Topic: Nomenclature filerie


Est-il possible d'avoir un tableau (ou un export .csv) de la liste des fils avec leurs informations ?
Plus particulièrement:
- Fonction
- Couleur du conducteur
- Section du conducteur
- Destination (départ et arrivée)

J'ai essayer de faire des formules dans Excel pour parser le fichier XML (.qet) mais c'est un peu lourd surtout pour les destinations...

Merci par avance pour votre aide.

Sincères salutations.

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Salut qmcc,

wahrscheinlich nicht die erhoffte Antwort zu Deiner Frage, aber etwas zum Lesen: … 694#p19694

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Nomenclature filerie

maybe see xmlstarlet scripts: … 6040#p6040


"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

4 (edited by qmcc 2024-06-16 19:16:17)

Re: Nomenclature filerie


Merci pour vos suggestions mais tout ceci est bien trop compliqué pour moi !

Si dans le fichier .qet dans les balises <conductor>...</conductor> j'aurai les données "terminalname1",  "terminalname2" et "labelname1", "labelname2" des elements correspondant j'arriverai à reconstituer un tableau de câblage avec les destination départ et arrivé de chaque fil en récupérant aussi "function", "conductor_section" et "conductor_color".

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Petit exemple avec le dernier commit de plc-user.

Fichier exemple qet joint.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon test_terminal_name.qet 37.96 kb, 49 downloads since 2024-06-17 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

6 (edited by qmcc 2024-06-17 23:42:20)

Re: Nomenclature filerie


Merci plc-user et scorpio810 pour votre aide !

scorpio810: Un petit dessin dans un code est plus pragmatique que 3 pages d'explications nomicons/smile

J'ai importé mon fichier .qet dans Excel en passant par l'Editeur Power Query pour "parser" le texte xml,
puis je récupère dans Excel les informations qui m’intéresse sur les conducteurs.

Encore un peu de mise en forme dans Excel et ça devrait etre bon.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Capture d'écran 2024-06-17 231943.png 144.19 kb, 8 downloads since 2024-06-17 

Re: Nomenclature filerie

qmcc wrote:

scorpio810: Un petit dessin dans un code est plus pragmatique que 3 pages d'explications 

Merci, mais j'ai été limité par la taille du document, en vert on pointe vers l’élément 2 la bobine en A1 qui n'apparait pas dans la capture d’écran.

Te reste à trouver comment avec le UUID element1, UUID element2 leurs labels avec Excel...Python, etc..
Ne pas oublier de partager ce que tu auras trouvés, cela devrait intéresser pas mal de monde ici. nomicons/wink


"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Hallo zusammen!

Das Herausfinden der Verbindungen ist nicht ganz so einfach, wie es auf den ersten Blick scheint: Spätestens, wenn die Verbindung zu einem anderen Folio geht, müssen die Verweise der Referenz-Elemente in die Suche eingebunden werden. Dann gibt es noch Master/Slave-Elemente, wobei die Slaves keine Betriebsmittelkennzeichen haben, diese aber für eine sinnvolle Verwendung in einem Kabelplan nötig ist...
Nicht ganz trivial, die Sache mit dem Kabelplan!

via Online-Translator:

Salut à tous !

Trouver les connexions n'est pas aussi simple qu'il n'y paraît au premier abord : au plus tard lorsque la connexion va vers un autre Folio, les renvois des éléments de référence doivent être intégrés dans la recherche. Ensuite, il y a les éléments maître/esclave, les esclaves n'ayant pas de code d'exploitation, mais celui-ci est nécessaire pour une utilisation judicieuse dans un plan de câblage...
Pas si trivial que ça, le plan de câblage !

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Hallo plc-user,

for master and slave element see pictures and attached project.
Off course isn't easy to found.

