Topic: Summary table order

Could you help me with ordering the information in the summary table.

Attached, a test with the new summary tool. As you can see, it does not follow the order of the pages.

Thanks for listening

Post's attachments

Attachment icon teste indice.qet 32.65 kb, 195 downloads since 2020-12-10 

Re: Summary table order

Modify request like this:

SELECT folio, title, plant, locmach, indexrev, author, date, pos FROM project_summary_view ORDER BY pos

Post's attachments

Capture d’écran du 2020-12-11 11-52-22.png, 29.45 kb, 1107 x 522
Capture d’écran du 2020-12-11 11-52-22.png 29.45 kb, 175 downloads since 2020-12-11 

Re: Summary table order


Post's attachments

Capture d’écran du 2020-12-11 11-51-16.png, 63.77 kb, 891 x 622
Capture d’écran du 2020-12-11 11-51-16.png 63.77 kb, 180 downloads since 2020-12-11 

Re: Summary table order

hello galexis. I made the change that shows but I didn't get a positive result.

Post's attachments

Ordem da tabela.png, 78.93 kb, 961 x 598
Ordem da tabela.png 78.93 kb, 169 downloads since 2020-12-11 

Re: Summary table order

version I'm using for testing

Post's attachments

versão.png, 35.6 kb, 850 x 546
versão.png 35.6 kb, 150 downloads since 2020-12-11 

Re: Summary table order

When you set the position to column 1, the order works.

Post's attachments

Ordem da tabela.png, 77.24 kb, 995 x 654
Ordem da tabela.png 77.24 kb, 175 downloads since 2020-12-11 

Re: Summary table order

Make picture of request

Re: Summary table order

Hi Galexis. Sorry for the delay, I had to travel this weekend.

Follow the images of the requests and the result afterwards.

I am using the summary with the position in the initial column. It solved my problem for now.

Post's attachments

Ordem da tabela solicitção.png, 100.15 kb, 1366 x 729
Ordem da tabela solicitção.png 100.15 kb, 166 downloads since 2020-12-14 

Re: Summary table order

Result 1

Post's attachments

Ordem da tabela.png, 139.31 kb, 1366 x 730
Ordem da tabela.png 139.31 kb, 159 downloads since 2020-12-14 

Re: Summary table order

request 2

Post's attachments

Ordem da tabela solicitção 2.png, 120.44 kb, 1366 x 729
Ordem da tabela solicitção 2.png 120.44 kb, 170 downloads since 2020-12-14 

Re: Summary table order

result 2

Post's attachments

Ordem da tabela 2.png, 136.53 kb, 1366 x 729
Ordem da tabela 2.png 136.53 kb, 178 downloads since 2020-12-14 

Re: Summary table order

qet version

Post's attachments

versão.png, 104.76 kb, 1366 x 727
versão.png 104.76 kb, 147 downloads since 2020-12-14 

Re: Summary table order

They bought me an eplan at work. There I saw good ideas. But unfortunately I have been sitting for a week now and I cannot draw a single scheme.
The plan uses item databases. Simple elements have access to a large database. This database can be replenished from any manufacturer. You can also get a graphical execution for the schemes there. The base is very extensive and reports are made from it. There is only one problem - licensing. But I think the idea is good. I understand that this can add a lot of work, but we need to evaluate this opportunity looking in the future.

Post's attachments

eplan.PNG, 49.04 kb, 660 x 621
eplan.PNG 49.04 kb, 167 downloads since 2020-12-18