1 (edited by tiz.meneghe 2023-07-28 21:19:13)

Topic: Element selector 1NC+1NO or contact 1SC rear ref master-slave N°folio

Hi everyone,

I realized that in some diagrams developed some time ago I had wrong references (sheet) but only some (selector) and contacts 1 exchange...

As shown in the screenshots...slave contact takes the sheet number (9-G96) which is actually 8.
The master does the same by placing 6-A7 which is instead sheet 5...

The oddity is that everything else is correct! coil-contact, previous sheet-next sheet...


Post's attachments

Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 21.00.15.png, 43.5 kb, 277 x 609
Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 21.00.15.png 43.5 kb, 44 downloads since 2023-07-28 

Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 21.08.29.png, 118.03 kb, 613 x 832
Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 21.08.29.png 118.03 kb, 39 downloads since 2023-07-28 

Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 21.09.05.png, 89.59 kb, 1094 x 635
Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 21.09.05.png 89.59 kb, 41 downloads since 2023-07-28 

Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 21.09.16.png, 85.81 kb, 965 x 379
Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 21.09.16.png 85.81 kb, 45 downloads since 2023-07-28 

Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 21.11.19.png, 59.71 kb, 656 x 736
Schermata 2023-07-28 alle 21.11.19.png 59.71 kb, 44 downloads since 2023-07-28 

Re: Element selector 1NC+1NO or contact 1SC rear ref master-slave N°folio

Hello Tiz,

check your formula use well %F in switch/button Cross Reference.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Element selector 1NC+1NO or contact 1SC rear ref master-slave N°folio


The problem is in the %F flag not setting the sheet label, which could also be non-numeric as it could be in a supplementary sheet "appendix" explaining "a detail" of the previous sheet such as a cad drawing or PDF attachment. ..
The thing is, %f and %F can't find any substantial differences.
%F should take the label set in setup and not the position..

To explain better, watch the video...
If I move the sheet which for convenience I have called "0" but could also simply be "INDEX", which describes the type of project with description, logo, characteristics... everything realigns itself...
This indicates that %F does not follow what is set in "Page" of the setup but always follows the position in the project.

Cordial greetings,
Thank you.

https://tizmen.altervista.org/wp-conten … .53.48.m4v

Re: Element selector 1NC+1NO or contact 1SC rear ref master-slave N°folio

Hi, see picture..

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Capture d’écran 2023-07-30 à 13.19.55.jpeg 463.96 kb, 54 downloads since 2023-07-30 

Attachment icon Capture d’écran 2023-07-30 à 16.27.26.jpeg 610.46 kb, 51 downloads since 2023-07-30 

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

5 (edited by tiz.meneghe 2023-08-01 16:21:50)

Re: Element selector 1NC+1NO or contact 1SC rear ref master-slave N°folio

Hello, Laurent (if I remember correctly this is your name..)

I'm sorry to bother you, but if you knew where to step in...

It is already like this and I had already posted it in the screens previously.
The settings are as you say and I've always used them like this, but the "%F" inserted in the setup does NOT take the label of the "Page" field, but always follows the position 1,2,3.. . whatever you enter in the "Page" field...

On the other hand, the references remain correct such as: the arrow, previous sheet, next sheet and coil contacts.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Schermata 2023-08-01 alle 15.55.45.png 294.53 kb, 18 downloads since 2023-08-01 

Attachment icon Schermata 2023-08-01 alle 16.12.53.png 296.94 kb, 19 downloads since 2023-08-01 

Attachment icon Schermata 2023-08-01 alle 16.13.15.png 239.83 kb, 22 downloads since 2023-08-01 

Attachment icon Schermata 2023-08-01 alle 16.13.28.png 261 kb, 17 downloads since 2023-08-01 

Attachment icon Schermata 2023-08-01 alle 16.14.09.png 292.63 kb, 20 downloads since 2023-08-01 

Re: Element selector 1NC+1NO or contact 1SC rear ref master-slave N°folio

Hello Tiz,
please share your project or send me by email if your project it 's confidential.

But I am not time for that yet.


"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."