Topic: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

I'm just started development of new more friendly version (see the attached picture)

Please, say me any bugs or new sugestions for this new version.
For now, the bugs and sugestions I've recived are:

- Problem reading terminals name (from Jaroslaw)
- Desired wire label is not shown in the Teminal Block element if the terminals is the last (from Jaroslaw)
- After changing the logo of the schema, the plugin is unable to read the XML.

- With a lot of terminal-blocks, the previous version the tab is too small to read it.
- Customiable size of the terminal-block head, teminals and conductors

Post's attachments

Screenshot_2021-04-12_11-52-23.png, 51.46 kb, 899 x 518
Screenshot_2021-04-12_11-52-23.png 51.46 kb, 267 downloads since 2021-04-12 

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

Possibility to insert reserve elsewhere than at the end directly on plugin ? Example: I want 1 reserve between X2:1 and X2:3 on your example.
And make an autoexe python version in 32 bits....

3 (edited by unalcalde 2021-04-13 23:57:05)

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

I think the best way to reserve terminals is to draw them on the schematic. If a terminal physically exists, it should also be in the schematic.

If you ever use it, you need to update the new components in the schematic connected to the reserve terminal.

A different thing is to reserve enough space between terminal blocks if one day you need to put more terminals, but if the terminal exists, although it is not connected it must be in the schematic.

It's like connectors. If a connector has 10 pins, but only 4 are used, the other 6 should be in the schema but unconnected.


Ok, I'll try to compile a 32bit version.

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

Is there a plan to integrate the connector functionality into the program itself?

Always using the latest development version

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

BTW, Joshua is working on it right now on new teminal block.

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

6 (edited by unalcalde 2021-04-23 09:40:42)

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

There are Linux and Windows  beta (version 1.2.0a) at

New friendly UI.

Post's attachments

Screenshot_2021-04-23_09-09-51.png, 122.58 kb, 1237 x 626
Screenshot_2021-04-23_09-09-51.png 122.58 kb, 326 downloads since 2021-04-23 

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

Hi Unalcade,
thanks, but … /detection

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

8 (edited by unalcalde 2021-04-24 11:53:20)

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

I don't know why. I upload the source code. You can run directly with python3 or create the portable with pyinstaller.

The source code is also at githib:

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

Hi unalcalde

first of all, thank you very much for your work.
I'm currently testing the new Terminal Block Generator using the qet_tb_generator-1.2.0a.exe on win10 and I think I
found some bugs:

- In the "Order" column clicking on the last down arrow, an error message "Key Error" appears. (see picture keyerror.png)

- after I have successfully created a terminal block, I cannot open the project again with the qet_tb_generator. The program
   crashes after choosing the projekt with an error message.


Post's attachments

keyerror.PNG, 41.37 kb, 819 x 600
keyerror.PNG 41.37 kb, 257 downloads since 2021-04-24 

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

please, send me the project that you can't open again.



11 (edited by unalcalde 2021-04-27 23:11:41)

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

The beta version 1.2.0b solves:
- Error in Windows when closing the app
- Error opening projects with edited logo. After changing the logo, del XML file use new namespaces tag, but those are not defined at the XML head. Now the plugin adds automatically the definition of every namesapce detected but not defined.

Download beta versions from:
Source code:

When this version is finished, I'll update the pip repositories to update via pip package manager.

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

Hi unalcalde,

Today I used the tb_generator in a larger project with many terminals.
Would be nice if the sorting in the column "ID" could be customized. At the moment it is 1,10,11 ... 19, 2, 20,21 ... 29, 3, 30, ... and so on, better would be 1, 2, 3, ... 10,11, 12 ...
At the moment I have renamed the terminals (01,02 ...) but I think the correct sorting would be nicer.


Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

Ok, I take note. I'll fix it next weekend.
Try to discover more bugs so that I can fix them all.

If you don't mind, send me an example project to to improve the sorting. I think it is because it takes the name of the terminals as text instead of numbers.

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

Hi, there are a new version (1.2.0d) with some bugs fixed.

Re: Suggestions and bug for new coming version

Hi, the new beta version 1.2.0f solves:
- the splitting problem generating terminal blocks
- logo loss

(versions for Windows and Linux)