Best regards,

Post's attachments

Attachment icon test_terminal_name (1).qet 22.49 kb, 39 downloads since 2024-06-19 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Nomenclature filerie

report folio L1 with 2 report folio and connected to terminal 13 of slave NO contact of KA1 coil.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon untitled2.qet 32.8 kb, 30 downloads since 2024-06-19 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Inputs and outputs tables are only used for cables, at least here in France, because here each wire end is numbered with the same label on both sides and on the other wires that have the same equipotentiality.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Salut Laurent !

As a programming exercise, I wrote a small program that extracts the elements and conductors from a QET file. In addition, the master/slave assignments are already made so that the properties of the master (label, etc.) also appear for the slave elements in the list of elements and conductors.
The real challenge, however, is (as already mentioned) the cross-folio wiring!
As can be seen in the code-windows below, for some connections the lines from one element go "to nowhere". These are the going/coming arrows.
I have used your examples as a QET file and extended some of them.

In the code-windows below there are some line-breaks inserted automatically. To view the "real" lines, copy the content to a text-editor.

QET-Projekt     : Title: test_terminal_name | FileName: untitled2 | FilePath: /media/backup6/download/untitled2.qet | SaveDate: 19/06/2024 | SaveTime: 12:12
Anzahl Diagramme: 1
Anzahl Elemente : 5
Anzahl Leiter   : 3
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/310_relays_contactors_contacts/02_contacts_cross_referencing/01_auxiliary_contacts/con_simple.elmt | UUID: {f253c71e-38a7-4155-8ab4-a844ced1a227} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label: KA1 | Link_Type: slave | Linked with: {0a20780e-16b6-4198-b487-a0a22c37b1a0}
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/310_relays_contactors_contacts/01_coils/bobine3.elmt | UUID: {0a20780e-16b6-4198-b487-a0a22c37b1a0} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label: KA1 | Link_Type: master | Linked with: {f253c71e-38a7-4155-8ab4-a844ced1a227}
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/100_folio_referencing/02going_arrow.elmt | UUID: {2de121e3-fb78-48a4-8f9a-bfee50276de9} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label:  | Link_Type: next_report
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/100_folio_referencing/01coming_arrow.elmt | UUID: {0c8bef71-ea93-4f43-b0d2-8d83e717e46c} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label:  | Link_Type: previous_report
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/100_folio_referencing/01coming_arrow.elmt | UUID: {dfebacfd-0148-41f0-afce-14ee9d7fab9e} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label:  | Link_Type: previous_report
  Leiter: Terminal1: Element: {2de121e3-fb78-48a4-8f9a-bfee50276de9} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label:  | UUID: {975add6f-4ba5-44af-a4c0-e1f1c2024601} | Name:  | 
          Terminal2: Element: {0c8bef71-ea93-4f43-b0d2-8d83e717e46c} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label:  | UUID: {d7fd0bec-9f05-4651-a50b-29d7ffabeb41} | Name:  | 
          TensionProtocol:  | Function:  | Text: L1 | Cable:  | Color:  | CrossSection: 
  Leiter: Terminal1: Element: {f253c71e-38a7-4155-8ab4-a844ced1a227} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA1 | UUID: {b3b3dc63-1c98-409b-ab79-3dbaea3556cb} | Name: 13 | 
          Terminal2: Element: {dfebacfd-0148-41f0-afce-14ee9d7fab9e} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label:  | UUID: {d7fd0bec-9f05-4651-a50b-29d7ffabeb41} | Name:  | 
          TensionProtocol:  | Function:  | Text:  | Cable:  | Color:  | CrossSection: 
  Leiter: Terminal1: Element: {0a20780e-16b6-4198-b487-a0a22c37b1a0} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA1 | UUID: {8d0fa333-2d98-4a75-8a4e-21c81cce7ec3} | Name: A1 | 
          Terminal2: Element: {f253c71e-38a7-4155-8ab4-a844ced1a227} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA1 | UUID: {b9683546-f0a2-4386-b114-ef1d46b2df3d} | Name: 14 | 
          TensionProtocol:  | Function:  | Text: 10 | Cable:  | Color:  | CrossSection: 
QET-Projekt     : Title: test_terminal_name | FileName: test_terminal_name (3) | FilePath: /home/ich/Projekte/c_c++/QET_CablePlan/test_terminal_name (3).qet | SaveDate: 19.06.24 | SaveTime: 13:00
Anzahl Diagramme: 2
Anzahl Elemente : 8
Anzahl Leiter   : 6
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/310_relays_contactors_contacts/01_coils/bobine3.elmt | UUID: {0a20780e-16b6-4198-b487-a0a22c37b1a0} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label: KA1 | Link_Type: master | Linked with: {c31acffc-355c-4720-b8c9-f898854c4f96}
