1 (edited by jkaminski 2021-05-16 06:17:40)

Topic: Planning to record a tutorial for the plugin; encountered a problem.

Dear QET Users,

I would like to record a short video tutorial on using the Terminal Block Generator tool.
I believe it could be very valuable for the community, since the youtube videos showing the tool are a few years old already.

Right now I am a QET beginner myself and have some problems with starting the terminal block plugin. I have also watched around 4 QET tutorial series and no tutorial covered the terminal block generator plugin.

I would like to first ask for your help with setting up the plugin on Windows and Linux. I read the forum but I was not able to get the terminal block generator plugin to work on my machine.

My configuration, let's start with Windows:
Windows 10 Pro x64, OS build 19042.928
QET 0.8-dev

Projects from other users I try to test the plugin with:
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 082#p13082

What I already did:
- Added python to Windows environment variables
- Placed qet_tb_generator in the



1. Plugin cannot be started  by QET itself (Project-> "Launch Terminal Block creation plugin" gives the window informing about the installation process)
2. Getting the errors when trying to launch the qet_tb_generator.py from the command line in the C:\Users\Jakub\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\Scripts directory:

23:53:59 INFO     QET Terminal Block Generator - v1.2.4 [main.main:840]
23:54:08 INFO     Using the file: C:/Users/Jakub/Downloads/teste.qet [main.get_QET_fullpath:189]
23:54:08 INFO     Generate temp file C:\Users\Jakub\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4wbhg7a2 [qetproject.__init__:104]
23:54:08 INFO     Atribute 'folioSheetQuantity' doesn't exist. Assuming 0 [qetproject.__init__:124]
23:54:08 DEBUG    Getting cable number connected to terminal 12 at page  [qetproject._getCableNum:266]
23:54:08 DEBUG    Getting cable number connected to terminal 13 at page  [qetproject._getCableNum:266]
23:54:08 DEBUG    Cols: 17      Col size: 60    Row size: 80    X position: 630 Y Position: 320 [qetproject._getXRefByCoord:351]
23:54:08 DEBUG    Getting cable number connected to terminal 14 at page  [qetproject._getCableNum:266]
23:54:08 DEBUG    Getting cable number connected to terminal 15 at page  [qetproject._getCableNum:266]
23:54:08 DEBUG    Cols: 17      Col size: 60    Row size: 80    X position: 610 Y Position: 320 [qetproject._getXRefByCoord:351]
23:54:08 DEBUG    Getting cable number connected to terminal 16 at page  [qetproject._getCableNum:266]
23:54:08 DEBUG    Getting cable number connected to terminal 17 at page  [qetproject._getCableNum:266]
23:54:08 DEBUG    Cols: 17      Col size: 60    Row size: 80    X position: 650 Y Position: 320 [qetproject._getXRefByCoord:351]
23:54:08 INFO     Deleted temp file C:\Users\Jakub\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4wbhg7a2 [qetproject.__init__:141]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\users\jakub\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\runpy.py", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "c:\users\jakub\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\runpy.py", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "C:\Users\Jakub\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\Scripts\qet_tb_generator.exe\__main__.py", line 7, in <module>
  File "c:\users\jakub\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\src\main.py", line 870, in main
  File "c:\users\jakub\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\src\main.py", line 623, in load_settings
TypeError: set_default_settings() missing 1 required positional argument: 'window'


It shuts down after I specify project file in the small popup window.

Similar thing happens when I run qet_tb_generator-1.2.4.exe file.

I am very grateful for you for developing this software. I hope that we could overcome these setup problems and I will be soon able to set up my workflow and give back to the community with some how-to guides.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Post's attachments

Attachment icon image_2021-05-16_000927.png 218.98 kb, 113 downloads since 2021-05-16 

Re: Planning to record a tutorial for the plugin; encountered a problem.

Hi jkaminki.

Please send me the QET schema and i'll check where the problem is.

To launch: Try copying the portable version in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\qet\  , and rename it to qet_tb_generator.exe.
The portable version is available at: https://github.com/raulroda/qet_tb_gene … aster/dist

Re: Planning to record a tutorial for the plugin; encountered a problem.

Hi Raul,

Thank you for your reply!
On Windows 10 I tried versions 1.1.7 (works and generates the block) and 1.2.4 (does not work). Both launched from QET.
In each case I renamed and moved the portable executable to:

I whitelisted version 1.2.4 (windows defender complained about it). 1.2.4 Starts a new window and shows detected terminals, but then the error window is displayed: "Failed to execute script run".

How could I resolve this?
I will follow your GitHub readme and also try 1.2.4 with Linux today.

Thank you again for your help.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon teste.qet 46.43 kb, 270 downloads since 2021-05-16 

Re: Planning to record a tutorial for the plugin; encountered a problem.

version 1.2.5 solves the problem?

Re: Planning to record a tutorial for the plugin; encountered a problem.

I have the same problem with the precompiled qet_tb_generator-1.2.5.exe. QET is able to find it after I put the (renamed) file into the C:\Program Files\QElectroTech\bin folder.

QElectroTech V 0.90-DEV+f3811d303c957a06d79751d3
Compilation : GCC 9.3.0
Built with Qt 5.15.2 - Date : Aug 21 2021 : 20:19:15
Run with Qt 5.15.2 using 24 thread(s)
RAM Total : 130993 MB
RAM Available : 81752 MB
GPU : VideoProcessor Quadro P2000
GPU RAM : RAM Total : AdapterRAM 4293918720 B
OS : winnt - x86_64 - Version : Windows 10 Version 2009 - Kernel : 10.0.19043
*** Qt screens ***
( 1 : 3840 x 2160 )
( 2 : 1920 x 1080 )
( 3 : 1920 x 1080 )
( 4 : 3840 x 2160 )

Re: Planning to record a tutorial for the plugin; encountered a problem.

I tried to use the terminal block generator on a Linux machine:

qet_tb_generator o.qet
14:32:35 INFO     QET Terminal Block Generator - v1.2.5 [main.main:840]
14:32:35 INFO     Using the file: o.qet [main.get_QET_fullpath:189]
14:32:35 INFO     Generate temp file /tmp/tmpjfjd7u14 [qetproject.__init__:104]
14:32:35 INFO     Atribute 'folioSheetQuantity' doesn't exist. Assuming 0 [qetproject.__init__:124]
14:32:35 DEBUG    Getting cable number connected to terminal 65 at page Einspeisung [qetproject._getCableNum:267]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/qet_tb_generator", line 11, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/src/main.py", line 852, in main
    qet_project = QETProject(qet_file)  # allows working with a QET XML file.
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/src/qetproject.py", line 136, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/src/qetproject.py", line 388, in _set_used_terminals
    terminalId2 = terminals[1].attrib['id']
IndexError: list index out of range

Unfortunately I can't upload the .qet file because it contains confidential customer information.

Re: Planning to record a tutorial for the plugin; encountered a problem.

Try qet_tb_generator with industrial.qet example.
If work check your project.

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