Topic: Multiple connectors Editing

Hi all,

i'm new here. Been using QElectorech a few days now. Works ok so far. Doing my first Electrical wiring diagram with it for a house renovation.

Multiple connections between connectors on for example a data bus can be selected as a group on a MacBookPro with "cmd + Left-Click". Great.

Question: How can all the selected connections' conductors be edited all at the same time? It will save a heap of time.




Re: Multiple connectors Editing


Right-click for edit selection. 

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Re: Multiple connectors Editing

Pingumann wrote:

... Multiple connections ....
... Question: How can all the selected connections' conductors be edited all at the same time? It will save a heap of time.

scorpio810 Today 18:30:43

Right-click for edit selection. 

Not possible with selecting multiple connections and richt-click Edit. Edit option disappears and only first connection is selected. See attached screencapture. Hopefully it explains it better.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 19.31.22.png 142.56 kb, 308 downloads since 2018-07-29 


Re: Multiple connectors Editing

It's not possible at this time to selct and modify all differents items in the same time.

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Re: Multiple connectors Editing

Would be a great help if it could be put in the roadmap soon nomicons/smile


Re: Multiple connectors Editing

I'm new on Qelectrotech and I realized that this feature would be really cool. I don't know if I'll be able to add it myself. I'll try.


Re: Multiple connectors Editing

With shorcut F2 when conducteur is selected you can change quickly the color of one conductors selected:

This whole part of the code needs to be reviewed if you want to change the colour of several selected conductors in the same time...
https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … ew.cpp#L99

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Re: Multiple connectors Editing

FYI, there may be another tool, not perfect for this use case, but:
Search and replace.

CTRL +F go to option button with select conductors, uncheck all folios, select the folio you want to edit conductor color, select label conductor you want to change color, on the widget choose the colour field, select a colour.

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