Topic: Drivers' Union

Hello everyone. I don't know if anyone has asked anywhere on the forum how to join conductors to identify which component specifically joins one conductor to another. I am attaching an image with different joins.
Thanks in advance.

Post's attachments

Union Conductores.png, 83.79 kb, 468 x 735
Union Conductores.png 83.79 kb, 9 downloads since 2024-10-29 

2 (edited by LievenC 2024-10-30 10:40:56)

Re: Drivers' Union

this has nothing to do with the application
you can control this by using a splice

If it is purely for having a shematic I would leave the control to the application
if you want to indicate how the wiring should be I would put a splice

Anyway suggestion 2 is to avoid
and the the choise for 1 or 3 depends on the components where the wires need to be connected
if it is possible to put 2 wires into one connection

attached is a file with a number of splices I have created

A simple search on the forum would give you a list with answers you your question

Post's attachments

Attachment icon splice.qet 43.86 kb, 13 downloads since 2024-10-30 

Always using the latest development version

Re: Drivers' Union

Maybe see this topic:

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."