Topic: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

I am using QET for some automotive work and I want to show wire gauge and color next to the wire. Is there a way I could include this data in the wire name label, via a formula of some kind? Is there another way to get this to show? I'm struggling to see how to get the wire size and color data out of QET, it seems like the only place it shows up is the Conductor Properties dialog.

Re: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

Use workaround report folio to report these informations on your wires.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon report_folio.qet 26.55 kb, 109 downloads since 2023-11-02 

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Re: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

Thanks for the quick response - that should get the job done.

Any plans to improve this feature in newer versions? Either way, thank you to the team for such a great piece of software.

Re: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

Only report have conductor properties, you can change your symbol to report folio next or previous, but you need to have only one terminal.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

is there also a way to display the cross section and color directly on the conductors? I have small plans without references

Re: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

Hallo Thorsten,

es geht ja hier nicht darum, irgendwelche Verweise zu machen. Das Verweis-Element bietet nur die Möglichkeit, die gewünschten Informationen anzuzeigen. Im Anhang ein Beispiel, wie das aussehen kann.


This is not about making any references. The link element only offers the option of displaying the desired information. Attached is an example of how this can look.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 99_wire-info.elmt 1.73 kb, 80 downloads since 2024-03-06 

Bildschirmfoto_Leiter-Information.jpg, 15.41 kb, 608 x 280
Bildschirmfoto_Leiter-Information.jpg 15.41 kb, 52 downloads since 2024-03-06 

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7 (edited by hairy_kiwi 2024-09-30 13:41:02)

Re: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

Many thanks plc-user and Laurent for the file and inspiration...

Here are five more wire info labels (elmt files in the zip). The objective was to display conductor info either over or alongside the conductor, without a node '•' or call-out box. In the image below, the first wire (140) serves a a QET 'default numbered wire' reference:

The remaining five examples use the following built in (undocumented?) conductor variables I found in the dynamicelementtextitem.cpp code on github:

Other small changes include the following:
- A Composite text source is used to populate each Dynamic text field in the elements. For the single-line variants, a Composite text allows better layout control of a wire info label, so far as horizontal centring concatenated text about the label's reference (insertion) point.

- The (white-filled) radiused boxed style labels require clicking 'Bring to front' to display correctly. They're a bit old school perhaps, but I quite like them.

- All unboxed styles contain a non-outlined (fully transparent) rectangle to make it easier to select and move the entire element after insertion if required, rather than just the text.

- Inserting these wire info labels (Laurent's or plc-user's as well) generates an additional wire - and therefore an additional wire number, however the number (text or formula) is identical to that of the original wire. The workflow to get a visually pleasing result looks something like this:
   + create a wire,
   + edit its properties,
   + add the desired wire-info (report) elmt,
   + delete the original, longer wire (rather than the shorter wire from the label to component terminal) and finally,
   + add-back the missing conductor segment. This step also adds a second wire number/name, which can be left in the default position (wire 141 in my example image above) - or each number moved to each end of the wire.

- That last step is possibly a serendipitous side-effect: IIRC, the numbering of each end of a wire was a feature someone requested not so long ago in another thread. nomicons/smile

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 4.35 kb, 45 downloads since 2024-09-29 

Attachment icon hk_qet_wire_info_size_color_boxed_unboxed_multiline.png 161.96 kb, 8 downloads since 2024-09-29 

Re: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

Hello hairy_kiwi,

there is no need to search the QET-Sourcecode to find the possible text-variables for references!
If an element is declared as coming / going reference the possible choices for the texts are shown in the drop-down.

Post's attachments

Bildschirmfoto_2024-10-05_Verweis-Texte.png, 14.96 kb, 474 x 241
Bildschirmfoto_2024-10-05_Verweis-Texte.png 14.96 kb, 27 downloads since 2024-10-05 

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Re: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

plc-user wrote:

Hello hairy_kiwi,

there is no need to search the QET-Sourcecode to find the possible text-variables for references!
If an element is declared as coming / going reference the possible choices for the texts are shown in the drop-down.

Hallo plc-user,

I agree there's no need per se, except to make the layout of single-line concatenated text strings a little prettier, as it provides a convenient method to use one Dynamic text field instead of two or more.

For example, I don't think there's a QET-native method for laying out the following:
"%{conductor_color}  %{conductor_section}"
while maintaining two spaces – or some other character(s) – between those variables and keeping that entire string centred about the element insertion point, irrespective of its total character length; hopefully that consistency of text alignment across multiple wires is visible in my examples.

Now, approximately the same layout can be achieved using two Dynamic text fields, setting left-variable field right-aligned and right-variable field left-aligned, but that takes greater effort to configure when creating the element - and in the end the output is not as pretty.

For two-line (or multiline) text, I fully agree the method you show is more convenient.

I may not be using QET for the kind of wiring diagramming for which it was originally conceived, but I appreciate it - and all the work that goes into developing it - because I enjoy its ability to generate aesthetically pleasing output, even if a few workarounds are still required to achieve that; thanks for everything you've been working on for the QET project. nomicons/smile

Re: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

hairy_kiwi wrote:

I may not be using QET for the kind of wiring diagramming for which it was originally conceived, but I appreciate it - and all the work that goes into developing it - because I enjoy its ability to generate aesthetically pleasing output, even if a few workarounds are still required to achieve that; thanks for everything you've been working on for the QET project. nomicons/smile

Thanks for your compliments hairy_kiwi. nomicons/wink

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Re: Showing wire gauges and colors on drawings?

Hello, since c9b9165 It's was easy to add conductor 's formula like color, section, tension_protocol, ect directly than trought a report element, thanks elevatormind. … 1195d603ae

Enjoy! nomicons/wink

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !