Topic: Text centering in drawing text editor


Now there may be an easy answer to this question (I hope) but I cannot get text to obey centering in the text editor for the normal drawing workspace.

I have tried both CSS and HTML, which the editor observes, however does not translate to the text field on the drawing.

Is there a way to center multiple lines of text in a text box? The next option might be to create an HTML table but that's a lot of effort to get centered text.

See attached screenshot for example.


Post's attachments

QElectroCenter.PNG, 12.33 kb, 497 x 396
QElectroCenter.PNG 12.33 kb, 5 downloads since 2024-10-18 

Re: Text centering in drawing text editor

Sorry - forgot to mention in case this info is also important.

QElectroTech V 0.90+c7891bc4cb0a58100c957a06d79751d3
Compilation : GCC 11.3.0

Re: Text centering in drawing text editor

The HTML support is limited by the Qt toolkit.  You might want to check for the tags and styling it supports.

Re: Text centering in drawing text editor

Why not use space to center text, no need to use avanced text editor and HTML?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon text_centering.qet 5.06 kb, 11 downloads since 2024-10-18 

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