1. An annoying issue is that by activating the secondary colour in a new projects settings, it cannot be deactivated later in the project. The secondary colour has to be deactivated with every connection made between elements. Is there a way to change the setting in an existing project that disables the secondary colour?

2. Another irritating issue is that the elements connect with others elements automatically. Once elements are connected, the element should keep the connections with it, but not connect to other elements automatically on its own. The moment an element is moved, it connects with others automatically. This behaviour is erratic and not useful. Can it be de-activated?

3. Using the newest version since yesterday. Like in the previous version 0.6.r5256, QET often crashes. Attached PDF is a Crash Report. Hope it helps.

System:MacOS 10.13.6. QET: qelectrotech 0.60 r5256.dmg

I see you have the source code available.

I will try to compile on my system. See if it helps.

Do I have to use Qt 4.4 library, or can I also install Qt 4.8 library for the compile?

I see that the documents to compile mentions:

  • qelectrotech-0.2.tar.gz

  • qelectrotech-trunk.tar.gz

  • qelectrotech-0.3.tar.gz

Is the source for qelectrotech 0.70-dev r5449.tar.gz also available?

@QElectroTech Team:

Getting used to the QElectroTech app. It is quite versatile.

Using Version 0.70-dev r5437 on MacOS. With this version the mouse activates connections below the selected elements but not allow selection of the element itself (very erratic. An application re-start is required to be able to select the elements again.

I'd rather stick to the original version I started with - V 0.70-dev r5449. Setting automatic saving every minute to keep the edits as far as possible, in case it crashes. In a pop-up Box, MacOS prompts for a restart or cancel with one click after a crash. If restarted, the QElectroTech app opens a backup copy when it is restarted. The interrupting restarts are a pain in the ass, but it works for about 15-30 minutes in-between.

Hope you find the culprit that makes the app crash. I already have a crash report for Versions V 0.70-dev r5444 and V 0.70-dev r5437. I will make a crash report for V 0.70-dev r5449 when it crashes again.
If you can use the crash reports, i can send them to you.

Please let me know if you have a new version ready.

Versions r5449 and r5444 crashes every now and then. I have a crash report made by MacOS if you need.
Going to try version r5437 now.


Well, if I need to give feedback, I will. When I have time, I can also do some Beta-Testing if you like. I am no programmer - did Ritchie's Ansi C for 25 years and now only use Bash Scripting.

I mostly use CentOS Server, OSX and now MacOS. I use Win only in VMWare or VirtualBox. MacOS runs well in VMWare Fusion as well. I have older Mac OSX Versions as Guests on my MacBookPro for testing things that may kill the OS. On MacOS two packages that makes the use of a Mac just as easy as Linux is HomeBrew and MacPorts (supply's 99% Linux commands on Mac).

Thanx for the quick replies.


Would be a great help if it could be put in the roadmap soon nomicons/smile

Pingumann wrote:

... Multiple connections ....
... Question: How can all the selected connections' conductors be edited all at the same time? It will save a heap of time.

scorpio810 Today 18:30:43

Right-click for edit selection. 

Not possible with selecting multiple connections and richt-click Edit. Edit option disappears and only first connection is selected. See attached screencapture. Hopefully it explains it better.

Great. I will try the previous version in your link.

I have used other systems before like ACAD, MicroStation, LibreCAD, and others. Naturally all software needs getting into it's workings, and QElectroTech took a day or so to get used to.
I will give a more detailed feedback later on.
I support FOSS as much as possible.
Thanx for making it OS!

Hi all,

i'm new here. Been using QElectorech a few days now. Works ok so far. Doing my first Electrical wiring diagram with it for a house renovation.

Multiple connections between connectors on for example a data bus can be selected as a group on a MacBookPro with "cmd + Left-Click". Great.

Question: How can all the selected connections' conductors be edited all at the same time? It will save a heap of time.



Been using qelectrotech for 3 days now. It works ok, but some features are still not clear.

Today it just suddenly started crashing every few minutes.

Version: QElectroTech V 0.70-dev r5449
Kompiliert: CLANG 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2) - built with Qt 5.11.1 - run with Qt 5.11.1 using 8 thread(s)p.

Using it on UK English Local environment MacBookPro with German as GUI language. Don't know if it will make a difference.