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/100_folio_referencing/02going_arrow.elmt | UUID: {485965c2-5b29-4837-9d80-39f7771b066d} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label:  | Link_Type: next_report | Linked with: {9e50f760-832d-4d89-997b-c069d3768c11}
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/310_relays_contactors_contacts/02_contacts_cross_referencing/01_auxiliary_contacts/con_simple.elmt | UUID: {f253c71e-38a7-4155-8ab4-a844ced1a227} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label: KA2 | Link_Type: slave | Linked with: {ab3f9e64-382d-4f46-b777-7e64df3c842e}
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/100_folio_referencing/01coming_arrow.elmt | UUID: {9e50f760-832d-4d89-997b-c069d3768c11} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label:  | Link_Type: previous_report | Linked with: {485965c2-5b29-4837-9d80-39f7771b066d}
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/310_relays_contactors_contacts/02_contacts_cross_referencing/01_auxiliary_contacts/con_simple.elmt | UUID: {ab572a73-ab0c-4a10-bfc2-7b6d643a02d3} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label: KA3 | Link_Type: slave | Linked with: {f0307d85-136f-44c8-9845-21138432b71e}
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/310_relays_contactors_contacts/01_coils/bobine3.elmt | UUID: {ab3f9e64-382d-4f46-b777-7e64df3c842e} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label: KA2 | Link_Type: master | Linked with: {f253c71e-38a7-4155-8ab4-a844ced1a227}
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/310_relays_contactors_contacts/02_contacts_cross_referencing/01_auxiliary_contacts/con_simple.elmt | UUID: {c31acffc-355c-4720-b8c9-f898854c4f96} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label: KA1 | Link_Type: slave | Linked with: {0a20780e-16b6-4198-b487-a0a22c37b1a0}
  Element: Type: embed://import/10_electric/10_allpole/310_relays_contactors_contacts/01_coils/bobine3.elmt | UUID: {f0307d85-136f-44c8-9845-21138432b71e} | Manufacturer:  | Description:  | Designation:  | Label: KA3 | Link_Type: master | Linked with: {ab572a73-ab0c-4a10-bfc2-7b6d643a02d3}
  Leiter: Terminal1: Element: {0a20780e-16b6-4198-b487-a0a22c37b1a0} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA1 | UUID: {8d0fa333-2d98-4a75-8a4e-21c81cce7ec3} | Name: A1 | 
          Terminal2: Element: {f253c71e-38a7-4155-8ab4-a844ced1a227} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA2 | UUID: {b9683546-f0a2-4386-b114-ef1d46b2df3d} | Name: 14 | 
          TensionProtocol:  | Function:  | Text: 10 | Cable:  | Color:  | CrossSection: 
  Leiter: Terminal1: Element: {f253c71e-38a7-4155-8ab4-a844ced1a227} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA2 | UUID: {b3b3dc63-1c98-409b-ab79-3dbaea3556cb} | Name: 13 | 
          Terminal2: Element: {485965c2-5b29-4837-9d80-39f7771b066d} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label:  | UUID: {975add6f-4ba5-44af-a4c0-e1f1c2024601} | Name: 1 | 
          TensionProtocol:  | Function:  | Text: 42 | Cable:  | Color:  | CrossSection: 
  Leiter: Terminal1: Element: {9e50f760-832d-4d89-997b-c069d3768c11} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label:  | UUID: {d7fd0bec-9f05-4651-a50b-29d7ffabeb41} | Name: 1 | 
          Terminal2: Element: {ab572a73-ab0c-4a10-bfc2-7b6d643a02d3} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA3 | UUID: {b3b3dc63-1c98-409b-ab79-3dbaea3556cb} | Name: 13 | 
          TensionProtocol:  | Function:  | Text: 42 | Cable:  | Color:  | CrossSection: 
  Leiter: Terminal1: Element: {ab3f9e64-382d-4f46-b777-7e64df3c842e} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA2 | UUID: {8d0fa333-2d98-4a75-8a4e-21c81cce7ec3} | Name: A1 | 
          Terminal2: Element: {c31acffc-355c-4720-b8c9-f898854c4f96} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA1 | UUID: {b9683546-f0a2-4386-b114-ef1d46b2df3d} | Name: 14 | 
          TensionProtocol:  | Function:  | Text: 10 | Cable:  | Color:  | CrossSection: 
  Leiter: Terminal1: Element: {f0307d85-136f-44c8-9845-21138432b71e} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA3 | UUID: {8d0fa333-2d98-4a75-8a4e-21c81cce7ec3} | Name: A1 | 
          Terminal2: Element: {ab572a73-ab0c-4a10-bfc2-7b6d643a02d3} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA3 | UUID: {b9683546-f0a2-4386-b114-ef1d46b2df3d} | Name: 14 | 
          TensionProtocol:  | Function:  | Text: 13 | Cable:  | Color:  | CrossSection: 
  Leiter: Terminal1: Element: {9e50f760-832d-4d89-997b-c069d3768c11} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label:  | UUID: {d7fd0bec-9f05-4651-a50b-29d7ffabeb41} | Name: 1 | 
          Terminal2: Element: {c31acffc-355c-4720-b8c9-f898854c4f96} | Manufacturer:  | Designation:  | Label: KA1 | UUID: {b3b3dc63-1c98-409b-ab79-3dbaea3556cb} | Name: 13 | 
          TensionProtocol:  | Function:  | Text: 42 | Cable:  | Color:  | CrossSection: 

