1. An annoying issue is that by activating the secondary colour in a new projects settings, it cannot be deactivated later in the project. The secondary colour has to be deactivated with every connection made between elements. Is there a way to change the setting in an existing project that disables the secondary colour?
2. Another irritating issue is that the elements connect with others elements automatically. Once elements are connected, the element should keep the connections with it, but not connect to other elements automatically on its own. The moment an element is moved, it connects with others automatically. This behaviour is erratic and not useful. Can it be de-activated?
3. Using the newest version since yesterday. Like in the previous version 0.6.r5256, QET often crashes. Attached PDF is a Crash Report. Hope it helps.
System:MacOS 10.13.6. QET: qelectrotech 0.60 r5256.dmg