Topic: inserting existing element


found some strange reaction

when adapting a element in the user collection, save it and inserting it into a drawing with a existing element in it

you get the question to use them bout or to delete the on of you drawing

when chose to delete the existing one and repleace it with the new version
and the insert these new into your page and then remove it againg. or pressing escape before inserting

then save, close and reopening your project, the element that was on your page is deleted

i dided remove the old element from my page
i only wont a update of my existing element

when inserting the new version , save, close and reopening and the remove the insertion, everythings works correctly

Re: inserting existing element


when choose to delete the existing one and replace it with the new version, just drag the new in diagram and delete after reload project, after save and close your project.
Reload your project, your element is replaced by new version if your change is very minor.

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