Post's attachments

Attachment icon test_terminal_name (1) (1).qet 32.8 kb, 31 downloads since 2024-06-19 

Attachment icon test_terminal_name (3).qet 42.57 kb, 39 downloads since 2024-06-19 

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Nomenclature filerie

qmcc wrote:


Merci plc-user et scorpio810 pour votre aide !

scorpio810: Un petit dessin dans un code est plus pragmatique que 3 pages d'explications nomicons/smile

J'ai importé mon fichier .qet dans Excel en passant par l'Editeur Power Query pour "parser" le texte xml,
puis je récupère dans Excel les informations qui m’intéresse sur les conducteurs.

Encore un peu de mise en forme dans Excel et ça devrait etre bon.

J'obtient il me semble le même résultat que toi avec une seule ligne de commande sur ma Debian avec xmlstarlet.

xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m /project/diagram/conductors/conductor -s A:N:- "@num" -v "concat(@num,';',@conductor_color,';',@function,';',@tension_protocol,';',@conductor_section,';',@element1,';',@terminalname1,';',@element2,';',@terminalname2,';')" -n  test_terminal_name3.qet



Post's attachments

Attachment icon test_terminal_name3.qet 42.65 kb, 32 downloads since 2024-06-21 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Hallo plc-user

Edit merged

xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m /project/diagram/conductors/conductor -s A:N:- "@num" -v "concat(@num,';',@conductor_color,';',@function,';',@tension_protocol,';',@conductor_section,';',@element1_label,';',@terminalname1,';',@element1_name,';',@element1_linked,';',@element2_label,';',@element2_name,';',@element2_linked,';',@terminalname2,';')" -n  test_terminal_name3.qet > test_liste3.csv

Re Edit:
J'ai du désactiver les informations "element1_linked" et "element2_linked" dans le code, un de mes projets plantait au chargement.. ainsi que le projet "Verweise.qet " de plc-user.. Ce qui est dommage car à la place de l'UUID on avait le label du contact esclave.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon test_terminal_name3.qet 43.44 kb, 30 downloads since 2024-06-21 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

15 (edited by plc-user 2024-06-21 20:58:49)

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Salut Laurent !

