I'm using Debian Sid here, mostly because I have recent hardware that requires the latest kernel (which I compiled for each release...but stopped now to reduce my power bill..., mesa, firmware, etc ..
I've been using Debian unstable for over 20 years but it's not for beginners, all days you have a big full of upgrade package and sometimes I have problems too.... like others!
When Debian enters freeze period... for preparing future Debian Stable version, you need sometimes to pick packages in experimental repository ...
For my laptop which I don't use often, I use Kubuntu LTS version which is sufficient in dual boot with Windows 10, for check QET packages and other work.
At my work I also use Debian but in the stable version, it's rock and stable and security updates are followed, this is not a development and packaging workstation.
"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."