Topic: sorting order terminals

the sorting order of the conducturs is not saved
after having filled all the fields hose and conductor I closed the application
when reopening the order is not the same anumore

also the hose and conductor are not on the correct line for some of the terminals

Always using the latest development version

Re: sorting order terminals

You need to order -> generate X1 terminal-block and Quit and close your QET project without saving!
Re launch your QET project and re open terminal block plugin. Order is saved.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

3 (edited by andi11 2024-07-26 16:40:02)

Re: sorting order terminals

is it possible that in the current 0.1 dev is an bug together with the plugin?
Sorting the terminals in the pugin works. After that I closed QET without saving. Importing shows the correct sorting of the terminals.
Reopening the plugin shows the "old" sorting.
Also when i understand the source correctly, it should be able to click on some columns, and the elements should be sorted … 5420ab5f8b
But nothing happens, when i click or doubleclick for example XREF

Re: sorting order terminals

eventuall it's a problem that my blocks are called for example X4:01u or X4:01o because it's an multi row terminal.

The dev version of the newer terminal block manager can do this mutli row setup, but it doesn't show the signal name

5 (edited by andi11 2024-07-28 10:35:14)

Re: sorting order terminals

i made a deeper dive into the source of the plugin

Within the plugin i switched positions with the down button.
Attached is example file and backup from the plugin created. Source is from here

The upper part "update terminals" from the screenshot is generated within

    def update_terminals(self, data):
        """Changes the config of every terminal in the diagra. The changes made 
        in the plugin will be save in the 'elementInformation' of every
        print('update terminals')
        for diagram in self.qet_project.findall('diagram'):  # all diagrams(pages)
            for element in diagram.iter('element'):  # all elements in diagram
                dt = [x for x in data if x['uuid'] == element.attrib['uuid']]

The lower part lists the tree withing "def save_tb(self, filename)"

It looks as if the properties of the terminals are switched (ground and standart) and not, like i hoped the positions within the plugin.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ohne Namen.qet 26.2 kb, 47 downloads since 2024-07-28 

Attachment icon ohne Namen_108.qet 26.2 kb, 50 downloads since 2024-07-28 

Unbenannt.PNG, 57.28 kb, 675 x 814
Unbenannt.PNG 57.28 kb, 44 downloads since 2024-07-28 

Re: sorting order terminals

does this mean there is a need for a new version of the generator?

Always using the latest development version

Re: sorting order terminals

i think so. In my opinion there is an bug that doesn't store the sorting correctly in all cases.