In my opinion, we should not add so much information to the connections that is already in the QET file for the elements anyway. This only unnecessarily bloates the file...
And it doesn't make the biggest problem any easier: connections with coming and going references.

I have attached a file that shows at least some of the problem cases. It looks quite simple at first glance, but as I said, it's not trivial! Take a look at the connections in the QET file: So many connections in the QET file, but only six wires that can be connected. These have to be sorted out automatically!

Just to clarify what the original task is:
We want to create a wiring diagram, or rather a text-based wiring list, for the electrician so that he can see which wire he has to pull from where to where, isn't it? For example:
"Pull a 1.5mm² green wire from K1 terminal A1 to lamp H1 terminal 2."
References are no terminal points to which wires can be connected...

Post's attachments

Bildschirmfoto_Verweise.png, 42.47 kb, 965 x 594
Bildschirmfoto_Verweise.png 42.47 kb, 31 downloads since 2024-06-21 

Attachment icon Verweise.qet 62.77 kb, 32 downloads since 2024-06-21 

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Hallo plc-user

In principle I agree with you, all this information shouldn't be added in the QET file, it's just a little hack on my part for the qmcc request to quickly found and export export to csv file with xmlstarlet wires list.
An experienced electrician doesn't need this list to wire the cabinet and knows how to read an electrical diagram.

Maybe I'll think about removing on my commits.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Salut Laurent !

As already written, this is a nice programming exercise. nomicons/wink
I already have a list of connections, where the terminals can access all information of the connected element.

In addition, it is a bit of a challenge to create a list that reduces the number of connections in such a sensible way that only those remain where a wire can really be connected! In the example "Verweise.qet": Reduce from 13 to 6 connections.

Such a list can certainly help the electrician: He then doesn't have to flip through the pages of a wiring diagram a lot to determine the second side of the wire. The wire properties (cross-section, color, etc.) are also not included in the circuit diagram for every connection...

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

18 (edited by plc-user 2024-06-23 12:06:04)

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Hello everyone!

In my previous posts only raw data was shown as output. That can be a little confusing...

The programming exercise has continued and now the output is a little clearer. I have now attached a screenshot of LibreOffice Calc in which the unprocessed connections from the file "Verweise.qet" are listed at the top. I have assigned a few names and labels before. Some designations of terminal blocks are still missing, but I think you can see, what's the plan...

In the lower half, I have inserted a manually edited list of how I imagine a cable plan should be automatically reduced from the raw data.

The requirement for this is that all terminals of all elements used in the QET-file are provided with UUIDs and names! Only then, in my opinion, can such a list be automatically generated and meaningfully reduced.

Post's attachments

Bildschirmfoto_Calc-Ausschnitt.png, 77.39 kb, 1010 x 500
Bildschirmfoto_Calc-Ausschnitt.png 77.39 kb, 19 downloads since 2024-06-23 

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Hallo plc-user,

good job. nomicons/wink

What program you use for that?

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Salut Laurent !

scorpio810 wrote:

good job. nomicons/wink

What program you use for that?

Thank you!  nomicons/smile

As already said, I take this as a programming-exercise in C++.
The future goal has to be, that this code may be included in QET...!

