Topic: V0.51-dev+svn4290


having problem with page order, i want to be page to be page 1, when i changepage 2 to 1 and save the file, close the file and reopen the file, page 1 and 2 are change back to the previus order

i had first created a new project file with one page, the insert the page overview, this get the second page in the file, and i wonth this be the first page of the project. but the change  will not be accepted by the program


Post's attachments

Knipsel-002.PNG, 10.1 kb, 313 x 199
Knipsel-002.PNG 10.1 kb, 354 downloads since 2015-12-29 

Re: V0.51-dev+svn4290

Hi Ronny,

folio list page is always in second position because is hard coded in program.


"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: V0.51-dev+svn4290


i will create a front page
