1 (edited by Nuri 2015-01-26 15:55:42)

Topic: Refonte de la collection officielle d'éléments

Bonjour à tous,

je viens de finir la refonte (+ traduction en allemand) de la collection officielle d'éléments et tiens à vous la soumettre pour tests et appréciations.

Pour de plus amples détails, voir le fichier "présentation.pdf" en annexe.

Pour tester la nouvelle collection en tant que "collection utilisateur", télécharger l'archive "elements.7z" et la décomprimer.
Sous Linux, placer le dossier "elements" dans /home/[username]/.qet
Sous Windows, j'en sais rien ! voir le topic :
Sous Mac OS X, j'en sais rien non plus mais cela ne doit pas être très différent de Linux, non ?!?
Evidemment, n'oubliez pas de sauvegarder ou de renommer votre propre collection utilisateur avant de faire ces manips.

Au plaisir de vous lire...

Post's attachments

Attachment icon présentation.pdf 114.08 kb, 553 downloads since 2015-01-26 

Re: Refonte de la collection officielle d'éléments

et voici la collection en attache.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon elements.7z 666.73 kb, 1912 downloads since 2015-01-26 

Re: Refonte de la collection officielle d'éléments


Sous Windows:
Avec l'installateur c'est  c:\utilisateurs\ton nom\AppData\Roaming\qet
Avec la ReadyToUse dans le répertoire conf/

nous attendons vos remarques, mais pas trop longtemps.
Si pas d'avis négatif, d'ici une semaine voir moins, je bascule sur la collection revu par Nuri pour laisser un peu de temps aux traducteurs pour compléter les manques éventuels, avant la sortie de la 0.4.

Nuri: remarquable travail, et aussi très pénible, je suis bien placé pour le reconnaître.
Bravo et merci, mais tu le savais déjà. nomicons/smile

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Refonte de la collection officielle d'éléments

Voila, c'est dans le trunk rev 3643.

2282 elements dans 373 categories (soit 2655 fichiers)

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Refonte de la collection officielle d'éléments

Google translate

Page 1
Redesign of the official collection of items
Nuri (designer / illustrator Freelance electrical equipment in Germany)
- (None)
1 Goals of the overhaul
The current official collection QElectroTech contains a total of just under 3000
elements. This is beginning to be a significant number.
The elements are very different in nature because they cover also needs
different: circuit breakers, hydraulic tanks, Schema cartridges ...
Since its inception, the official collection has been enriched by many elements created
by users and contributors QElectroTech.
The format 'element' in xml QElectroTech is one of his greatest strengths because with this
format, you can actually create anything you might need. But this strength
can become a weakness if too many directories in the collection gradually become
the "thickets all".
Today, it seems pretty obvious - especially for the one who takes his first steps with
QElectroTech - the official collection needs a good overhaul.
So I made this redesign by having aims to:
• reorganize directories to find more easily and intuitively what is
looking (and depending on what one wants to do)
• reorganize directories to facilitate the integration of new elements
• avoid dispersion of similar elements having the same functions
• avoid creating duplicates
Version 1.0
Page 2
2 List of work
The current official collection QElectroTech was the basis for the development of the new
collection. Here is the list of the work that is carried out:
• Prior to a discussion on the relevance of the new categories
• prior to reorder and reclassify items, a new structure was
proposed to Team QElectroTech who endorsed
• all directories have been renamed in English
• "qet_directory" file contains the translation of category names.
This was performed at least 3 languages: English, French and German.
Depending on what could be used in the current collection, translation
is sometimes in other languages
• almost all elements representing electrical symbols have been translated
German (over 95%)
• some elements of French descriptions were improved (the break
characters, accents, singular / plural ...)
• all elements representing real equipment manufacturer (eg. Dimmer
Brand X frequency) were isolated in a directory devoted to this type
• few - but very few - duplicates were deleted
Finally, the list of work that I avoided to:
• no new items have been added
• nothing has changed: neither the file name .elmt or xml element (in
except the translation part of the XML, of course!)
3 Rules for the new structure
In the end, I hope I have done a job that was worth it! If this new
structuring was to become the new official collection, then, for its durability, I
offers compliance with these rules:
Version 1.0
level of structuring is done according
the type of patterns that we want to achieve
Page 3
Even if the number of non-electric elements (hydraulic, pneumatic ...) is quite
large and QElectroTech also allows the development of other schemes
and electro, particular attention was paid to the "Electric" category.
Thus, this class is structured this way:
Some important additional remarks:
Version 1.0
Strict separation between the symbolism
stranded and single-wire symbolism
Category devoted to standardized symbols
Type ANSI (North American standards).
For now, there is little evidence but
could change in the future
Category devoted to items that are not
not symbols for electrical diagrams
(Typically graphics without
connection terminal for driver)
And since were needed, this is the one and
single catch-all category for
the "Electric"
Category devoted to device components
builder, sorted by manufacturer name
These categories contain only elements representing
IEC (International) and ANSI (North American)
These categories should not grow indefinitely as they
are well filled and the number of standard symbols
existing is limited.
Ideally, the items in this category should be
appointed according to the manufacturer's item number (only the
English translation should be filled in xml
the element).
This category is intended to grow "indefinitely" in
based manufacturers of items made by arrivals

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Refonte de la collection officielle d'éléments

Petite faute d'orthographe pour le dossier : Relais, contacteurs et contacts
contacts ne prend pas de "e" .

Post's attachments

Capture du 2015-01-30 09:36:34.png, 23.11 kb, 396 x 228
Capture du 2015-01-30 09:36:34.png 23.11 kb, 489 downloads since 2015-01-30 

Re: Refonte de la collection officielle d'éléments

Corrigé. nomicons/smile

"Le jour où tu découvres le Libre, tu sais que tu ne pourras jamais plus revenir en arrière..."

Re: Refonte de la collection officielle d'éléments

nuri thank you very much, makes it a lot simpler.
Will try to make dutch language as soon as possible.

paul deelen

9 (edited by Nuri 2015-01-30 18:01:47)

Re: Refonte de la collection officielle d'éléments

Hi Shooter,

You're welcome !

You will have a lot of fun with the translation of almost all of the "qet_directory" ;-)