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Great. nomicons/wink

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Maybe an example with Leiterbeschriftungen exportieren … export.cpp … r.cpp#L458 … r.cpp#L835 … .cpp#L1559


            //We must define if the connected terminal is a folio report, if it is the case
            //we don't add the num to the hash because the terminal doesn't represent a real terminal.
            if(!(c->terminal1->parentElement()->linkType() & Element::AllReport))
                int value = m_hash.value(num, 0);
                m_hash.insert(num, value);
            if(!(c->terminal2->parentElement()->linkType() & Element::AllReport))
                int value = m_hash.value(num, 0);
                m_hash.insert(num, value);

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Nomenclature filerie

Salut Laurent !

Thanks for the links to the source code!

In my programme I already have all the information available that makes up a connection. That includes all information about the connected elements. The challenge I see at the moment is figuring out the logic of which connection I need to change and how, in order to be able to delete another connection.

From the file "Verweis.qet":
The PE connection can be deleted without any substitution, because on the one side there is a component (X0.PE) connected, but on the other side of the connection there is only a reference that does not point anywhere and also has no second connection.

The situation is different with the " Nonsense" line:
From X1:2, a connection goes to the left to the link that points nowhere. However, the line must not be deleted because a second connection is attached to the left reference, which goes somewhere. I therefore have to transfer the data from the second connection to the connection to X1:2 in order to be able to delete one of the two connections.
You have to move from point to point in order to delete as many connections as possible. Ideally, no reference element will remain at the end.

The situation is similar for the "Phase" and "Null" connections, which go from X0 to K1 and K2.

Post's attachments

Bildschirmfoto_Ausschnitt_Verweis.qet.png, 29.5 kb, 953 x 428
Bildschirmfoto_Ausschnitt_Verweis.qet.png 29.5 kb, 22 downloads since 2024-06-23 

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Re: Nomenclature filerie

scorpio810 wrote:

Hallo plc-user

Edit merged

xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m /project/diagram/conductors/conductor -s A:N:- "@num" -v "concat(@num,';',@conductor_color,';',@function,';',@tension_protocol,';',@conductor_section,';',@element1_label,';',@terminalname1,';',@element1_name,';',@element1_linked,';',@element2_label,';',@element2_name,';',@element2_linked,';',@terminalname2,';')" -n  test_terminal_name3.qet > test_liste3.csv

Re Edit:
J'ai du désactiver les informations "element1_linked" et "element2_linked" dans le code, un de mes projets plantait au chargement.. ainsi que le projet "Verweise.qet " de plc-user.. Ce qui est dommage car à la place de l'UUID on avait le label du contact esclave.

StephanS wrote:

Hello Laurent,

excuse me, here in English in case my descriptions were not so clear.
What I want to do is very simple:
Every element has a number of terminals that are connected with another element's terminals via conductors.
What I need to make is a human-readable list of these connections in that shape that later anybody can take this list and see
things like "Start: K1 (Terminal 3), End: XMAIN (Terminal 5), Color: Green, Diameter: 1mm²".
Therefore I want to find an elegant solution to set the terminal names without creating a new part each time that name is different.
Can you get my meaning? nomicons/smile

Hallo plc-user,

verstanden, ich dachte mir schon, dass das nicht ganz so einfach ist - Du hast aber erkannt, was ich gerne möchte nomicons/smile
Das mit den Verbindungen wäre weniger ein Problem, weil es bei uns alle gewohnt sind, Spleiße zu verwenden, um die Leiter zu verbinden.
Ich bin zwar auch in Qt "drin", bin aber letztens an irgendwelchen Abhängigkeiten gescheitert, sonst hätte ich mal schnell versucht, mich in das Projekt einzuarbeiten und ggf. einen kleinen "Hack" einzubauen. Probiere ich mal bei Gelegenheit nochmal aus...

Have a great weekend,

Fixed on last commit.
With slave elements, you can find the master's label as well as its UUID.
It's just a workaround for now, waitting more news about plc-user 's advanced C++ /Qt works.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Nomenclature filerie

A little example for the Wire  number :10 connected on slave KA1 contact terminal name:13 to terminal name:14 off slave contact of KA2

Post's attachments

Attachment icon sansnom2.qet 121.49 kb, 35 downloads since 2024-07-01 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."