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Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post


Les topics de cette catégorie correspondent aux news affichées sur le site, ce qui permet de commenter le contenu des news et d'en débattre.

FR : Aide, suggestions, discussions, ...

Discussions sur le logiciel QElectroTech lui-même : demande d'aide, échanges d'éléments et de conseils, remerciements et insultes, doléances et suggestions, etc.

EN : Help, suggestions, discussions, ...

Discussions on the QElectroTech software itself: request for assistance, exchange of elements and tips, thanks and insults, complaints and suggestions, etc.

DE : Hilfe, Vorschläge, Unterhaltungen...

Gespräche über die QElectroTech Software: Anfragen zur Hilfe, Austausch von Bauteilen und Ratschlägen, Danksagungen und Beschwerden, Verbesserungen und Vorschläge, usw.


Here you can share items that are missing from the collection, which you have designed with the greatest care and in accordance with the manufacturer's documentation.


Force renumber all items (autonumbering) , Scalable cabinet layout, and other scripts, etc.

Terminal block generator

Python plugin for generate terminal blocks.

Videos howto

Videos found on Youtube in various languages.

Platform-specific problems, Windows, Linux, macOS...

Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post

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Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post

M. Bricolage

Discussions entre amateurs de bricolages touchant à l'électricité.

Le petit monde de la scolarité

Discussions entre lycéens et étudiants des filières électrotechniques.

Chez nous les Pros

Discussions entre professionnels de l'électricité.

Bar Fourre-tout

Discussions entre tout le monde sur tous les sujets.

DXF import/export

Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post


Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post


Compile and programming on Win, Linux, macOS..

  • 73 topics
  • 1,070 posts
  • Last post: Today 16:07:11 by Integrated-Circuit

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  • Total number of registered users: 3,401
  • Newest registered user: savilear
  • Total number of topics: 2,721
  • Total number of posts: 20,158

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