Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Hello Hamish,

thank you for your support.

I think your MAC is an Intel processor so x86_64, now Apple is releasing an Apple silicon chip "M1, M2, M3" it's like your smartphone an ARM64 chip so the code compiled on X86_64 doesn't work directly but emulated with roseta 2 the code can work more slowly with sometimes bugs, on the other hand the code compiled on arm64 environment can't work on an intel processor...

So use https://download.qelectrotech.org/qet/b … .0/osx_64/ on Intel Mac.

Best regards

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

I have tried installing the windows executable. I unzip the file, run the program, click "install anyway" to the windows security message. When I try importing a DXF into the Element Editor it still says "Third party software required". The installation folder is empty.

QElectroTech V 0.90+c7891bc4cb0a58100c957a06d79751d3
Compilation : GCC 11.3.0
Built with Qt 5.15.7 - x86_64 - Date : Jan 6 2023 : 12:55:49
Run with Qt 5.15.7 using 16 thread(s)
RAM Total : 16 GB
RAM Available : 8 GB
GPU : VideoProcessor Intel(R) UHD Graphics Family NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU
GPU RAM : RAM Total : AdapterRAM 1073741824 4293918720 B
OS : winnt - x86_64 - Version : Windows 10 Version 2009 - Kernel : 10.0.22621
*** Qt screens ***
( 1 : 1920 x 1080 )


Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

I'm only on Linux, so I can't really help you with Win problems, but:
Neither program really needs to be "installed".

dxf2elmt is a command line software and is called like this:

dxf2elmt DXF-Drawing.dxf

A corresponding *.elmt file is then created.

DXFtoQET is a program with a graphical user interface and does not have an integrated installation program: This only needs to be copied to the "appropriate" location.

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Smurfeous wrote:

I have tried installing the windows executable. I unzip the file, run the program, click "install anyway" to the windows security message. When I try importing a DXF into the Element Editor it still says "Third party software required". The installation folder is empty.

QElectroTech V 0.90+c7891bc4cb0a58100c957a06d79751d3

https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 112#p17112

achim wrote:

Hi Joel

C:\Users\"user"\Application Data\qet\binary
I think you have to create the folder by yourself


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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Hello, I have an issue with the dxftoelmt converter. When I try to import an dxf file through  the create new element tool and it shows that I have to download but when I click on the button it gets me to this url :


But it seems like the page is broke or something 'cause the website cannot be accessed.


Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

The link works fine for me!
Do you have any speacial settings set in your browser?
Or maybe a browser-plugin prevents this site from loading?

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57 (edited by xenotek 2024-02-02 13:58:37)

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

I have been trying out the dxf2elmt plugin. I am using QCad that creates R15 version dxf file.

When I import the converted elmt, the lines are thin and with no text. I started to play around with with different things.

About Text
Using QCad, the text has to be simple type, then the converter imports the text. Only problem is that the all text is placed on the element hot spot. The dxf file contains the text coordinates, so the converter may be missing it. The text x and y attribute values are set to 0

About Lines
The imported lines are thin. I see in the importer source code that it looks for line weight > 0.5 to create the line-weight:normal attribute in the elmt file. My line thickness is set to 0.53mm, QCad saves this 0.53 value as 53 (0.53 x 100), so the importer misses it.

DXF sample

53   line weight

Are these dxf version related issues?
Are there workarounds?

Attached the dxf for reference,


Post's attachments

Attachment icon no.dxf 27.13 kb, 102 downloads since 2024-02-02 

58 (edited by scorpio810 2024-08-29 15:30:01)

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program


The dxf to elmt conversion program hasn't been updated in over a year, and has a few issues, as well as doesn't support all features of dxf.

I forked the project a couple of weeks ago and started to try and update it some. I don't know how much time I will have to dedicate to it, but I thought I would give it a go to try and fix some of the issues with it, as well as possibly try and add in some of the missing features.

I've submitted a pull request to the original project, and as of yet have heard nothing back (it has only been 1-2 weeks).

If anyone is interested in my fork you can find it at https://github.com/Vadoola/dxf2elmt.

