26 (edited by unalcalde 2017-03-13 11:32:36)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Any element of type "terminal" will be considered to make the terminal strip.

In the above example, the conductor 313 is connected (in any page) to a terminal. In our case the terminal XA:4. So all the cables with the same potencial are considered connected to this terminal. But the are one exception: if the conductor goes from a PREVIOUS FOLIO to a NEXT FOLIO is not considered a connection (it's only a bridge)

Maybe the problem is that a TERMINAL element keep conductor numbers on it connections, and the script considers that all conductors with same number are interconnected.

I created a new version (0.7.1) and you can disable searching for implicits connections. Check the terminal strip created with the option "Search for implicits connections" unchecked.

I made several tests and I did the algorithm to solve most of the problems, but I'm sure it's not perfect. We need to check and find errors. When will work "perfect", I'll try to implement in QET. But for tests I spend less time modifying the script to find the best way to solve the problem. Later, to put inside QET will be a coding problem, not a programming problem.

I'm finding another software to draw electrical diagrams and check how it solves.

(My english is not good. I'm spanish)

Post's attachments

14.png, 153.01 kb, 964 x 871
14.png 153.01 kb, 627 downloads since 2017-03-13 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

I don't understand why you want to have 2 differents xref on terminal ?
What i know about electrical schematic, xref on terminal is the position about him, no ?

About clamp, I think, it's shoul be more simple : If I want to have 2 terminal side by side and connected by "clamp", I draw 2 terminal with same potential at the bottom or top and two consecutive number.

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Dear, can not you do anything neater? At me in all old projects the numbering on "Terminal block". If it is impossible to return the old numbering, then give advice on how to find it. It's good that I save files in PDF format for some projects.

Post's attachments

Снимок экрана от 2017-03-23 23-11-01.png, 257.36 kb, 1366 x 768
Снимок экрана от 2017-03-23 23-11-01.png 257.36 kb, 695 downloads since 2017-03-24 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

@Aleksandr :
Rename your terminals 1, 2, 3 etc.
By for example : x1:1 x1:2, x1:3, etc

Ah, you lost terminal number if I understand well, how?

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

30 (edited by unalcalde 2017-04-01 14:30:11)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

galexis wrote:

I don't understand why you want to have 2 differents xref on terminal ?
What i know about electrical schematic, xref on terminal is the position about him, no ?

About clamp, I think, it's shoul be more simple : If I want to have 2 terminal side by side and connected by "clamp", I draw 2 terminal with same potential at the bottom or top and two consecutive number.

Every terminal at the terminal strips no implies that is drawed previously in the diagram. You could draw a lot of conductors to  a +1 potencial, but you are not drawing the terminal element. The xref for every side of the terminal strip is the xref of the elements that are connected.
Implicit connections end with a dot '.' 

About clamps, is possible to have a connector on the electrical box that could be use as option by the final customer. In this case you only need to draw the male or female part.

Maybe you mean thas is not necessary that the script generates the MALE and FEMALE parts?

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

scorpio810 wrote:

@Aleksandr :
Rename your terminals 1, 2, 3 etc.
By for example : x1:1 x1:2, x1:3, etc

Ah, you lost terminal number if I understand well, how?

Yes, now in some projects I can not restore the numbering

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Could you send us a project with this problem?

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Yes please! And I decided to solve the problem by deleting version 0.51 from the application source. Put a stable version of 0.5 which goes by default to ubuntu. It was true that I did not have time to sit and rearrange all the terminal blocks from the new library, but I had enough pdf file.
(translate.google) nomicons/smile

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 2016.07.24 Nr 27 (Nr1)Klient.qet 1.3 mb, 627 downloads since 2017-03-27 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Strange ! in your project, if I open this with a text editor I don't see any terminal with name other that name="_ "

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

scorpio810 wrote:

Strange ! in your project, if I open this with a text editor I don't see any terminal with name other that name="_ "

Perhaps this terminal I have survived since ancient times. I remember that opening its properties and writing in the "label" field did not appear in the text field. This, probably in version 0.2xx was, when I just started using qelectrotech.

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

I think it's a bug !
Input texts is on the file project but not appears on diagrams.

<element type="embed://import/061bornes/borne_continuite.elmt" orientation="0" uuid="{4e7f8c6f-fdea-41e5-9509-633f3ab702b2}" x="60" y="750" prefix="">
                    <terminal number="_" orientation="0" name="_" x="0" id="39" y="-6" nameHidden="0"/>
                    <terminal number="_" orientation="2" name="_" x="0" id="40" y="6" nameHidden="0"/>
                    <input text="L1" x="-15" userx="-20" y="-5.5" usery="0"/>
                    <elementInformation show="1" name="label"></elementInformation>
                    <elementInformation show="1" name="comment"></elementInformation>
            <element type="embed://import/061bornes/borne_continuite.elmt" orientation="0" uuid="{b82aac28-ca6b-4af5-9c31-5622694c0fae}" x="140" y="750" prefix="">
                    <terminal number="_" orientation="0" name="_" x="0" id="41" y="-6" nameHidden="0"/>
                    <terminal number="_" orientation="2" name="_" x="0" id="42" y="6" nameHidden="0"/>
                    <input text="PE" x="-15" userx="-15.5338" y="-5.5" usery="-7.76691"/>
                    <elementInformation show="1" name="label"></elementInformation>
                    <elementInformation show="1" name="comment"></elementInformation>

