Topic: zoom "fit in view" leaves white space

when doing a zoom "fit in view" sometimes there is a empty space outside of the title block template

this can be on all sides
how to find what there?

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Attachment icon white.qet 335.37 kb, 69 downloads since 2022-11-29 

Always using the latest development version

Re: zoom "fit in view" leaves white space

hi, LievenC

Happens to me too, certain pages don't align to the top left corner...
I start erasing parts of the design, eventually it realigns. Then I "undo" several times to go back to the full pattern and it stays aligned up to a certain point. then it misaligns again...

Post's attachments

Schermata 2022-12-16 alle 17.23.44.png, 155.98 kb, 1167 x 957
Schermata 2022-12-16 alle 17.23.44.png 155.98 kb, 57 downloads since 2022-12-16 

Re: zoom "fit in view" leaves white space

Maybe is a bug with with allow unzoom beyond the folio?

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: zoom "fit in view" leaves white space

And who knows... If I empty a part of it, then it realigns itself.
I can't figure out why.
I use the "allow unzoom" which allows me to move and center the corners with the mouse otherwise, beyond a certain limit, I would have to use the sliding bars of the window which are awkward.

I do not know..

thank you