I know QElectrotech links to the original repo, and I'm not suggesting this be updated to point to mine, as I feel like we need to give the original creator more time to respond before we declare it dead/unmaintained. I do hope to try and spend some time updating it however, and if the original author doesn't respond, at some point it might make sense to link to my updated repo.


Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Hello vadoola and welcome.

No activity of Antionio since November 8, 2023 : https://github.com/antonioaja

I hope he's all right ....

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !


Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

git clone https://github.com/Vadoola/dxf2elmt.git  dxf2elmt_vadoola
cd dxf2elmt_vadoola
rustup update
cargo build

Program work well in a terminal with CLI, not when I put the binary dxf2elmt in ~.qet/binary/   and I use QET element editor
menu Import DXF, not  stdout?

ps: size of the binary is very big after cargo build... ~57,6 Mio (60414840) (debug?)

Joshua wrote:

Is it possible to add an argument to your program for instead of write in a .elmt file, return the xml (string) in the stdout ?
If yes, I can use your program trought qelectrotech to import a dxf directly inside the element editor ? You will make a lot of happy user nomicons/smile

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

61 (edited by plc-user 2024-08-29 22:37:15)

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Salut Laurent !

scorpio810 wrote:
git clone https://github.com/Vadoola/dxf2elmt.git  dxf2elmt_vadoola
cd dxf2elmt_vadoola
rustup update
cargo build

try this:

git clone https://github.com/Vadoola/dxf2elmt.git  dxf2elmt_vadoola
cd dxf2elmt_vadoola
rustup update
RUSTFLAGS='-C strip=symbols' cargo build --release

That results in a 2.4MB executable.
But it does not solve the Problem of not outputting to stdout...

The commandline-parameter "-v" that is used in QET-GUI does not produce anything: No elmt and no output to stdout.

What bothers me more about dxf2elmt:
The default behavior for polygons of dxf2elmt seems to be "closed=false", but for QET the default behavior is "closed=true". (see attachments)
Isn't it defined in the dxf or in the dxf-library if a polygon is closed or not?
If there are only a few polygons, this can be fixed quickly, but for complex elements ...

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Arrows.dxf 16.22 kb, 42 downloads since 2024-08-29 

Attachment icon Arrows.elmt 928 b, 37 downloads since 2024-08-29 

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Well it looks like this post sparked some conversation, good to see.

scorpio810 wrote:

No activity of Antionio since November 8, 2023 : https://github.com/antonioaja

I hope he's all right .... "

I hope so too, I know how things can get and they may just have other priorities, so despite the lack of updates, I didn't just want to assume the project was unmainted without trying to reach out.

scorpio810 wrote:

Program work well in a terminal with CLI, not when I put the binary dxf2elmt in ~.qet/binary/   and I use QET element editor
menu Import DXF, not  stdout?

So far I'm made some minimal changes, and in my tests it seems to be working, but I will admit I have not fully tested it yet, and only ran it from the command line. I thought the stdout support was added by Antionio with the -v flag. I can't think of any reason my changes would have broken that, but I'll take a look, as it's certainly possible I made a mistake.

scorpio810 wrote:

ps: size of the binary is very big after cargo build... ~57,6 Mio (60414840) (debug?)

cargo build

creates a debug build, and they can be pretty big.

cargo build --release

will create a smaller release build, and also striping the symbols as suggested by plc-user will reduce the size even more.

plc-user wrote:

What bothers me more about dxf2elmt:
The default behavior for polygons of dxf2elmt seems to be "closed=false", but for QET the default behavior is "closed=true". (see attachments)

This change to use closed=false by default was made by Antonioaja as the solution to a bug found by scorpio810. This original post about this is at https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2265. I'll  have to do a bit of digging to determine what the proper solution is here. If it should be closed or not, and if it should be closed, what else was going wrong with the dxf in the other thread.


Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

So I just did a quick look and test with the latest version in antonioaja's repo that I initially forked from. In order to get the XML on stdout you need to use both the

-i AND -v 

command line flags.

