to connectors we have to calculate the exact positions of the two connectors and the draw a  polyline with 3 x,y points


Like you can see we need tree times code 10 and 20 to define a polyline


(4 replies, posted in Import)

It works with any version in ascii file format
A binary dxf file needs to be opend With a cad program and the be exported as a ascii dxf file

Not al whats in a dxf file will be converted for the moment

Thar whats be converted is colored with an other background color

If posible you can send me the dxf file, then i can take a look at it to see whats the problem

Blocks in blocks are for this moment not converted


i did not removed the one that was draw on my page

when inserting a new symbol like you tell, then i have to remake all the connection ?

it works easyer if the save symbol is active after editing a element of a page
i force this by change something of the connecions than i can click on save project
and the next time i open the project the symbol is update without lossing al the connection of the symbol


Select a symbol on a page of your project
then edit the element (a user element), save your change and go back to your project
nothing changed on your project symbol
save your project, close it and the reopen it
the symbol is disappears on your project page

when you do the same editing into the imported elements of your project the use element on page also disappears

if i edit a elmt save it and then do a litle change on page and the click on save then the elmt stays on your page

so when you edit a elmt and saves that elmt in the element editor there is no signal given to the project you are working on that there is something changed on your page!!!

scorpio810 wrote:

En fait, personnellement, j'ai pas besoin d'avoir une nomenclature dans le projet. Mais les clients estiment (à juste titre) que cela doit être partie intégrante de la documentation.
Alors je pourrais aussi compléter les schémas pdf avec la nomenclature LO édité en pdf en utilisant par exemple pdf-Shuffler. Mais c'est encore trop de travail 

Pourtant c'est simple de sortir un joli PDF de la nomenclature pour le client, et en trois clics et avec LO. nomicons/tongue
Apres faut pas faire comme moi, mais enrichir la nomenclature consciencieusement avec le dock. nomicons/getlost
https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/f … _00017.mp4



This is possible now to use the dxfconverter to convert csv files to a elmt file
just use "load a csv file into table" then select the tab "csv table" ther you can modify the result layout (for the moment on old clasic way : not what you see is what you get).
after you do your setings klick on "save as elmt", then the csv while be saved in differend elmt files conform the rows you defined, than the can be used in qet

The code behind these functions can adapted to do anything you need to do with the csv file, the use tableview can also be modified to get "what you see is what you get"



found some strange reaction

when adapting a element in the user collection, save it and inserting it into a drawing with a existing element in it

you get the question to use them bout or to delete the on of you drawing

when chose to delete the existing one and repleace it with the new version
and the insert these new into your page and then remove it againg. or pressing escape before inserting

then save, close and reopening your project, the element that was on your page is deleted

i dided remove the old element from my page
i only wont a update of my existing element

when inserting the new version , save, close and reopening and the remove the insertion, everythings works correctly

ok thanks,

the attribute text are connected to the label attribute


i drawed the curved rectangle with arc's and lines
it is the filling thats outside the curved rectangle

the dxf converte convert it on the same way


when using dashed conductors and make some connections to it the dashed line disapears


i try to draw a rectangle with curved corners and a filling thats stays inside
how can this be don

I try to click on on it but it willnot be select the (230V / 24V AC)

how can i change the position of the element attributes who are displayed into the symbole

These two attributes are not added to the basic qet elements ?


how can i get the attributes of a conductor be visible in the drawing

function and net

regards and a peaceful 2016
mes salutations et joyeuse  2016
vriendelijke groeten en een vrede vol 2016

scorpio810 wrote:
rdsivd wrote:


With the converter is it on this moment posible to create elmt files of a csv file

yesterday i exported a materials list i qet and read the resulting csv file into the converter
and created a elmt of this file

see also topic dxf import http://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=782

I think he talk about terminal macro LO not nomenclature.

ok, but it is easy to adapte this code to create other results
see http://svnweb.tuxfamily.org/filedetails.php?repname=qet%2Fqet&path=%2Fbranches%2Fdxftoqet2%2Fcsv_create_elmt.cpp

it needs just the correct logic to create other outputs
(something to look at next year nomicons/smile [size=1]2016 


i will create a front page



having problem with page order, i want to be page to be page 1, when i changepage 2 to 1 and save the file, close the file and reopen the file, page 1 and 2 are change back to the previus order

i had first created a new project file with one page, the insert the page overview, this get the second page in the file, and i wonth this be the first page of the project. but the change  will not be accepted by the program



With the converter is it on this moment posible to create elmt files of a csv file

yesterday i exported a materials list i qet and read the resulting csv file into the converter
and created a elmt of this file

see also topic dxf import http://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=782


i stil have another question

the %{fields}  are not recognized in the properties window
do i have to put them every time manual in the personal fields list?


I try to use the 'page de garde' into a new project
when i insert this page into the new project i get this result

how can i get it right displayed
