1 (edited by mendosavic 2024-05-30 03:43:52)

Topic: Help. Element update after modification

Dear everyone, I have a problem need your help.
1. I created a element.
2. I insert this element into folio
3. I modify the element in the element editor(for example, add some text, add some terminal)
After step 3, I found the element inserted in the folio doesn't update automatically. Please help me.

Re: Help. Element update after modification

Did you use Forum-Search?
This is asked frequently...

Pull the new/reworked element on any folio of your project.
QET asks, if you want to keep both versions or replace any occurence by the new one.
(you don't have to place the new element!)
Close the project and re-open: voilá!

Connections will be kept, if the terminals are at the same positions as before!

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !

Re: Help. Element update after modification

plc-user wrote:

Did you use Forum-Search?
This is asked frequently...

Pull the new/reworked element on any folio of your project.
QET asks, if you want to keep both versions or replace any occurence by the new one.
(you don't have to place the new element!)
Close the project and re-open: voilá!

Connections will be kept, if the terminals are at the same positions as before!

Dear friend! Thank you very much. I just know QET yesterday. Thank you very much.

Re: Help. Element update after modification

plc-user wrote:

Did you use Forum-Search?
This is asked frequently...

Pull the new/reworked element on any folio of your project.
QET asks, if you want to keep both versions or replace any occurence by the new one.
(you don't have to place the new element!)
Close the project and re-open: voilá!

Connections will be kept, if the terminals are at the same positions as before!

What can I do, if QET does not ask me about replacing any occurence?
It seems that Collections is messed up, but how can I get it straight?
a) Collections->Project->Imported Elements -> Electric -> All Pole -> Transformers and supplies -> Transformers
there is red element with name "Three-phase transformer Yd"
b) Collections->Project->Imported Elements -> Electric
there is white element with name "Three-phase transformer Yd"

What I am doing:
0) I have such a transformer in my schematic.
1) Double click on the transformer in schematic -> General -> Edit element
2) Add some dynamic text fields (element information such as "Function", "Annotation" etc.)
2b) Edit -> Edit name and information about the element: I add "ver.2" to the english name.
3) Collections right click on white Transformer -> "Reload element" lets appear the "ver.2" in the name.
4) Dragging the "ver.2" into schematic lets not appear a question about replacing existing occurrence!

5) Dragging the "ver.2" from
to  folder
Collection.. Electric -> All Pole -> Transformers and supplies -> Transformers
gives me another "red" element. This time with the "ver.2" in the name.

Re: Help. Element update after modification

As I see the "imported elements" - collection:

It is not made to sort or edit the elements you use.
The "imported elements" - collection can be used to choose elements you already use in your project on other folios, without needing to search them in QET- or user-collection again.

see also this thread: https://qelectrotech.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2119

If you edit an element in you company- or user-collection, QET will ask, if you want to replace any occurrence in your project, when you pull it onto a folio.

Fragen zu QET gehören in dieses Forum und werden nicht per PM beantwortet! – Questions regarding QET belong in this forum and will NOT be answered via PM! – Les questions concernant QET doivent être posées sur ce forum et ne seront pas traitées par MP !