The -i flag turns off printing the info such as the number of elements that were converted etc, and the -v flag turns off creating the elmt file.

If you use the -i flag without the -v you get something along the lines of

XXX.elmt was created...
Now converting XXX.dxf...

If you use

dxf2elmt.exe -i -v -f mydxf.dxf

, you get the XML output to stdout.

This works the same in both my repo and antonioaja's. The choice of flags and combinations seems a bit odd to me, and I might make some changes at some point, but it does output to stdout if you set the correct cli flags.

64 (edited by plc-user 2024-08-30 07:59:33)

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

here some information with different calling of the original binary downloaded from release-section of repo:

calling the original binary produces elmt-file:
ich@home:~/.qet/binary$ ./dxf2elmt Arrows.dxf 
Arrows.dxf loaded...
Arrows.elmt was created... 
Now converting Arrows.dxf...
Conversion complete!

Circles: 0
Lines: 0
Arcs: 0
Splines: 0
Texts: 0
Ellipses: 0
Polylines: 0
LwPolylines: 2
Solids: 0
Currently Unsupported: 0

Time Elapsed: 4 ms

with additional parameter "-v" at the end outputs to stdout:
ich@home:~/.qet/binary$ ./dxf2elmt Arrows.dxf -v
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<definition height="10" width="10" hotspot_x="0" hotspot_y="0" version="0.80" link_type="simple" type="element">
    <uuid uuid="{6aafe71d-c84c-4072-9428-13dd585a4568}" />
        <name lang="en">Arrows</name>
    <informations>Created using dxf2elmt!</informations>
        <polygon x1="143.090474" y1="-250.418834" x2="136.739192" y2="-242.452654" x3="139.746475" y3="-242.452654" x4="139.74493" y4="-218.55257" x5="143.092019" y5="-218.55257" closed="false" antialias="false" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:thin;filling:none;color:black" />
        <polygon x1="144.367876" y1="-232.490765" x2="150.717614" y2="-240.456945" x3="147.711876" y3="-240.456945" x4="147.711876" y4="-250.418918" x5="144.363242" y5="-250.418918" closed="false" antialias="false" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:thin;filling:none;color:black" />

change the order of the parameters does not work at all:
ich@home:~/.qet/binary$ ./dxf2elmt -v Arrows.dxf 
Error: IoError(Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" })

now some tests with Vadoolas code:

calling Vadoolas code without parameters produces elmt-file:
ich@home:~/.qet/binary$ ./dxf2elmt Arrows.dxf 
Arrows.dxf loaded...
Arrows.elmt was created... 
Now converting Arrows.dxf...
Conversion complete!

Circles: 0
Lines: 0
Arcs: 0
Splines: 0
Texts: 0
Ellipses: 0
Polylines: 0
LwPolylines: 2
Solids: 0
Currently Unsupported: 0

additional parameter "-v" at the end only outputs info, no elmt-file:
ich@home:~/.qet/binary$ ./dxf2elmt Arrows.dxf -v
Conversion complete!

Circles: 0
Lines: 0
Arcs: 0
Splines: 0
Texts: 0
Ellipses: 0
Polylines: 0
LwPolylines: 2
Solids: 0
Currently Unsupported: 0

Time Elapsed: 1 ms

here the order of parameters does not matter:
ich@home:~/.qet/binary$ ./dxf2elmt -v Arrows.dxf
Conversion complete!

Circles: 0
Lines: 0
Arcs: 0
Splines: 0
Texts: 0
Ellipses: 0
Polylines: 0
LwPolylines: 2
Solids: 0
Currently Unsupported: 0

