thank you @scorpio810, solved by disable ClangCodeModel

Hi all,

after install ubuntu 20.04LTS i install qtcreator

sudo apt-get install qtcreator git libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5widgetsaddons-dev libqt5svg5-dev libkf5arcive-dev

compile successfully but there are warnings everywhere do I miss something?

just founded

yes i am,
I am using
Qt Creator 3.5.1 (opensource)
Based on Qt 5.5.1 (MSVC 2013, 32bit)
On Windows 7

scorpio810 thank you for correction,
but i am not yet understand, if we look at diagram closely there are no difference when we set conductor size to 0.2 and 0.8

Center cross junction ellipse

I wan to add ability to change conductor size less than 1 and have edit some source (diff. attached), but when i set conductor size set to 0.2, 0.4, or 0.6 it always displayed equally tiny.

am i miss any required code to edit?

Just tried rev:3426
Comment unlinked master element to slave disappear affter we open saved diagram.

Ok, I'll try to find my problem,
thank you for kind attention.

Dialog box: Element Properties on Ubuntu 14.04 Element Comment displayed properly but not displayed in Windows 7.
Thank you.

Thank you

Hi scorpio810,
Thank you for answere,

I set 9S1 as master, sometime i need to add auxiliary contact to 9S1. i need comment to it, but when i enable comment 9K1 comment overlaping by 9S1 comment.

It is easy when 9K1 (master & slave) located at the same page, but it is difficult to remember and recheck when 9K1, 9K2, 9K3 (master & slave) located at differrent page.
When we work with more than 80 relay and contactor (master & slave). add comment at slave contact will helpfull to us when we want to recheck diagram. 

Dialog box [Element Properties -> Cress reference]: add comment affter label will help us to ensure that we have chose the right slave without jump to master element located (just to read master element comment).

Thank you,

Hi All,
I have tested QElectroTech with little bit more diagram and meet many difficulties,
may i request to add comment as creenshot attached?
Thank you,