In the latest version :

<element type="embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/130_terminals&amp;terminal_strips/borne_continuite2.elmt" y="210" freezeLabel="false" prefix="X" x="250" uuid="{123291bd-4f86-4ebf-b739-4c8d84113b5b}" orientation="0">
                    <terminal y="6" number="_" nameHidden="0" name="_" x="0" orientation="2" id="0"/>
                    <terminal y="-6" number="_" nameHidden="0" name="_" x="0" orientation="0" id="1"/>
                    <input text="X1:01" y="-8.5" x="-1"/>
                    <elementInformation show="1" name="formula">X1:01</elementInformation>
                    <elementInformation show="1" name="label">X1:01</elementInformation>

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

I'm not strong in the script and logic of this script. But I see that there are significant differences. I think that this problem was useful for you too, what would be the next time to understand what will happen in the program.

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

unalcalde wrote:
galexis wrote:

I don't understand why you want to have 2 differents xref on terminal ?
What i know about electrical schematic, xref on terminal is the position about him, no ?

About clamp, I think, it's shoul be more simple : If I want to have 2 terminal side by side and connected by "clamp", I draw 2 terminal with same potential at the bottom or top and two consecutive number.

Every terminal at the terminal strips no implies that is drawed. Yo can draw a los a conductors to  a +1 potencial, but you are not drawing the terminal element. The xref for every side of the terminal strip is the xref of the elements that are connected.
Implicit connections end with a dot.

About clamps, is possible to have a connector on the electrical box that could be use as option by the final customer. In this case you only need to draw the male or female part.

Maybe you mean thas is not necessary that the script generates the MALE and FEMALE parts?

I think terminal generator and connector generator are two diffrents things. Terminal generator have to be correct without add bad information.

39 (edited by Joshua 2017-03-31 19:19:14)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Your problem with the label of terminal is now fixed in the last version. nomicons/smile
It was not a bug, but a case that I had not anticipated.

Développeur QElectroTech

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Here for this thank you!

41 (edited by unalcalde 2017-04-01 15:10:47)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Hi Aleksandr, I edited your diagram and I post a sample result.

Post's attachments

sample.png, 36.91 kb, 943 x 652
sample.png 36.91 kb, 508 downloads since 2017-04-01 

42 (edited by unalcalde 2017-04-01 15:10:13)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

The qet file edited:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon nr_27_edited.qet 1.45 mb, 662 downloads since 2017-04-01 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

unalcalde wrote:

The qet file edited:

Not expected! Thank you very much for this work. There will be time, I will study how to make correct terminal connections.
Many thanks!

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

how can I come back to old version of terminal generator ?

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Hi, I'm using different software watching the best way to implement a solution in QET.
Galexis, why do you need the previous version? The last version includes old version with some fixes. If you need something different, say me and I could implement a checkbox in the config tab in order to have a different behavior.

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Because I don't want have two xref on terminal: just position of it.
And, generator add terminal wich doesn't exist, even "search implicite connection" is disable.

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Is it possible to add check box to have only position of terminal and not to position ?

48 (edited by unalcalde 2017-05-14 20:20:13)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Hi. I've been travelling for work reasons.

Next weekend I'll do a update. 
 * if "search implicite connection" is disabled, then the xref for the terminal block will be showed.
  * if "search implicite connection" is enabled, then appears the xref for connections in every terminal block's side.

I've checked diferent options to implement teminal block in QET and maybe an option is allowing to define when a conductor is a bridge. Maybe adding a checkbox in the conductor properties dialog. This will be a easy way to create terminal blocks.

Post's attachments

023.png, 49.38 kb, 953 x 552
023.png 49.38 kb, 483 downloads since 2017-05-14 

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Hi Raul,

when user clik on button to change "QET user collection path" in config tab, Terminal Block generator plugin crash.

https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 6574#p6574


"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

50 (edited by unalcalde 2017-05-20 21:39:59)

Re: Ideas to solve Terminal Blocks creation

Hi, a new version 0.7.2 is deployed. Now for TB created with no searching implicit connections, the xref for the terminal is showed. A comment in the checkbox remembers the behavior.

Fixed also the bug  [font=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]when user clicks on button to change "QET user collection path" in config tab.[/font]

To update:

>> Update on Linux
sudo pip3 install --upgrade qet_tb_generator

>> Update on Windows
python -m pip install --upgrade qet_tb_generator

The picture shows the differences between the TB:

Post's attachments

tb.png, 18.49 kb, 450 x 449
tb.png 18.49 kb, 507 downloads since 2017-05-20