Time Elapsed: 1 ms

with the suggested parameters "-i -v" between app-name and dxf-file
produces output on stdout:
ich@home:~/.qet/binary$ ./dxf2elmt -i -v Arrows.dxf 
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<definition height="10" width="10" hotspot_x="5" hotspot_y="5" version="0.80" link_type="simple" type="element">
    <uuid uuid="{e379fd21-8e8f-47f4-95c3-bdafb965b09c}" />
        <name lang="en">Arrows</name>
    <informations>Created using dxf2elmt!</informations>
        <polygon x1="143.090474" y1="-250.418834" x2="136.739192" y2="-242.452654" x3="139.746475" y3="-242.452654" x4="139.74493" y4="-218.55257" x5="143.092019" y5="-218.55257" closed="false" antialias="false" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:thin;filling:none;color:black" />
        <polygon x1="144.367876" y1="-232.490765" x2="150.717614" y2="-240.456945" x3="147.711876" y3="-240.456945" x4="147.711876" y4="-250.418918" x5="144.363242" y5="-250.418918" closed="false" antialias="false" style="line-style:normal;line-weight:thin;filling:none;color:black" />

In summary, it can be said that the order of the parameters is decisive for the original code.
With Vadoola's code, the call in QET would have to be adapted.

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

about "closed=true" or "closed=false"

when I look at the dxf-documentation there is a flag with POLYLINEs and LWPOLYLINEs that declares closed or not with groupcode 70:
https://help.autodesk.com/view/OARX/202 … F04D757A50
(sorry, it's German language)

in the dxf-file "Arrows.dxf" (see previous post) from line 2682 I find this:


and similar from line 2724 for the other lwpolyline.

When I change the entries "70  1"  to "70   0" the polygons are shown open in LibreCAD.
I therefore think that it should be possible to be implemented in dxf2elmt...  nomicons/wink

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Arrows_closed.dxf 16.22 kb, 38 downloads since 2024-08-30 

Attachment icon Arrows_open.dxf 16.22 kb, 39 downloads since 2024-08-30 

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

Hallo plc-user hello vadoola,

thanks for --release arguments I don't remember it.

Source code for launch dxf2elmt:
https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aqele … ;type=code

@vadoola: FYI a little video howto use previous dxf2elmt in GUI QET element editor.


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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

the commandline for dxf2elmt is put together here:
https://github.com/qelectrotech/qelectr … mt.cpp#L42

<pathToBinary>dxf2elmt <dxf-file> -v

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68 (edited by plc-user 2024-08-30 08:35:34)

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

In a deep subdirectory, from the compiled result I find the file "entities.rs" with (among other things) this content:

impl LwPolyline {
    pub fn get_is_closed(&self) -> bool {
        self.flags & 1 != 0
    pub fn set_is_closed(&mut self, val: bool) {
        if val {
            self.flags |= 1;
        else {
            self.flags &= !1;
    pub fn get_is_pline_gen(&self) -> bool {
        self.flags & 128 != 0
    pub fn set_is_pline_gen(&mut self, val: bool) {
        if val {
            self.flags |= 128;
        else {
            self.flags &= !128;

So the information, if a polyline is closed or not, is already available in the code ... somewhere.
But with NO knowledge of rust and the internals of dxf2elmt it's hard for me ...  nomicons/wink

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

For use dxf2elmt vadoola fork in QET element editor GUI this need this add an little change in QET source code to launch new dxf2elmt:

--- sources/dxf/dxftoelmt.cpp
+++ sources/dxf/dxftoelmt.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ QByteArray dxfToElmt(const QString &file_path)
     QProcess process_;
     const QString program{dxf2ElmtBinaryPath()};
-    const QStringList arguments{file_path, QStringLiteral("-v")};
+    const QStringList arguments{file_path, QStringLiteral("-i"), QStringLiteral("-v")};
     process_.start(program, arguments);

@vadoola: For use new dxf2elmt in GUI you just to add -i arguments by default in your code, it's can break CLi I think.
Users can try out the original or your fork without modifying the code in the QET program.

./dxf2elmt -i  572211_CMMS-ST-C8-7-G2_right.dxf
572211_CMMS-ST-C8-7-G2_right.elmt was created...
Now converting 572211_CMMS-ST-C8-7-G2_right.dxf...


At first glance, there's no difference - both do a remarkable job.


Then you'd have to test DXFs that didn't work with the old converter to see if they work better with the new one?

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

plc-user wrote:

So the information, if a polyline is closed or not, is already available in the code ... somewhere.
But with NO knowledge of rust and the internals of dxf2elmt it's hard for me ...  nomicons/wink

Please try with the modified code from the attachment.
It seems to be working that the "closed-Flag" is read correctly...   nomicons/smile

Post's attachments

Attachment icon lwpolyline.rs 1.03 kb, 43 downloads since 2024-08-30 

Attachment icon polyline.rs 1.26 kb, 42 downloads since 2024-08-30 

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

plc-user wrote:

In summary, it can be said that the order of the parameters is decisive for the original code.
With Vadoola's code, the call in QET would have to be adapted.

I looks like the last release and binary are dated 2022-07-21, but there was a commit on 2022-07-22 where Antonioaja switched from manually parsing command line arguments to using the clap argument parsing crate. I imagine that's where this discrepancy is coming from. I'll see what I can do to correct this. Probably no reason to update how QElectrotech is calling dxf2elmt if I can resolve the difference.


Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

plc-user wrote:

When I change the entries "70  1"  to "70   0" the polygons are shown open in LibreCAD.
I therefore think that it should be possible to be implemented in dxf2elmt...  nomicons/wink

Thanks this gives me a place to start looking.

73 (edited by plc-user 2024-08-30 10:42:32)

Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

vadoola wrote:

Thanks this gives me a place to start looking.

Maybe just look at this post: nomicons/wink
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 299#p20299

The compiler shows no warnings or errors and the result works for my example-files.

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Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

plc-user wrote:

In a deep subdirectory, from the compiled result I find the file "entities.rs" with (among other things) this content

Perfect you pointed me to exactly what I need, since the info is already there it's a simple 2 line fix putting the correct info int he XML instead of having it hard coded to true or false. So far I've only tested it on the arrow.dxf you provided and the 4_inlet.dxf scorpio810 provided in this thread https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2265 that caused Antonioaja to change it from closed=true to closed=false. But it works well and correctly handles both of them, as can be seen int he 2 attached elmt files.

plc-user wrote:

At first glance, there's no difference - both do a remarkable job.

As my changes so far have been a some simple organizational changes, and updating some dependencies, I wouldn't expect there to be much if any difference. Hopefully going forward as I try to add some more features I won't break anything.

plc-user wrote:

Maybe just look at this post: nomicons/wink
https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopi … 299#p20299.

Just saw that after already fixing it on my end. I pretty much did the same thing, except instead of using

if self.flags & 1 == 0 {

I used

if !self.get_is_closed() {

Same result in the end.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 4_inlet.elmt 157.36 kb, 43 downloads since 2024-08-30 

Attachment icon Arrows.elmt 917 b, 34 downloads since 2024-08-30 


Re: New .dxf to .elmt Conversion Program

antonioaja wrote:
Joshua wrote:

Is it possible to add an argument to your program for instead of write in a .elmt file, return the xml (string) in the stdout ?
If yes, I can use your program trought qelectrotech to import a dxf directly inside the element editor ? You will make a lot of happy user nomicons/smile


Version 0.3.0 is available on my github. You can use the argument "-v" to return the xml string instead of creating a .elmt file.

Verbose output now works with "-v" argument
https://github.com/qelectrotech/dxf2elm … 5b065685a1

Strangely, I don't see this argument now in the last code any more like you

I looks like the last release and binary are dated 2022-07-21, but there was a commit on 2022-07-22 where Antonioaja switched from manually parsing command line arguments to using the clap argument parsing crate. I imagine that's where this discrepancy is coming from. I'll see what I can do to correct this. Probably no reason to update how QElectrotech is calling dxf2elmt if I can resolve the difference.

Maybe ?
    // Create output file for .elmt
-  let mut out_file = file_writer::create_file(verbose_output, file_name);
+ let mut out_file = file_writer::create_file(verbose_output, info, file_name);

-    if !verbose_output {
+   if info {

-    } else {
+   } else if verbose_output{
https://github.com/qelectrotech/dxf2elm … b31a9abd77

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